
the hiss for a sister similar in sound basis eyely doubtful double-full two-way definitions divine magnetizations t' beacon wit softened though seldom as sweet one offer her fleet

post in a bottle

Posting in a blog as this one is as posting a letter in a bottle, I don't care where the bottle
arrives but someone is going to read it and to pick up the bottle and to put it in the sea again.
I am Ana and I am a poet.
I write in Spanish and Swedish, my two best languages.



this should be interesting. how many miles per gallons does this blog get?

s - a - m.

yo vinnie, something for the masses


look, it's another blog:
I'll exorcise my twitch city ready eye hand coordinatrix
blueblood ramshackle salmon stucco reward on the cusp of
piscean immersion/submersion diversionary tactile amateurinary prophactile
impractical divisional suburpanal down syndrome lapdog delusional matrix
dripping dripping dripping hardening verdigrised and pigeon poop supposes what you all knowses.

mercy, it's AmeriKan Hegemony, what a sweetie!

________ kafka guy at ...


The Kafka Project

«I write differently from the way I speak, I speak differently from the way I think, I think differently from the way I should think - and so it goes on into the darkest depths of infinity»
(Letter to Ottla, July 10, 1914)

in the early days of Brim backloggin the multitudes
