Scotch Kilms, Like Clamps, Have No Chimneys

You are the bottom of my rainbow
Or, I am the manure and you
doubt a free mason's Spandex

I'm not going to think
of an idea and assign it
to somebody unless
truck drivers were our
country's last cowboys

William Shatner (James T. Kirk)
last year pitched an idea
to Paramount, the downside:
diapers that burn your nose hair

What the fuck does this have to do with the
of billy bob teeth and bubba truck nuts worldwide?
I guess saying your name is Bob Dobbs
gives you a better chance

During an hour's swimming
at a municipal pool you will
ingest 1/12 liter of the Russian word
for "eeeewwww President Bush”

California just passed a law
making illegal
the German version of bowling

Vladimir Putin's soul sues
homebuilder citing urine-soaked walls:
we'll be speaking in french before you know it