A late spring breeze, a concerto of birds, some blue and red, others dun brown and yellow, trilling and chirping like hellcats. A squall of blue sky, fleece white clouds, sheep hobbled to the slaughter, life is unnecessary. A bird perched on a branch in a tree, the branch breaks, the bird plunges to its death. The chirping and trilling stops, birds are surplus, not worth the bother. The man in the hat thinks to himself, to no one, a bird, a cat, a hellcat, all surplus, superabundant, inessential, whether blue, red, dun brown or yellow, not one iota. Birds, he suggests to himself, alone, are devilfish, devilfish with wings and tiny clawed feet. Not even worth the bother of eating, broiling, skillet fried with bacon fat and the green, greenest shallots. A Styrofoam white moon, a fat yellow jaundice whore with fencepost teeth and tiny misshapen feet. Life is unnecessary, a waste of all that energy and good manners.

When out walking one day, something the man in the hat did sparingly, he saw a three-legged dog striking its way along the pavement. He let it be, feeling that it was an alms-dog, and should be left to its own discommode and beggary. Some dogs are just not worth the bother. Perhaps, he thought, if I were to catch it a bird, trampling it with the soles of my boots until dead, I could offer it up to the dog, a small benefaction of my own sympathy and selfsameness. The three-legged dog, so he felt, would eat the bird with great relish, teeth clacking, a white slaver frothing its snout. One-eyed dogs mange with feces, lynch tongues cirrhotic with fester and blain; he saw them everywhere, always. Perhaps, he thought, it was his own jaundice eye, a sightlessness that saw only the underbelly of things, dogs, humans and those straggled at the bottom rung of the ladder. The prison that exists within, as some suggest, is a lie, prisons are outward projections, social codes and mores, not bad genes or defective willing. Life is a random series of reoccurring events, many of which we have no control over, a psychotic repetition, duplicitous chicanery. He thought, the man in the hat did, that killing, dressing and eating a dog, one that had no chance of making a go of it, was a blessing for the dog, a way out of a life of repetition and meaningless abjection. The man in the hat, so he felt, was the patron saint of dogs, their benefactor, their profane Jehovah. He relieved them of their suffering, the mange and scourge of their lives’, ransoming them to a world of bounteous food, vast meadows and trampled sedge.

Things, the world of facts, are growing greener, olive drab, emerald, yellow-green, verdant, leafy, an iron oxide greenness. As long as greenness contains itself to nature, to trees and bushes, grasses and flowers, the man in the hat is content, as content as a discontented man can hope to be. Not gangrenous or purulent with ulcers, not fetid green, the augury of rotting and death, but a natural, macrocosmic green, a green that invites wonder and joy. A burgeoning greenness, an elephant frond green, petiole green, a lush forested green, a blissful enchanted greenness that enraptures the eye. Green upon greenness green, green.

Tungsten steel molded to fit round felon bone, a leg gone palsied and numb, deadened, insensate, a drag anchor shoehorned into place with a podiatrist’s speculum. He saw, the man in the hat did, a person tormenting himself down the sidewalk, the demilitarize zone, polder-stepping like a staggered calf. His mother, thought the man in the hat, probably took some antidote, a pillory to ward off vomiting and nausea, a parturition antitoxin. Caudal tails and miserly legs, wee stumps and hogs feet, dwarfed arms, his mother’s retching assuaged and corrected. He remembers a little girl from his childhood who had a hearing box strapped to her chest, an armamentarium of wires and coaxial cables, like spider’s legs, cinched round her back, held in place with a leather halter. A droning staccato, like bees hitting a windshield, emanating from her chest, a cybernetic ritornelle she controlled with toggle switch attached to the front of the box. The girl with the hearing box strapped to her chest heard no birds warbling, no children squealing with delight, tiny feet carrying them across paddocks shimmering with summer rain. She didn’t hear the cars whizzing past, tires fluting gravel onto the neighbor’s front lawns, lawnmowers spitting out stones and cog pins sheared through to white metal. All she heard was a low murmur, vibrations bouncing off her chest, straps caught in clothing too big for someone so small and inelegant. Perhaps, he thought, he could catch a tiny bird, a wren or a chickadee with frail, spidery wings, stomp it to death, panfry it with garlic, fennel and cold-pressed olive oil, wrap it in newspaper, and then offer it to her as a sign of his own empathy for her condition. Perhaps they could eat it together, perhaps on a picnic bench in the park, or behind the Dominion store behind the Waymart. He could unwrap it, spreading it out on the newsprint in front of her, then offer to cut it into ribbons small enough to clutch in her tiny nail-bitten hands. All things were possible, but very few permitted. Those few things that were allowed, tended to be so miniscule and farthing that it wasn’t worth the bother of pursing them even were they placed in the upturned palm of one’s hand. The false impressions that reality left him with, forced the man in the hat to find other ways to make sense of what was so senseless and illusory. Trying to line up what one saw, experienced, felt and heard, was a lesson in the non-receptivity of his mind, his failure to stitch together the material, the phenomenal, with the categories and representations in his head. He allowed himself very little, and those few things he did, sparingly.


me anything you want, berlin
without, font bold, cryptic
nothing, real sun, business
papers, why not just leave
the files inside the
computer, art that is hard
on the eye, beauty
politics, solid gold ass,
hot literature, wearing
arbitrary, string tied,
line tied, nilear poetry,
famous ass, not wearing,
face, a frame empty,





blogging about chapbooks

hi, just wanted to mention that I have a new blog up dealing with chapbooks, the most underappreciated aspect of publishing. Nearly everyone starts their writing careers in this format and yet it garners little attention.

so, I am changed that a bit

give a look if you like, if you have a chapbook that you would like me to write about, please contact me and we will go from there.



the universe is a big place to be

employees must wash your hands
I stopped reading the signs long ago:

concrete sunrise
fuming poverty rises over the city
cycling will keep my butt firm
rather ripped sleeping around
rats as big as cats blowing reeds
a long time has nothing to wait for.

this is a traffic calming zone
all equations roll over
all immersions spill water
lick the silence.

ayahuasca lick me
feel my 90 billion years.

pirate kiss. sweetness. jealous
brutal tongues. last swollen thrust
in the atm. depleted account karma.
money disease. $20 will the edge
of reincarnate. broken sidewalk. urban rage.
street milk rising. sour. fiendish rewards.
paranoid. one last kiss. deceived. accused.
unbroken. kill the atm. $280 for murder.
fraud mist rising. last kissed sealed. madness
holy. poetic justice. poetic fangs snarled.bitter harvest

(written inside hate 2006)
Billy Jno Hope

Hidden Worlds All Welcome

Peanaut Buttore Pinocchioni

Somatothont eruges
fluted tapering enclosed
plasma nymphs

that is the voice of a cell
the blurred robotic chandilier "lichtenthronofut"
slides into the hive plane of voices

some symbiontic hiwaymen
are grumbling near the pines
narrative catastrop the fungus centaur drone
I push three needles through its eye
to collapse the hiwaymen horning out
along the cranial analog vector
that is stage head
that is red egg shell murder scene
with F. Rops playing Fantomas
in silken black lichen tricorn
and trilobyte form gelatin larvae mask
colloidal to microfiligree lupin network


Long ago, when the man in the hat was younger, a boy, he was prescribed a therapy of drugs to curb his appetite for running round aimlessly in circles. He did so, darting in and out and around objects, many of which we put in his way to prevent him from whetting his appetite for running in circles, his tongue slapping the side of is face, his eyes tightly closed. He claimed that running in circles made him feel at ease, lessening the horrible anxiety that he was prone to and experienced without end day in and day out. His parents, under the doctor’s supervision, decided that wearing a hat (not a straw cowboy hat with a drawstring around the chin, or a sharp sounding whistle, but a man’s hat) might stop their son from his frenzied running in circles. Thus began the man in the hat’s disposition for wearing a hat, long after his running in circles had stopped. It might be suggested, perhaps, that there is a connection to be drawn between wearing a hat, one inappropriate for a young boy, and the eating of dog meat in later life. I see no reason why this might not be the case, given the vagaries of life and the backwardness of psychiatry and insipidly bad parenting. A gestalt of images, some half, others mixed together to form a montage of likeness and facsimiles of likeness’, combined to confuse and addle the child in the hat. A partnership between a child’s building blocks and a shaman’s trickery, a slight of hand done in the open. The man in the hat, seeing no viable way out of the dupery at hand, simply gave into the therapy, learning in the process to disassociate reality from thought, sophistry from authenticity, sorcery from truthfulness. In this manner eating dog seemed neither extraordinary nor immoral, nor, for that matter, unseemly or horrifying. Meat is meat, after all, regardless of ancestry or breeding. Self-reflection, he was told, is the hallmark of humans, what differentiates a thinking thing from a reactive or non-self-conscious thing. A dog, for example, doesn’t reflect on what it is about to devour, but simply gnaws it into bite size smithereens. Eating a dog, then, is nothing more than a natural reaction to hunger, and one’s self-consciousness of that hunger. Broiled, spitted, slow-cooked over an open fire, skewered, stir-fried or baked, it’s all the same, meat. Carnivore, omnivore, glutton or epicure, the end result is the same, satisfying the want for food.

where the bee sucks

click HERE for context

dante as recomposed by LongFelloW



“By the shores of Gitche Gumee,By the shining Big-Sea-Water,Stood the wigwam of Nokomis,Daughter of the Moon, Nokomis.Dark behind it rose the forest,Rose the black and gloomy pine-trees, Rose the firs with cones upon them;Bright before it beat the water, Beat the clear and sunny water,Beat the shining Big-Sea-Water. ”

-- from The Song Of Hiawatha , 1855

See Below for How to Make New Wine

Snagglepuss looks at his partner
the One With The Butt
Sickly Grumpy Person Hmm
I ' ve been fighting a bug
since Sunday afternoon – ish
Otter pops even Chris:
Let's bounce like the detergent
*rimshot* Dave preserved
for all time , [ snagglepuss voice
I've got the washer, the dryer,
detergent, and all that
I put hand soap in the washer
instead of dish detergent
why wasn ' t Snagglepuss addressed
when I was a child ? Faxed Head -
The Blackened Coffin
I need to say funnier things %
Please don't molest my dish

Swell The Note Of Praise

Swell the note of praise
To the most high
Be it a God or the mighty sun on high.

Fabric Memory Box

This fabric box measures approx 7" x 7".
AND,,,,,, it took me a loooong time to make!
It is hand sewn on 6 panels.
There is a man named Abdul.

He has skin like chocolate
Smooth, rich brown, flawless
Abdul has a smile of a lover
Sweet, inviting, contagious
I want to use my teeth on him
Soft nips, nibbling, biting
Abdul has disturbing legs
Long, powerful, arousing
I want to use my hands on him
Caressing, searching, gripping
He has a voice like water
Clear, dripping, soothing
Abdul has the hips of a machine
Sturdy, evocative, energetic
He has a spirit like a disease
Infectious, durable, adaptable

Someday I will meet Abdul.

sarcastic parrots

parrots fling lunar caustic
and lithochromy
my stint amid sands and fathoms is full of
rig ruinous many bandits grant

this is not an hour for grandstanding
with slingshot
a giant stunt as tidal punish blossoms
to sigh for lavish shoggoth
and Carcosa sands

bardo of thwarting
parody a hollow building a turn wrong
into mud
what lithochromy now as rain gray
unspools Carcosa satsang

sloop drift crystal rhomboid shirk
parrots my cargo
constancy who appall this pillar
of oolong
ghost gallop word with whirling oolong wispy

apricot and viridian norstrilgia
thousandly rainlight storying sands
cross sarcastic Carcosa

lEOPOLD and bLUM7*

A blue-quail morning, grey perhaps, oilseed, peroxide, mercurochrome scabbed over knees, brindle, puck black. I slept the sleep of the devilish, a bromide without a watershed, a crumpet without the butter-lard and pot-marmalade. Now I will pull a rarebit from the trumpet of my ass, a blaring, sonorous Dantean annunciation issuing from the scullery of my rectos. Gods’ morning to you all, rat’s asses and halyards cinched taut around Leopold and Blum. Molly’s skivvies hung out to dry, commode paper, Sears and Roan-buck, a kidney surd skillet-fried with onions and compote of barley. Daylight craving time, so much to get done, assonance, bad grammar and syntactical patricide.

a little tribute to hanna hoch

when the boy....c ame home a t ....

When the Boy

came home that night
he found

( a close friend, close 'an you can imagine, to Jill and Fanny ,
of fictive closets, and terribilitas of jewels,
managed his squalor,
squall of open ocean cups)

he Saw
Sade-Pasoliniby Roland Barthes
"Salò does not please fascists. On another side, since Sade has become for some of us a kind of precious patrimony, many cry out: Sade has nothing to do with fascism! Finally, the remainder, neither fascist nor Sadean, have an immutable and convenient doctrine that finds Sade boring. Pasolini's film therefore can win no one's adherence. However, quite obviously, it hits us somewhere. Where?"


A Mad DreamPier Paolo Pasolini's own notes on Salò

"This film is a cinematographic transposition of Sade's novel The 120 Days of Sodom. I should like to say that I have been absolutely faithful to the psychology of the characters and their actions, and that I have added nothing of my own. Even the structure of the story line is identical, although obviously it is very synthetised. To make this synthesis I resorted to an idea Sade certainly had in mind - Dante's Inferno. I was thus able to reduce in a Dantesque way certain deeds, certain speeches, certain days from the whole immense catalogue of Sade. There is a kind of 'Anti-Inferno' (the Antechamber of Hell) followed by three infernal 'Circles': 'The Circle of Madness'; 'The Circle of Shit', and 'The Circle of Blood'. Consequently, the Story-Tellers who, in Sade's novel, are four, are three in my film, the fourth having become a virtuoso - she accompanies the tales of the three others on the piano."

Feeling this the similar as Bill Mousoulis

Inferno (but Dante bit back, Ananke) (as her father Nietzsche "A Film for everyone and no one) (a schizo nun & no un[e]) or (Nemesis_tragicomedie)

"Pasolini took a risk with Salò, and, for that, we "must" love him...." Must? when ever anyone says must,,, I reach for her butterfly napkin...

_____________________ say it in Broke [n][s] English [s]


Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vitami ritrovai per una selva oscuraché la diritta via era Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vitami ritrovai per una selva oscuraché la diritta via era smarrita. Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vitami ritrovai per una selva oscuraché la diritta via era smarrita._____Dante _______________
Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vitami ritrovai per una selva oscuraché la diritta via era smarrita. Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vitami ritrovai per una selva oscuraché la diritta via era smarrita. Smarrita smarrita ...
so more amore were the tears

Ahi quanto a dir qual era è cosa dura
esta selva selvaggia e aspra e forte
che nel pensier rinova la paura!

Bitch goddess welfare wrought wonder'd how she'd tell a story so ugly and harsh, ehr jejeune furs were not so cross,
her elbows not ragged with the skirts of shit , grave, and mules.
O when thy city burns its worn out bales, O Jerusalem,
will we speak
will the Bride of the Sea bust her jaw to keep her
pillow sacred?

Tant'è amara che poco è più morte;ma per trattar del ben ch'i' vi trovai,dirò de l'altre cose ch'i' v'ho scorte.

Tant'è amara che poco è più morte;ma per trattar del ben ch'i' vi trovai,dirò de l'altre cose ch'i' v'ho scorte.

Tant'è amara che poco Tant'è amara che poco Tant'è amara che poco Tant'è amara che poco Tant'è amara che poco Tant'è amara che poco Bitter bitter is the thing bitter the lake bitter bitumen of death & reek the mid wood walk where I saunter'd perished almost of hunger and almond

I tell you mother mother pigs pigs and whores
werent much better than what I saw,
what I saw smears my face yet, smears the vision .

On the shores, Welfare wept her kids to cry,
staggering her boxes from gorged grocery stores
pig wings, fats asses, dung dumpers, irking her hawk

then Marat appears. to warn her off. it's coming honey, its coming
the big bad bloody time's coming coming the streets
strangulated with the blood, cancel yer tour to europe its
coming home to us to us to us soon to us too soon to us soon.

Shakes her head gear goddess of joy not her ass
to be whipped by fortune telling's negative event


The boy comes home

Charlotte Corday MaratSade _ et


of revolt and colour the hair lined heart

Welfare woman went t'her ruin. Tired of her cunt being worn backward, she jinxed her saw, carried the bucket to the marian wool.

Mary and Martha hugger-muggered him
concussion of the first alphabet.

In our usual bed at the end of the world
Man in Disorder!

“... I'm a free man. I'll go jump in the shit—man in disorder,” and dives into the cesspool, to be followed by bullets from the guards’ machine guns..."

Mama Uroborous finds his face ass up in the air
in the shitsticks from heaven
arse up Belly gone midriff caked in crap
Satan ass up
Wings bust
fart fend
gut plied
master flied

pukes vent
smoke groin groan
against the bitter bear.

Not your usual Sunday walk in the park
Soutine .

Io non so ben ridir com'i' v'intrai,
tant'era pien di sonno a quel punto
che la verace via abbandonai.

I justcanttell you I cant cant tell you how I got
in there there in there I was so tired
slumber cracked my head the shit flowing everywhere
scooped up in it to my nose ,
how I got there, I cant say
when I lost my way off the path
off the route the true line
of its daring , its flight



I was just now thinking about philology and Nietzsche’s inkpot, and those head seizures he was prone to, and Saint John’s Wart, a panacea for whooping, and Goethe’s Writher, the whole side of his head blown clear off, Margarita’s garden a mess of burl ends and steak tartar. I should be sleeping, counting the slaughter, the pickaxe sloughing neck and breastplate. But I am not, I am stuck thinking thoughts about philology and Nietzsche’s inkpot and seizures and Writher’s head blown clear off, and the mess it made of poor, dear Margarita’s garden, fucking thoughtless bugger. Then I thought, thought now, why it is that such men of great genius and mien loose they’re eyesight, patchy-eyes and Lucia dancing mad-footed in the Liffey, which has neither a beginning nor an end, but runs in a circle round Martello tower and Bunion’s hip.

The Crux of It

in that bit
about the nuptials

here's the secret:

their shadows
matched perfectly

The Development Of The Ear

There's someone in the pub, a whatshisname,
That told me that ears came last.

'Mouths, then eyes, then noses, then ears'.
He seems very certain,
His own ears are huge.

He told me that whatsitcalled started off plumbed
From the nose to the throat and then got diverted

'Ears, Nose and Throat',
As if by profession
He looked right into the past.

The oojimmebob came about as a chunking mistake
Some fellow didn't have any arms.

'Waving around, like a squirrel, heated.
Or wheeling and flapping
Like an injured swan'.

Read the books, by thingmebob, on evolution
And see how irrelevant the ears are.

'Nothing that can't be said
With hands and arms
And the movements of the brow.'

Just look at the structure of the stuff in there
And see how it used to be another nose or eye.

'The ear's just an accident,
Gets us into trouble with music
And up in the night like the demented.

'Ah yes,' I said
'Of course, of course,'
'You, mate, are deaf as a post.'

something that you should know

my secrets
appear on your window
when you fog the division
with your own warm breath;
            you lost yourself in their presence,
in your search for
cheekbones on sunflowers
and night blades
by the moon's chin.
impatience hummed your fears,
            and the absence you cherished
quickly dissolved.
the only way to know is

the chancellor

His back is broken and raw
His knuckles swollen and torn
His eyes fixed and cloudy
His breathing slow and steady

He is alone and cold
He is tired and drained
He is troubled and distracted
He is lethargic and still

He is a component of humanity
He is a portion of peace
He is a member of infinity
He is an element of God

stuff in the stars

expunge the phlegm
from your conscience
to absorb the stuff
in the stars

billy jno hope

Perpetua Titling MT

gua, magicode, for the love
of craft, changed from a
household economy, voodoo
chapeau, random god, flux
mechanics, random melange,
e-baby, two at zero, seismic
social upheaval, lugs trance
techno, blanks and figures,
sensitive breasts, a mere hand,
barricades and barcodes, the
first hat i don, lost and
found art, this is not an
epiphany, saint market, spot
the spots, buy blank, do your
own bidding, been to all the
sites, back on the scene, call


Immanence is pure, pure immanence, when it is unaware, has no object or subject, no object-subject. To be aware of immanence is to be un-immanent, in a state of awareness, subject to object, a participant, an agent of awareness, a being-in or being-there. Immanence is effervescent, aerated, though unaware of its effervescence and aeration. If it were, it would have an object-subject, a subject-object, an awareness of itself, of being-there, being-in, being immanent, which it cannot. Being-in something, being without-something, the same thing, pure immanence unaware of itself, of it’s immanence, it’s being-there, being-in, being object-subject, subject-object. Immanence only works, is immanent, when it is unaware of itself, as being-there, being-in, being without-being-in-there. Immanence is immanent when it is not-there, but simply thought to be-there, transcendent of the-there, the being-there, being-in-there. Otherwise, it would be aware of itself, and no longer immanent, but object-subject, subject-object, an immanence of its own immanence.


fairytell me our future.

- The adorable feeling to die.
- The pousssy which tears off.
- To add the powder.
- In fact the cars speak with the red lights.
- Rules, always love.
- Like the flowers of almond tree on sapphire.
- Sings for me in the name of the Gods.
- Discharge of passion.
- To endorse the certificate of the sins.
- The error which saves.
- The dolls do not want to become human.
- To nourish the rage.
- Hooks of the need in the heart of the children.