Cods' Tongues and Crisco

Graves are deeper around the edges, where the shovel heels into the hard topsoil, mulching grass, dirt and scrawl. His grandfather, the man in the hat’s, drove a fish truck for the Mercury Fish Company. Having one leg as he did, he double-clutched with a dowel attached to the skirt of his trousers, shifting gears with his right hand, the left one grappling with the steering wheel. The man in the hat’s father rode along with his father on a crate steeled into the floorboards next to the driver’s seat, his father’s, the man in the hat’s father, pushing the knobs of his knees hard into the dashboard, brads and screws and loose clips of metal cleaving skin from bone. Cods’ tongues and Haddock fins, and airbladders diffuse with seawater, kelp blue with the cold of the ocean floor. The fish truck swerved and coddled through the city streets, fenders cove with dents, the man in the hat’s father holding on for dear life, his knees buckling, the smell of fish, salt and starched shirts assailing his breathing, shallow and pitted, grubbing for a weal of clean air. He never once took his eyes off the road fearing if he did, that his father would careen the fish truck into a lamppost or up and over the sidewalk, taking out a shop window, the wheels spinning like dervishes, fish slather with oil and petrol.
He never did, the man in the hat’s father, like fish, or roe, or fish cakes fried in Crisco. He hated the smell of cog oil and grease, and the high frequency whine of an engine revved out of neutral, and cods’ liver and dashboards with sharp curses in the molding. He disliked truck doors that wouldn’t shut properly, and windows taped over with plastic, and the reek of his father’s sweat, his shirts starched with vinegar and Old Spice. He hated all these things, and more; a hatred that left no room for resolution or forgiveness. He hated having to drive round with his father on a crate in the Mercury fish truck, and the door that wouldn’t shut properly, and the passenger’s side window that was taped up and flapped whenever his father stomped on the gas peddle. But most of all he hated fish, and crustaceans, shrimp and crayfish, and smelts and sardines soused in oil, and the strained look on his father’s face when he over-steered and had to pull hard on the wheel to keep the truck from cobbling and careening and kilting like mad. The man in the hat’s father hated most things, but never once did he complain in public, or dress down his father for being a lousy driver. Not once, not ever.

Dear Element of Surplus

cakewalk Prince Intercontinental Chief Auditor Subtraction. audit department camera canker fest of Fund release Ordinary central boom boom Bank of Nigeria lattice work. cakewalk the letter to you, your elf, each word frightening Surprise, but take it like you own. Mr. VALDIRIM from Trade Station (lack of embryo)(user) executed contract (common) through Federal Misty Days Aviation here in Nigeria, the plant. the contract worth of button throbs your intention but the process dyed his family in earthquake. Patience, leaflet: disaster that occurred recently in (user rules) his money (mop function) must be Signed in my office. cakewalk will order the central bank of Nigeria (buzzing sound hereditary). final endorsement of his money means Nobody knows what is going. cakewalk and user two workers, this is man's formation:

  1. Contract Sum

  2. Contract number

You will act like this cakewalk will send you the whole relevant documents. in this transaction immediately you accept to co-operate with life of nouns inclusive. Send me to your:

1. private phone and fax numbers (elephant ranch sounds)

2. Name your company to start the immediate (portion).

cakewalk decided to give you 20% risk. I'm going on very soon, so cakewalk to My future area. investment in your century waiting your urgent God. bless you.


Thanks, lump sum


I dreamed I was flying a kite in an empty gymnasium except for three people.

d'un beauf au bar

"c'est quoi ces vers courts, ces petits excès d'émotions, ces petits jalons de traditions, hein c'est rien d'autre que du p'tit pain espèce de p'tit coquin va, va boire du vin et arrête de dire 'hein!' 'hein!', on dit excusez-moi on dit pardonnez-moi on dit pas hein comme un chien aboyant des heins à la lune comme un p'tit chien, t'es un chien alors ferme ta gueule ok, ferme ta p'tite gueule de chien, et ta chienne elle est où, elle fait encore chier son monde hein, hein quoi faut dire excusez-moi?!, mais pour qui tu't'prends p'tite fiotte, tu parles à ton père pas à tes tepo ou ta reum, tu parles à ton repe là, alors tu vas fermer ta p'tite gueule de p'tit con à la con, quoi je me répète? j'me répète si j'veux p'tit connard, et dire que j't'ai fait avec ta mère, j'aurais mieux fait d'me péter la gueule, au moins j'l'aurais pas monté et puis on s'rait tranquille. j'te d'mande c'est quoi ces p'tits vers courts là, hein? c'est de la poésie, mais t'y connais rien, moi j'suis poète moi, avec les collègues au France on est tous poètes nous, ouais des vrais, des vrais poètes, pas des p'tites fiottes pleines d'émotions, tu f'rais mieux d'faire moins de popo et plus de boulot. vous êtes tous des feignasses les jeunes, que des p'tites salopes et dire qu'on paye votre chomdu, quoi? vous allez payer nos retraites? bhen encore heureux p'tit connard, on vous a pas fait pour rien dit donc. va voire ta mère au lieu d'pleurer comme ça, tu'm fais honte! t'es honteux, va dans ta chambre faire tes p'tits vers de p'tite salope. voilà c'que j'lui ai dit à ce p'tit connard de fils. eh ouais les mecs, moi mon fils i'm respecte ce p'tit con, il est trop sensible, comme sa mère, puis il boit pas ce p'tit salop sait pas tenir l'alcool, pas comme son père, fume même pas même pas du shit, s'il en fumait j'pourrais lui foutre des roustes mais fume même pas ce p'tit con, fait que des vers, des p'tites saloperies pleines d'émotions il dit, pleine de conneries j'lui répondis, hahaha, il m'a dit qu'j'avais fait simple, j'ai dit quoi, tu dis qu'c'est simple c'qu'j'dis? hein, au lieu d'émotions tu ferais mieux d'aller en formation, d'aller bosser, gagner ton pain, mais ils comprennent rien ces p'tits connards, rien du tout. puis on a beau faire, z'ont aucune éducation, savent pas dire bonjour ni merci, sont indisciplinés ces p'tits cons, ça fait chier mais qu'est-ce tu veux faire René, y'a rien à faire, on est foutu, c'est le progrès, c'est le progrès qui nous a tué, c'est le progrès j'vous dis. on était mieux avant va. z'ont pas connu ces p'tits cons, c'était pas l'Amérique pour nous, c'était 68, bhen c'était pas d'la rigolade la révolution! surtout pour nous, hein les gars, qu'on balancait des pavés à la gueules de ces p'tits étudiants d'mes couilles! ha les salauds z'ont bien presque tout fait sauter ces p'tits enculés, on aurait du les enculer, à sec, c'est eux les politiques maintenant, c'est ces p'tits connards de soixante-huitards, j'vous dis, n'aurait mieux fait de les enculer en 68, au moins ç'aurait réglé le problème tout de suite. bah quoi j'parle, faut bien, Gislain, faut bien qu'j'parle, il m'reste que ça, parler, ici, avec vous, devant mon demi, j'me fais chier toute la semaine pour nourrir ce p'tit connard au chomage et sa mère, elle aussi elle pourrait bosser, j'ai été trop bon j'vous dis trop bon trop con! v'là c'que j'dis. trop bon trop con! c'est moi ça, ouais les gars c'est moi ça trop bon trop con! puis c'est que même le demi il est pas donné maintenant, mais c'est la faute à ces soixante-huitards et leur Europe à la con, et leur euro d'merde qui nous fait chier, c'est dégueulasse de faire payer 2,30 le demi, c'est des prix d'riches des prix d'riches, quoi j'me tais? tu veux que j'me taise p'tit con, toi aussi tu veux en prendre une, tu veux qu'j't'encule hein! alors ferme ta gueule avant que j't'éclate. fait moi pas chier, j'supporte plus, y'a des trucs à cinquante ans qu'on supporte plus, j'ai plus vingt ans, les p'tits cons comme toi j'supporte plus alors tu la fermes ta gueule sinon j't'éclate ok. aller va t'faire enculer. va niquer ta soeur, va sucer ton père. quoi? mais bien sur que j'dis du mal de ta famille, j't'ai dit d'aller sucer ton père alors t'attends quoi hein, aller vas-y espèce de fiotte, jeune con va, casse-toi avant que j't'en mette une "

Part Two, For Further Adventures Just Call, part 1-b

and then Fu Manchu said unto a minion, who had spilt the vial of cucuruku blossom essence, the most deadly poison known to man, you retard, look what you've done!! later, the minion feels much remorse, having to clean Fu Manchu's underwear as penance. days wear on, clean underwear a must.

without warning, Dr Petrie removes his pipe from his mouth, fishes in his pockets, removes a pack of matches from his vest, and lights his pipe. relights it, that is, dash it all. his pipe doesn't seem to draw well. not drawing well, he tells Sir Denis Nayland-Smith, to whom he is attached like Watson to Holmes. take classes, Petrie, but only after we've finally defeated this arch fiend. peering at the stem of his pipe, Petrie mutters, what's that Sir Denis? Sir Denis gestures violently. not now, Petrie, the game is afoot. look: two of his Burmese henchmen!!!

oh Reader, you are just too, too lucky to witness this action! Thou of reading ability and who can laugh at the boss of snow, you share the action words, the thing words, even those odd little ones that are hard to exchange. a title poem somewhere dies unread: that power is yours.

later, the world teetering, Tarzan wakes from a dream of elephants. Jane snore, says he as he not so gently wakens his lady wife. for Christs sake, it's Cheetah snoring, you dingbat. Jane pokes the brilliant chimp sleeping in the next hammock over. Cheetah roll over, doze again. world without end.

then Captain Element returns to the picture. and returns again. yet again, he returns to the picture. the picture is vast as vocabulary and just as tricky. the situation is pictured, with rushing sounds parked outside. terror fits the name of many places and the people in them. a cold loneliness to die on Mt Everest, or on the Arctic uselessness trying to find a real home. Captain Element and his never merrie band of practical help against the force of evil feel the lethargy of the age. the world, like, is way too much with us and all, that's the basic helpline consideration. so some writers, artists and the like have got to get cracking, wake the generation. because it's like, wow, look! Reader, really, LOOK!!!

birth of the bracket

Volkswagon Nudism

Fantasia on a theme by Thomas Tallis, or
Volkswagon, goddess of the Ante-symbolic.

makes me think of german nudism circa 1922

this is what you've been waiting for



mealworms for a king

I have in my back room
a jar of jiminies,
a slice of sarcophagus —

try this remnant
of the late Pharaoh’s
last meal.
wouldn’t you say?

walking near my house

In The Dark

I close my eyes and see them burning in the dark
human souls like blazing bonfires in the dark.

The path runs straight, it’s we who build a labyrinth
and puzzle over threads strung by us, in the dark.

No lamp or candle guides the moth tonight, I fear
like me she’s flying blind and groping in the dark.

The sun has gone, the moon is new, but we have stars
enough for us to find our way home in the dark.

I write my prayers on slips of paper, smooth them flat
and let them burn to ghostly ashes in the dark.