Skinny Jeans in Stretch



Mona , the character was shinkshank. Her philology was doctor.

Have you with you, saith Jill, my shinkshanks are shallow. Shock absorboarders for the present


we both need a place to live

we both need a place to live

when i read your words, my head Just O O O and O O O
O H Oh

Self Debt

caught a whiff of spiritual angst
thrust open
stark orgasmic vanity
rebooted my wings
for judgement age
i am suspended
in the skin of conscience
the tribunal begins
slivers of venal vapors
fragile distorted timelines
i channel deep for immortal debts
i pay the soul cost

Billy Jno Hope

The SweaterShops of My Mind

dance and
dance and sweat
dance and sweat drips
dance and sweat drips off
dance and sweat drips off of
dance and sweat drips
dance and sweaters
dance and sweaters point
dance and sweaters point at

of at I have no doubt
at of I swear off of

gobsmack back on heels
heels attack
I'm gobsmacked
rat a tat tat
get back
heels on attack

tack tack tack tack
tack tack tack tack

sweat pours off of my back
sweater attack tack
I'm back tack rat
pulled out my back rat
fuzzy sweater mind attack
get back


mercy me if it isn't America Hofstadt


from Greece

if i were you


ouragan humain
planant a travers
les rois des tours
les dieux des murs

silence au salon
ce point se meut
il est vivant
physiologie et extase

odeur de son eau
des vehicules vides
des bus pleins
des bidons d'essence

distinguer les violences
contre les choses
la terreur
contre les personnes

un objet desormais
se traine sur ma maigre figure
ca fait des elancements
de ma main putain

fume toujours une dorane
du fond des gouffres
le dol les brumes les tenebres
en imperative largesse

ondoyer les ondes bleues
la main d hiver
se chargera de fendre

close into my tongue


The Blasted Heath

What are words?
Twisted lipmarks upon wind
Fractured, fractalled orchids of the mind
That strange, shadow-illumined place.
What are words? What good?
What good the blue dance of light
In the Kreutzer, as Perlmann's fingers shape it?
What good the vanishing arc of sun over the western sea?
What good the smell of tea, the tinkling chords of spoon
Upon porcelain? What good, what good?
What good the endless evenings of aloneness
What good the search for a permanent address
In city after city, in the mind's wilderness?
What good the debates over Foucault, What good
Swiss chocolates, what good glenfiddich?
What good Prithvi and Nandan? Passolini? What good?
When this terrible ecstasy breathes its vapours into
The fabric of the evening, and joins the dots
Of absence in the sky:
Karbaala, Jerusalem, New York, Delhi, London, Mumbai, Mumbai...
Howl howl howl howl howl
Amidst the bitter waters of this evening of silence,
Amidst this litany of loss,
Amidst this perverse ceremony of bewilderment
This frayed ritual of forced forgetting, in endless encores
Howl howl howl howl howl
The fables of memory
Stifled in the throats of the
Ghosts that whirl in the dustspecks
Amongst dawnlances of sun, in
The planar intersections
Of the city beneath whose skin
All the shadow cities of the mind
Have taken root
Howl howl howl howl howl
Out dreams from the
Throats of a thousand lost
Generations, smear them upon the sky
For we, pale, dream-forged beings,
Spasms of light in this weary universe-
We are made and unmade by love.

In response to the act of terror in Mumbai on July, 11th. First published here on the Writers Against Terrorism blog. I'd urge all the writers here to contribute to it, or at least read and reflect, because impalpable things as they are, we are defined by words, and by words we define reality, and so to speak, or even to read, is an act of protest in itself.

icar asce

Recent Bumper Stickers

I'm Already Against
Chain Smoking

Death Will Take Care
Of Your Housecleaning Problems

My Other Car Is A Tube Worm.

Game for Party

Make one-eighth-inch incision connecting fang marks. Suck out venom and spit it out in container at hips.

An Umbrella is Recruiting Bombers to Derail

Also believed listed by the UN
is a Lebanese internal issue
for 5 years at the least.

A mainstream Lebanese political party,
with nine members funded and trained,
is now recognized as a legal political party
that belongs to that leader.

Demanding a prisoner exchange
for the soldiers most likely to launch
is a legal group which was created
resistant rather than terrorist.

is more ambitious
than that.


Sam finds Pox and Pox finds Sam

Sam went to Africa
To search for new diseases.

Caught a little pox
From a frog in the jungle,

Drew the rash
With coloured pencils

And plugged himself
With ancient herbs.

'I wonder,'
His mind was wandering,

'If the disease finds us
As much as we find it?'

Sam spent the rest of the year
Looking for a notebook

That was smaller
And more neatly coloured

Than his own.


Cybersex, computer sex or net sex

Margo10 a dit : Le porno est aussi dangereux que la cigarette, il donne le cancer du testicule ! Pensez aux ados ! Attention ! Du sexe au meurtre il n'y a qu'un pas !

Tofu_moisi : J'essaye de me soigner dans un centre de traitement des toxicomanies.
Les psychologues ont prit ma demande au sérieux.

600 films de sex ultra hard ! Jamais vu à la télé.

Are you dealin g with a cybersex problem ? A timeline look at the powerfull addictive mix of my ass use, and dick fantasy, pussy oil.

Des hôtesses pour dialoguer , je certifie sur l'honneur être majeur selon la loi en vigueur dans mon pays. Angélina 31 ans 93-60-97 yeux marrons cheveux châtain hetero. Elle aime les hommes de 18-25 ans musclé mais pas trop pas tapette drôles volontaires et déterminés. J'aime l'amour avec plusieurs hommes et quand la femme chevauche l'homme pour guider la pénétration. Béatrice 28 ans 88-62-92 yeux clairs cheveux blond vénitien Hetero. Sabrina 23 ans 90c-60-88 1m65 yeux marrons fausse blonde hetero. Anais 26 ans 85b-57-88 1m65 52 kg yeux bleus azurs cheveux châtain doré hetero. J'aime les mecs un peu gangster les machos balèzes fragiles un peu gamin mais pas trop de problèmes à régler avec l'enfance. J'aime la chantilly en bombe le chocolat tiède coulant le lait concentré, la crème de marron. Je m'assoie sur le sexe de mon partenaire je peux aller et venir verticalement en m'appuyant les mains et les jambes lui me soulève par les cuisses. Sylvie 36 ans 98-70-100 yeux noisette cheveux châtain bisexuelle. J'aime les hommes qui matent ma poitrine et mes rondeurs mater un couple en train de faire l'amour sans toucher juste pour se rincer l'oeil pénétration allongée sur le côté et voir le plaisir sur son visage. Laëtitia 26 ans 93B-61-90 yeux marron noisette cheveux châtain clair hetero. Je flash sur les mains je les aime carrées fermes caressantes faire l'amour dans une voiture que l'on me regarde à bout de souffle par des hommes ou des couples les râles de plaisir des des inconnus pour augmenter la violence de la jouissance. J'adore être réveillée par les caresses d'un homme, le tout allongée à plat ventre entre mes cuisses en train de me lécher de me caresser. Lost in a fantasy world porn becomes your focus and your drive. Great !

Les films de cul excitent les nanas – Venus85000 :
Ce sont souvent les coincés du cul qui posent problème, moi ça m'excite.
Bibi : j'aime pas les films hyper hard XXX. Je bloque. Je suis malade. On dirait un documentaire médical. Tu t'énerves, tu dis déshabilles toi !Bourre lui la gueule, elle demande que ça !!!!
J'aime_me_foutre_des_gods dit : Je regarde avec des copines ça nous excite. On se fout des gods dans le cul et on se lèche la chatte en les matant.
Alexa : Moi j'aime un gros vibro et quelques scenes pornos.
Arianne :J'aime le bondage-scato—violence-zoophilie.
Danielle : J'ai mal au coeur. Je me sens parfois détestée. Ca ne m'excite pas, mais j'aime voir. Je ne me reconnais pas dans ces désirs d'être déchirée défoncée sauvagement enculée traitée de salope de lécher le sexe sali. Ce que je déteste le plus c'est les éjaculations faciales. C'est un acte de domination humiliant. Aucun homme ne m'éjaculera sur le visage. Je n'ai pas peur du sperme mais je n'avale pas. Les filles qui lèchent après une pénétration anale sont répugnantes.
Folle_de_cul :J'aime deux femme en train de se lécher de s'exciter le clito avec des vibros. Je ressens une chaleur entre les cuisses. Je me doigte. Je m'excite le clito. Je me touche le bout des seins. Je suis une grosse cochonne. Les lesbiennes ça me fait mouiller grave.
Raffaëla_Anderson : les vraies scènes hard sont celles de double ou triple pénétration. Double pénétration vaginale, double anale. Les deux en même temps. Quatre types autour. La fille en levrette. Elle a du mal à respirer. Gros plan de deux minutes. La fille pleure et souffre. Elle Dort à l'hôtel ou sur le tournage. Double pénétration. Fist vaginal. Fist anal. Les deux en même temps. Une main dans le cul. Puis deux. La fille finit en larme. Pisse le sang à cause des lésions. Elle se chie dessus. Personne ne lui a dit de faire des lavements.
Autre tournage :petite blonde. Très mince. Se fait sodomiser sans préparation par un homme puis un autre et encore un autre. Le maquillage coule. Elle pleure. Des cris. Peut être de plaisir. Le troisième la secoue sur son sexe. Elle tremble de tout son corps. Ses yeux se révulsent. Fondu au noir. Plan suivant. Second enculage en série plus trois mains dans le vagin. L'homme se retire. Elle titube. Elle tombe. Une main la saisit et lui colle une bite sur le visage. Elle suce et avale tout. Les deux autres la mettent sur ses épaules et tiennent ses jambes écartées par dessus la tête. L'anus dilaté s'écarte au maximum. Il éjaculent dans le creux des fesses. Le sperme coule dans son rectum. Ange et démon- Seb et Viny. Vidéos de jeunes salopes 100 % épilées à télécharger. Site de rencontre très hot. Des milliers de sites XXX. Libertins en Week-End, pour décompresser. Ils baisent en forêt. Saviez-vous que de nombreux couples, femmes et hommes seuls se réunissent en Week-End pour baiser dans les bois ? La preuve en image. Amateur – cliquez ici ! Anal – cliquez ici ! Asiatiques – cliquez ici ! Teens – cliquez ici ! Blondes – cliquez ici ! Ejacs – cliquez ici ! Gang-bang – cliquez ici ! Gay – cliquez ici ! – cliquez ici ! Grosse – cliquez ici ! Gros seins – cliquez ici ! Lesbiennes – cliquez ici ! Live-Show – cliquez ici ! star du X – cliquez ici ! Matures – cliquez ici ! S.M.– cliquez ici ! Mangas – cliquez ici ! Blacks– cliquez ici ! Toys – cliquez ici ! Trans – cliquez ici ! Voyeurs – cliquez ici ! Gros plan sur la chatte dilatée et baveuse de Vanessa ! Michel 50 ans, avocat : SVP attachez-moi et pissez moi dessus. Lorenna 18 ans : mon anus est tellement défoncé qu'il reste tout le temps ouvert ! Eva 23 ans: mon copain me lèche pendant mes règles et aspire. Jessica 18 ans se fait enculer a sec par son prof de fac tout les Week-end. Yvette : grosse vache de 25 ans adore qu'on lui torture les seins. Miriam : étudiante en lettre se fit « examiner la vulve » par son cousin gynéco. Isabelle : 20 ans serveuse, son patron la « contrôle » régulièrement. Gros plan sur l'anus dilatée de Marie la grosse chienne. Femmes enceintes en chaleur – femmes enceintes de 8 mois se font enculer devant nos caméras. Des futurs mamans sur le point d'accoucher sucent et avalent du sperme. Des femmes enceintes perverses, incroyable, elles baisent avec n'importe qui alors qu'elles vont accoucher ! Tu veux des salopes enceintes ! Tu es bien tombé ! 100 % femmes enceintes baiseuses. Découvre enfin la perversité des femmes enceintes : lavements, dilatations et défonce anale. Viens leur défoncer la rondelle. Viens leur faire sentir la puissance de ta queue ! Viens dilater leur petit trou bien étroit ! Viens sentir le confort d'un trou du cul bien serré. Travail du cul, dilatation anale, lavement, sodomie extrême, jeunes garces sodomisées. Des salopes te montre leur trou du cul en direct. Découvre le côté sombre de leur trou du cul. La baise en groupe, elle adore. Viens voire cette pétasse se faire prendre par toutes les bites qui passent à portée de son anus ! Exclusif ! Elle se fait prendre par 453 gars ! L'écrasement douloureux des sangles serrées sur ses seins la fait mouiller. Jeune femme passionnée par le cuir et le latex, elle veut se soumettre dans les caves d'un château et y subir tout les désirs et toute les humiliations aux mains de sa maîtresse et de ses esclaves. Elle se fait souiller avec plaisir. Devenue esclave, elle se soumet à tout les sévices. Elle va morfler et jouir ! Durant leur règles elles sont encore plus vicieuses. Ces petites salopes aiment se faire sodomiser pendant leur règles. Malika fille arabe, cette fille arabe étudiante et danseuse. Je l'ai draguée à la fac et je peux vous dire que c'est une sacrée salope ! Elle aime la bite et en redemande ! Elle aime la sodomie, les éjaculations dans la bouche, les fists, les partouzes. Je l'aime et c'est pour ça que j'ai décidé de faire ce site pour vous faire partager cette petite pute. Des femmes/putes/cochonnes qui sucent et baisent avec des animaux : chevaux, chiens, cochons, ânes, serpents, etc ... Elles avalent le sperme du cheval - 1 cheval deux femmes 1 homme – bite de cheval dans la chatte - une blonde recrache de sa chatte le sperme de son cheval. Elle se fait défoncer par un jeune étalon. Une blonde taille une pipe à son berger allemand devant ses amis qui se branlent. Elle s'enfonce un poulpe dans la chatte pendant que son mari se fait prendre par un dauphin.

Moules velues – inclus :

- chattes poilues de 18 ans
- femmes matures non rasées
- Cunilingus sur chatte poilue
- chatte poilue odorante
- masturbation de chatte poilue

100 % chattes poilues.

Blacks et blondes : si tu veux voir de la bonne pute blonde se faire défoncer la chatte par un beau black bien monté, t'es au bon endroit ! Tu as envie de voir une grosse salope blonde se faire enculer à sec par un noir a grosse bite ? L'addicion est une notion équivalente à celle de dépendance, regroupant les troubles du cerveau caractérisés par le besoin insatiable de consommer des substances chimiques psycho-actives. L'adiction peut être comportementale. Le dysfonctionnement des systèmes de récompense est le pivot du phénomène de dépendance; en gros vous êtes acro.

cheree69 : J'ai 15 ans, je suis sur l'ordi de mon père. J'ai eu un tas d'expériences d'exhibition avec ma Webcam. J'ai fait des strip-teases et je suis même allée au bout avec un mec qui a éjaculé sur sa cam. Je trouve ça génial !

Maxphare :

Salut ! Je suis un homme de 32 ans, vivant à Paris. Je suis d'un bon niveau et je possède une Webcam – Souhaiterai faire une visio avec toi.

Tattoed Muslim Woman

The tattoo on her calf was a wingless butterfly.
She said, she could bear it no more, the needle
that mowed hues into her skin, and punctured
the flesh that her worried mother wanted her
to hide. But twenty-first century blood in her veins
wanted no Burka, no veil, and not even the Salwaar.

Her wingless butterfly, ever so motionless, wrinkled
like her ambitions fast, when her US returned
Professor husband imprisoned her as his wife.
The threat of divorce is a convincing lawyer,
more so when the judge and jury society
believes in your guilt, tattoed on your calf.

July 08, 2006

Scotch Kilms, Like Clamps, Have No Chimneys

You are the bottom of my rainbow
Or, I am the manure and you
doubt a free mason's Spandex

I'm not going to think
of an idea and assign it
to somebody unless
truck drivers were our
country's last cowboys

William Shatner (James T. Kirk)
last year pitched an idea
to Paramount, the downside:
diapers that burn your nose hair

What the fuck does this have to do with the
of billy bob teeth and bubba truck nuts worldwide?
I guess saying your name is Bob Dobbs
gives you a better chance

During an hour's swimming
at a municipal pool you will
ingest 1/12 liter of the Russian word
for "eeeewwww President Bush”

California just passed a law
making illegal
the German version of bowling

Vladimir Putin's soul sues
homebuilder citing urine-soaked walls:
we'll be speaking in french before you know it
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

an autumn rush

The Vampires and What They Want

For a little while, yes,
at least for a little while:
Let me live your existence.
You can be my vehicle.

Inhabit your body, yes,
at least for a little:
take your youth,
be another while.

The vampire is a creature destroys ripeness,
feeds on the body, overtakes youth.

Be another, your own.

O you’ll be my creature,
at least for a little.
O you’ll be
my velvet cape!

They have a tendency to prey on unsuspecting young:
catch the inspired youth, deplete its vehicle.

Let us live another existence.
Inhabit life that will resolve
into developed dullness,
vicarious, in a velvet cape!

Catch the inspired youth,
deplete its experiences:
everything fails to delight
damaged fantasies.

Be another, your own.
O you’ll be my velvet cape!



Our friend is a religious icon. She feels
other people ought to be 'religious' too.

She has two trees simultaneously Accessing
Nterprise Branch Office snug in her living room.

One tree illustrates your grocery list (good death)
and rules one at a time or after the bad.

If you eat of that tree, you get a buzz.
The other tree is for snacks.

Another cool thing is that there's a lot of nudity
from the waist up, which is awesome.

We just do simple, special stuff - pretty low -
for the alcoholic slushies and share this incredible stuff.

Her oeuvre, which is converted into an appealing
closeness through her attempt at wanting
nothing, is iconography at its best.

We shine custom imprinted promotional products
in the idea that a snack tree will live in this little room.

And if we die by the branch of the knowledge tree,
which presents death in both good and bad light,
we can eternally think of snack tree.
Very tasty snacks, I can tell you.

We watch reruns in the summer which are still fun
if you didn't see them already.

And she'll always tell us: abandon your church
because you don't know what to do with the ice
while you're going potty.

Let no one tell you different: gentrification
is hard work. We always look at our drinks then,
very confused about icons, but happy nonetheless.

Executioner 18


Then he

the man in black.

‘Tallyho! Tallyho!’

a hunting cry,
ice-blue eyes.

a hot war to the state
of rotten Texas
Bolan did.

emerging from the Texas midlands
wealthy state.

Bolan did not like mysteries particularly.

SnowWhite and the Seven Dwarven

Speculum, speculum, Quae in regno pulcherrima mulier est??

Oh, cara regina, non tu es...



the cluster of "windows"
are yoked
to the head's representation (Minsky's cloud of resources)

the 'agent'

attends the homunculus theory (Richard Gregory, Gilbert Ryle)

attending the homunculus itself

a complex external device, an instrument

for the dispensation of therapies and experiential augmentation vectors

ostensibly a representation

a recursional anti-recursion

an object as such, a machine

as the punctum of a greater machine

and part of a series of recursions


the instrument facilitates the production of various intermediate vectors
protoctistans with fresh organelles

genetic insertions

these occur upon an 'altar'

the 'agent' proposes an asymptotic gesture approaching 'priesthood'

the agent is not a priest, he is the manipulator of the ontology of appearences

the homunculus produces genetic augmentations as a vector of creative biomechanics

this is all quite real.

I am proposing an asymptote of religion, a cultural practice approaching religion
and never reaching it, a biontic sacralization of mindful self-modification

A "Religion" of the "Grotesque"..



"In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes."
- Andy Warhol


"As Andy Warhol said: In the future everyone will be famous for ten
- Geraldo Rivera

a play

something started
    when elbows brushed
  down that narrow street;
                            that first glance,

somewhere, behind closed doors
gold rings melted
        into liquid desire,
    soaking into a mattress
          releasing purgatory groans.

in the following silence
they wondered
                          about their fate;
        with mouths around words
      and eyes composing endings
against the silhouette of their bodies.

~ Cecilia

From Emptiness


Moving past
overcame Their eyes
theIr ears
decreasiNg pain
iS right avalokita
Same avalokita
bodhisattva overcamE
theM that
Produced origins
bodhisaTtva truth empty
empty illusioN and
Eye and not eye
Sound of empty mantra
nor perceptionS
nor interdEpendent origination
forM and not form
Themselves overcame
themselves arrIve
kNow dharmas
onE five
elementS are empty immaculate

Reviewed: Openned Reading Series, London. (thanks Cliff)


In a mildly smoky and dank cellar below Old Street`s, The Foundy,

 a cluster of uni-scenesters congregate on a night that is humid and expectant. At the front, well-lit and theatrically draped in black fabric, a poet announces, (rough translation) " a Canadian cannot find his ass with both hands." A vibe of coolness and contented smiles are shared between cigarettes and sips of water. The poet (looking like a cross between the Brazilian footballer Leonardo and a young, ragged Peter Fonda) adds, "allowing to a shortage of cocaine I turned my back on public life."


Vicious Beast

The wolf that ate the sun passes as a story from tree to sapling to nut and back to tree again. In this way the wolf mythologizes into the yesterday specter that haunts the glades and meadows, the clearings under moonlight to sparkle rippled water and shine rocks. The trees shiver closer every time clouds cover the sun. Their leaves curl. They shelter. Branches hold branches and leaves slip softly against other leaves. Their animosity toward wolves is called protection and they level their justice in the violent wind, they harbour a deep seated resentment for the wolf that stole their sun, for each and every wolf that manifests the potential of their death. The trees shudder in their self-righteous wish to abolish the forest of wolves, they hide this truth deep in their roots and only speak of it underground where the wolves can’t listen.

Memetic Bricolage


i promise
we'll laugh

A pretty Starbucks regular: glad Not to know her

She is so pretty that everytime I see her
she is with a different, happy looking face.

I am just happy to see her so often.
Since I don't know her, I don't know those happy faces.

Those happy faces are false images.
Ask their humid eyes if you want to know.
Though facts can change, depending upon the day.

In this story there are only two constants.
But we don't know each other and everytime
I see her, I think, she is so pretty that
everytime I see her, she is with a different face.

I am pleased that I don't know her.

I have no happy face masks and she wouldn't
seem so pretty if I saw her with someone I knew.

7:15 pm,
July 03, 2006

Dick Cheney Ringtones

“I like to kill birds.”

“My friend is bleeding.”

“I’m the president.”

The Ceiling Fan

The trick to all this is I have to be truthful, right?
See, I look at the fan over my head
and I think it wants to kill me. Not in that psychotic, serial way.
But slowly, with an allure and panache, a swagger. It is patient
unlike some pasts I unwillingly remember
and it will wait smiling. It will wait
for just the right moment
to turn the moon into a strobe light
and switch my heart off.

Increased Productivity

Starting from the zero that culled mountain out of plain earth and the new valley sings about the value of water going lower till it hatches life or stopping or all the bargain set in rhyme. And I set out lattice works of thinking how I'll be in the next story, away from the frigid stores of mountain lore, wishing Ken Lay well in the next downturn, presenting a bill to the latest president, dots at the end of sentences called commitment. Shall I say I am all alone, in the world, having fought the elemental, and told the rich story? Guffaw now, that was your signal. Yet where is Excellent English, who was with me, as personal as talking to someone. Where is Tundra, exactly proposed in the establishment of the specific coterie? Yeti I know is “out there”, appearing at Walmarts across this great big, getting the pulse and correcting plausibly. Oh what a tale to make, and in making, force thru the sieve. I've been down in valleys, which have been startling, and that Everest of cold and thin was short history for a long age. Did I mean that right? I survived, closed, opened, then looked. Here the findings fluffed into always wanting. The poetry resists the stamp, but doesn't go far. Streak caulk the sky. I dream as a participle. I leave a number under my pillow. The pillow has been mountainous in days, yet yields a valley for my head. Ah, my head holds the universe, which is nice, foaming with convenience. And I shall read about Lenin, here with a view of the valley. I shall, I will, and all that shit divides and divides. Thunderstorm distracts the maintenance crew, they better run for cover. I'll take some notes before.. what... stunning...

Afterwards isn't always pretty. Nepal's arithmetic and consolation prize, hefted up the mountains, dragged thru economic pictures, keys some escape pattern, negligent homicide perhaps. Graphed with even the others, almost. Residually, some sport of growth spurt imagined in a land of land, other features, and a cold way of life after all. That picture nestles into luxury, which calls itself home. I say something near that neighbourhood when I walk by, but I stop too, wondering how or if my friends got out. But it is not about me, unless I personally freeze to death perfectly, seated in the snow. That's too great a picture to ignore.

1ce nt prize

1 cent prize for 'nyone c'an fin' the ipod-cast fer BriM BrooM.

fOR kM7*

In The Murder Of It All

I saw her face
the smallness of her steps
one stolen half minute
on the steps of a church
arms track-worn
fingers scratching at the wind
she lies silently in thought
a cruel sun scoring lines in her face
softly touching the window sill
begging for morning’s brethren
to quell an ache in her arm
that never falters out of step
in the murder of it

Stir Fry Texts Homepage by Jim Andrews


just findin' this thiS findiNg a Delight a delight to find a fin
like this where word jUmp & BUmP

Stir Fry Texts Homepage by Jim Andrews


Haiku By A Middle Aged Man

Caffeine is taboo,
My ticker can't handle it.
It's been a long month.

Society's Odds And Ends

Society's odds and ends
makes for a variety
among friends.

Mardi 11 juillet

Chine : les usines chimiques explosent
et l'environnement du cerveau est exigeant
sur le recyclage des sucres au départ vitrifiés.
A Lille, les britiches font des courses sauvages
au coeur de la biogenèse du photosystème.
Roger accroche sa canne emboîtements 9,50 m,
8 éléments carbones H2 dans une ligne à haute-tension
et meurt comme son idole : Claude François.

L'autonomie des partenaires sociaux n'est rien comparé
à la terrible réalité d'une potentielle visite au planning familial :
Tu sais nous allons devenir intimes. (d'un ton décidé)
Je veux que tu sois honnête avec moi sur ton passé sexuel
et je serai honnête avec le mien. Portons un condom
et faisons l'amour sereinement.
L'homme dans sa tête :
Elle n'a pas confiance en moi.
Elle couche avec n'importe qui.
Elle veut me contrôler.
Elle menace ma virilité.
La femme :
Il m'aime. Il veut mon bien.
Il veut me protéger. Je l'aime.

Kinshasa, une manifestation est violemment réprimée
à coup de godemichés super-géants
et les protéines trouvent leurs fixations au sein du génome.

Replis des marchés technologiques, les titres cèdent 2,24 %
sur des inquiétudes concernant l'inflation de la cervelle de porc
sous injections d'antibiotiques nucléaires.
Craintes a relativiser cependant
par rapport aux européens victimes d'alopécie,
ils sont 7 sur 10 à penser que leurs cheveux
constituent une part importante de leur pouvoir de séduction.

La Chine s'oppose à toute action
qui pourrait détériorer la situation sur la péninsule coréenne
et espère que les parties concernées seront assez dilatées
pour s'introduire dans la joie et la bonne humeur.

Les occidentaux voulant écarter la menace
que l'Iran se dote de la sodomie nucléaire
ont proposés que l'Iran se dote du doigtage nucléaire à eau légère.
Le porte parole iranien a répondu :
nous n'avons pas pour habitude de parler avant d'avoir voilé nos femmes.

Bagdad :
Il faut trouver une solution,
la situation est devenue incontrôlable,
le plan de sécurité ne fonctionne pas.
La solution réside peut être dans le choix
des cercueils chêne massif 22 mm,
poignées parisiennes vieux bronze et cuvette étanche.
Et puis Ophelaie1 se demande
pourquoi aimons-nous tous Bosco ?
Parce qu'il est trop marrant et qu'elle adore son sale caractère
mais au font il est sensible et puis il est pas mal du tout.
Les neurones sont des unités entièrement distinctes
qui ne se touchent jamais. Le transfert de l'information
se fait par le biais de neurotransmetteurs
qui peuvent enregistrer ou transmettre des signaux électriques.
Tout se résume a une série de signaux électriques et biochimiques alternatifs,
les cités ghettos, les squats qui brûlent, les 27 nuits d'émeutes
et notre système désintègre tout le monde.

August, Darling

milky liquid swirls down a dry throat like a dirty sink
rough skin runs between cold hands
the sun rotting tomato plants
this summer is of bruises
as the last was of blood
hearts that quiver, creating multiple and separate beats
you talk in your sleep of secrets that you wish for me not to hear
sucking in the air in bittersweet intervals, hitting the floor slick with sweat
it's harder breathing on nights like these


Spiraling singular forms,
interlocking around heliotropic spatial blossoms...
lightning forcefully swirling,
sanguine delusions consuming all space in between.
twisting and twirling conscious ideas clockwise,
Chronos Ratio
Sidi's seen it in his diverging mind,
auric quantum leylines drawn on geometric grids
A thousand sides enclosed in diagonal threes
Midpoint to midpoint this titian tinted circular isosceles dream
Maya's retreating steps,
whipping up Icosahedrons samadhi choirs
The rising grasp of Psyche,
fearless before the one point of converging white and black schemes...
It is simply the windmill of nativity, isn't that right Pan?
God causing this centrifugal force to wrap layers of reality in 360 degrees.
His lying blind step on a counterclockwise emerald Heavenly Eight Trigram field.
Sixty-Four and One Hundred Twenty Eight reeling points of universal mirth.
Do you cause God to pirouette and drape us in love, Bill?


salt & butter
i'm going
to eat u

215 cotterbury st.

little blond boy lifts his arms up in full swing,

a small bike, a plaything yielded in his hands

cracks it off the grass. not the boulevard,
but right in front of his house.
to the left of his entrance sidewalk.

where is diane arbus.

the force does not shake his body,

blond hair makes him look so innocent,
but even from a distance I can
see a scowl.

sheer determination to destroy.
face contorted.

he picks it up again. moves it around
the yard, swooping it

the sky is blue, behind a setting sun

he is shouting, come get me,

taunting a distant victim.

Last Night

Last night I ordered a whole meal in Chinese. Even the waiter was amazed. I was in a French restaurant.

Tros In July

It was in the script, perhaps
Dardanos, after all, meant 'burn';
And now the wailing ghost of Tros
Trudges the July afternoon,
When a writhing stench of loss
Lies about the half-dead year.
His eyes scan the wilderness
Now the haunt of ash and fear,
Where the Dardanian gate was,
Where once stood the topless towers.



A jackdaw, forewings scurvy with bicycle oil, flapping outside the man in the hats lean-to, a symphonic reawakening, an aria without a French horn or oboe, no tympana or trumpeting allegro. No rest for the weary and down at the heel. The man in the hat did not wash his feet on Sundays, not out of religious observance or the fear of a payback by some unseen godhead, but as a reprieve from the drudgery of day-to-day podiatric cleanliness. Like a bed bugged clochard, the man in the hat ate bread rinds and marmalade compote, peal ends slurry with rime and allsorts. The bus smelled (or was it redolent?) of incontinence and peppermint, pocket candies worsted in cellophane, for staving off bad breath and whopping.


In Between the Two

a black moon cut from a nick
of cloth, a razor edged
inward, towards the centre
skirting, but never risking a laugh
or a nick on the clove of the ear, or
a box in between the two
such simple displeasure as
these, are rare in deed, incautious
and cut from swaths and nicks
of cheap cloth, so as to prevent
the fraying of ears and twits
of hair, sheared from the centre out
and the moon, black as night
perhaps blacker, yet I
will risk a laugh, boxed
in between the two
of my ears, cloven in and sheared
from the centre out
my fathers’ knuckles, that’s all
I remember, sharpened on the clove of
my ears, boxed for good measure
and sheared white, from the centre out


Caliphs’ Tongue

Caliphs’ tongue
salt skips lolled
from muck

a murderous rearing
hove clips and nails
breaching stone

and brick

mason’s trowel drawn
over calves’ tongue
eyes like gyps

beading edgings

skull cups staved-in
where ear and socket
meet hinge and joist

At the right hand you can now all see the stars

Just posting a little introductory picture and some words
about me. Doing electronic music and also likes to tweak
images and words. At this site you can find out more about
my music and also on my blog to be found here. My name is
Björn Eriksson and I live in the north of Sweden. Nice being here!