'Au lu
L'exposition humaine comme mode de mort-
Forumer serait ainsi combler-
Mais l'espace s'écartera au nom du temps gémissant d'aise)))))))
avec son ombre l'angoisse taquine-
Turquoise* l'aiguille* sa suite*sont devenus l'écran cosmique*
Mirés par d'infinis reflets-
Aux faits...
to you
all the time
even when the strokes give you
I run on your lips
till I can't feel
my man & I
talk about time
how it is true
__________da D dong
doomed to die is desire
dangling like dappled daisies
darkened darts still dashing
daily dawks
deceiving deceleration _a deciduous December
with delicate de-icing deifying delight
décor defies delimitation
descrying desensitized decay
direct the deafened dream
dressed by dribbling drifts
Just in from our correspondant in Grenoble
08:24 Agence Daubé Press
"une meute de brimatographes s'est abattu hier soir sur la rive gauche de l'Isère. Le préfet de l'Isère, dans son communiqué de presse, indique que les dégats pourraient avoisiner le milliard d'euro. Aucuns des trois suspects n'est connu des services de police. Les trois hommes se disent victimes d'une machination poétique. En effet, leur descente sur Grenoble faisait partie des manifestations prévues pour le printemps des poètes. Le thème, lettera amorosa, serait la cause du déchainement dionysiaque que les trois hommes firent subir à Grenoble. Joint par le Daubé ce matin, le chef de meute, un certain Duffy, se disait satisfait du 'poème' écrit par les trois hommes à l'aide de la populace grenobloise. Il déplorait cependant que les dégats ne s'élèvent qu'au milliard d'euro. Il est certain que ce piètre évènement ravivra la question: que peuvent des corps?!"
Seas in All Song
or," secondary effect assimilated paper
rolled linked community "god bless," breach
(it) less attach than
sidewalk crossing entrance two lines
rolling "no need to mention," basic trust
right foot on left hand dangle
fog thick morning chipped poured entrance
broken "belief systems, turns"
step step (stepstep) box over
corner lined (up) hydrant can light
pole "sometimes it's runny, very"
truck block slide diesel undermine "lose
as sense of definite"
bottles pack empty cigarette close plastic
container food [box + bent *
bags] moment "ramblin' around your,"
safety (lived through) "shadowy source, etc."
bottle one pointed at
bottle two rolling survivor high grasses
"... then,
“But then…. as soon as he had become waitless their rooms overlapped with shivering italics before running the river dry and re-filling it from memory. She half expected Maurice to hear their Infinite Conversation or at least understand what was hidden between paces or screened by yielding. Leaving traces unfinished, she could return any time and pool the pages, never refusing the tongue a vowel. He was perhaps separated from oNe line for days, but the library in his head confirmed company. Behind every square is a circle longing for corners. Unrolling Yes! down a path that proves liquid has expectations even if just to keep pace with place and make solid discoveries. But then,
Moonage Golf Dream (updated)
for a better world play golf on the moon
Installation by artists Paul Conneally and Tim Wright at Mile End Arts Pavillion, London UK.This collaborative work forms part of Wright's ongoing work 'Golf on the Moon (with David Bowie)' and Conneally's 'For a Better World...' series of pieces.The video shows some of the visitors to The RenewabilityExhibition,which was curated and conceived by Tomomi Iguchi of Crossover UK, holing out Hole 2 which goes from Arnold Circus to Mile End Arts Pavillion in Mile End Park, London UK.Conneally believes that most golf courses are environmentally unsound and urges:'for a better world play golf on the moon'
Bald Bird
dah-dah bird, a peering
cryptic soldier-slave,
my fate, my worm,
a crossed-out word
that means "faun".
Few females smell
such fame without
wanting a shoe-shine
or to try it on. I work
for nature. A beggar.
A dirty, white prophet-eer.
When you wake up
mysterious and pregnant
scarred with dreaming,
dusted wings, unexpected
gutteral heavings- bring
your little uncollected
feathers here.
Completely Rimbaud
the rise and rumbling noise
of heavenly highways;
unharnessed the darker
savage shades of injurious
misfortunes to prey upon
the christian children.
Can a man be saved
if he cultivates duplicity?
Did God create the good
and evil, the summer
and its ravaged storms?
He drew a chain, a pirate's
rope and hung the masked
and poisoned souls like flags
he raised them to the sky;
the winds, his deep benevolent
pride snapped and whirling madly
cried: what precious weathervanes!
House Arrest
when I was water's bud
drowning in your blood cells-
the way light evaporates
in a cave's cool, dark mouth.
We're separate now, though
often you forget that stones
were made for throwing
not holding things down
in place of gravity.
The temple is a body
disemboweled by its own
violent alchemy; priestess,
you taught me about expulsion,
the cutting away of heart
from its head. You're older now,
I am not far behind, not hidden
inside the silent house, the sleeping
pelvis that hangs like a single,
empty sock on the clothesline.
last great American male
what can he do? angels shoving flightless airline pilots out of open windows.
a certain crooked smile from old men with erectile dysfunction. every time, boy,
every time one of those rockets goes up, Uncle Dick stands at attention. makes
a man. and makes a man proud. and makes a man a proud American. dammit!
puppy-nuts monocle fringe, gabby haze fascisp quiboard
bar bar
bar bar bar
bar ba
sensible sensorium wills awl empty
augury doggerel gavelling gravelly
busklings linger at the lung
amazing graze
how sweet the sound
of lead singing sweet but nearly proximal
i wants
was yong
but now
am dowd
all grey
like chicken
sat upon
the lapis entrail mask
Lazarus Lazuli
would take up the purple mmmons
little pages sprinkling grigs
in his wake
crimson grasshopper bodies fall
to toe hammers
iron wood grows
from brazilian tombs
that numb
bralene whaling whindu
bod by bod
like flame to the brocken antenna
i have not seen children playing
on life-like giant brains carved of stone
and yet
to echo
the Dickinsonian
dodgy do'or
in everything you knew,
there are seeds more
fallow than your flowering-
If all be told, if all
the meaning grew,
then sea and all
its tributary streams
would move, will achingly
spring forth undetoured,
overjoyed, extremed.
Now the river widowed
banks overflow the bridge,
the mastered long-boned
shoulders of earth turned
to gold, to rust, to love...
in an instant, dizzy rush
beautiful becomes a poet.
"Ask Boro" 7 to 7 technical supply, line codes breakdown uplifting and remote maintenance all in rhy(th)mes !
Dear magnificent owner of this blog,
My Cliff himself, ask me to log,
To give my hand to a musical paradigm:
How to embed Songs on da Brim !
As answering is my honorable duty,
Here is my few words for you sweety ("Cliffty" wasn't that good for the rhyme ...)
First you need the basic line
JavaScript, Iframe are hard to combine
as HTML stands for "How Terrific is My Level !"
You may therefore use the following label :
<###embed src= "http://www.odeo.com/flash/audio_player_standard_gray.swf" quality="high" width="300" height="52" allowscriptaccess="always" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars= "valid_sample_rate=true&external_url=[MP3 file address]" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" autostart="false"> <###/embed>
{ be sure to remove first just the "###" before the two "embed" }
Second step, fueling the engine ...
As [MP3 file adress] stands for nothin'
Find the URL of any lullaby
Or upload you own into a virtual lobby.
Fishing a song on the Net
Is easy 'cose you got the net ! (anyone still following ?)
My example comes frow Ubuweb listing
A place I know you are cheering !
Swimming to this page,
I discovered "Lady Space" with a "mp3" icon standing
In the right corner. Either rightclickin 'n "link location" copying
Or just click the image for the song to unfold
On a new page with the mp3 adress ! How bold !
Replace the fake line and post
You shall see as under 'n make a toast !
(Well I know how poor is my line ,
my tramp style begging for an alexandrine !)
prenous fenablio enco-ordyne
makara mark
^unda anda
panda vril
undertake leymien
and where the pupil flows to the teacher
and where the pupa flowers to the pitcher
and where the popo smokes to the veejer
let us shrine
in junkyard
bee al zebubbling hierofont flan burning masklets
hover 20 pts
gather in indra's net
see coord. ? from npc
be weel
bew wail
limmer caul drone
glimmer call drawn
cowl drown down the zoom lens
as wasp pray'er player
double tennis shoe gifting
potlatch energy mind
nerves are powers of sound
sift ifting
ifting gruel cruel
cruetts set sets settlings languor
anger under unguents
unguiculate articulations
iso - lotto
myrius mirror
mirroir cell f
hook self
blong bond biracle
lonf blonde miracle of sphere
1 interruptus tuskling langue
jes grew
jessamine amines
ampakine the amp kind kinder rootlings
rootless lasso tasoo
tasso loosening asshole buddha remflection saucer minned whiorld
copper egg to mino torr jelly plate
sab sub scara sacra sucro okra suco ako kako isometeor
rubber magnet armor nubbed
with transparent fluorescent nipples
tuning forks mohawk
segrik dolikuy
debo unjo fillal a grum
mudra peony touches salas hierogramete
peneloping pony hale ornery borne on silas bertram
liver line
reading silver intestine hats
under pine bearded monolapse
moon in chrome taffy skull tree house fountain blending
herb and light and dirge to joyful formlessnaos
first line of a proposed novel /
new nouvelle roman
he was sick as a piece of meat, as sick as
sounds, he, naped no more meat, no more as
In the must again of process, the becoming room was the hiding place of the oNes they were becoming. She, literally, had heard this differently. In later conversation, in correspondances that were yet to come, she often affirmed he had not said that at all, that he had told her, 'the becoming-room is the hiding pace of the oNes we are becoming.' She could prove this through traceable travels in the austere scriptorium of their writings but each time he had refuted her claims by an ever affirming yes! 'Yes! Since place will never be pace, pace is place. So let's just keep pacing along!' She had noticed that the more they stayed in the room, the more volatile they became. And it was just as well for how else would they become anything else if not through their becoming volatile? Of course, these states were often followed by quite solidifying solitudes when they were apart. He would feel heavy from the seperation, a dead weight hitting the hard line of the river-bed. Sometimes the room was a river with its banks and its bed and its riverrun into a square pond, for her sometimes it was a head full of stories or a head full of books, a library-head, for him the room was a head-library and sometimes for the oNes they were becoming, the room was a four screened movie theater, a circle screened cinema with the words and light in the back, always in the back, behind their backs, clicketing their worlds before them. And they often laughed at how Orpheus would have loved this, seeing Eurydice without having to look back, marching on pacefully to the riverrun surface! But then,
to let him know the day is off
tracks are light on the stacks
they crack when whistles fly fast
snow or plough let it roll
they see what I mean
and that is overseas
opposed swift directions
in front of the screen
click this to fill in for it
and then water the scene
You cannot keep age
Locked up
Nor disgrace or luck
Or bread or culture
Or love
Dayslight creeps through
With its urgency to move
Writes wrinkles
For illusion to wake up
Bat Watching
I recall damp grass, my wet jacket and jeans.
Meredith and I flattened out, watching bats fly in the park.
I focus on my skin, tingles like parakeets walking over me,
bathing in birdy bodies, feathers brushing the bottoms of my feet,
tiny beaks in my bellybutton searching for seeds.
I’m alone in my bedroom, lying like a gingerbread man,
face up like a child who froze making snow angels—
blue skin, cracked nose. The window was open;
inside is an oven door down yawning-mouth wide.
Hot bedroom air escapes like a nonstop exhale;
the radiator continues—the sun out in summer.
I keep still; bare legs cool on the winter-touched bedspread,
sinking in its sky blue and white ribbon stitch work,
holding me up in a doily-style net
that re-creates like a topiary maze when upon a made bed.
My back dissolves my T-shirt, sucking the frosty sensation
like butter on a pan. I’m smiling like a gingerbread man,
out of the oven, cooling on a counter, remembering Meredith
and our hours in the park, bat watching
in the middle of the night, giggling from the weed,
enjoying wet grass, the damp undersides
of our spread out bodies, how the black sky appeared
like a calm evening ocean. We sank to the sea floor,
two sets of lungs exploding.
Those drowned moments relieving,
like chilled bedspreads in an overheated apartment.
I look out my window and see only buildings—
I’m lying in a box of dead birds.
Robert Siek
what is that sudden sound of bees in my head?
somebody like Ezra Pound
broke down
the words seep out,
an inconstant struggle
surface depth sonnet
awaiting the profondeur
but as NtZe said,
'there is no beautiful surface
under which the depth
is not horrifying'
which put in rapport
with what dZe said,
'As soon as there is horror,
a story reintroduces itself,
we have missed the cry.'
might explain why, for the instant,
the eye must stay blind to the depth
below the surface, for the moment.
a wait
which is the refusal of a waitless
of a calm continuance unrolled by steps
overlapping of tongues in semi-vowels
along iambic paths of yore
and liquid consonants of dew-point
where other tongues overlapped
joy and uncontrolled shiver
in lust-hemmed yielding
catatonic threshold poem (for white marble faun)
or if
i'm in bed
suddenly realizing the path
to catatonia
the elemental highwayman smoothing back my feathers
yule be a good statue, danny
holding up a flintlock to me head
or ferns cut from red leather
my last identity
a large terra-cot ta-mask
hung from a white marble
wine stained
curled up inside
"the catalonian"
"the cantaloupian"
if flesh was fungus
we sleep in catatonia
space of a tri-corn
a tri-crone
passing a big blue marble
of an eye
Vijnanabhiksu may pass a different threshing
hold in there! skinny humanoid donkey carvers
move through white alabastar and black onyx
through faces checkered with niches with sleepers
nacred and nitred
aluminun skull launcher
i could stand on tope oof thatr
kata toney o stropheya
To My
my speechless
dark emergency;
my endurable victim
borrowing, burning
oxygen- an infant flame.
Maybe a stranger,
never miraculously
frightened by starry
bodiless appearances-
a natural light
shining inside you.
To what distance,
what waiting presence
do I owe the honor
of your endless gifting?
something from a vodka party, Minnetonka, MN, Feb. 17
the ideal aches. but the time is phenomenon.
for you to see our naked shapes.
it's a splinter under the skin.
perception is as perception does.
serengeti and the rapture. blue.
a territorial time. perception
the chime the plaint torture out
of change, torque before statement,
stars! stars! the cats know more than us.
tuddle tuddle the wood the wood
the fire the wood the ignition the english
the old bright the unblown harp the unignited.
I bet I knew which end they kindled, they kindly
ought to place the wood in the balance of kindling?
have you ever had the WHITE CASTLE PRETENDER?
terrace out of spontaneity.
the terrible date that was an hour ago.
"I wrote great drunk." -- how was it?
"it was riveting, it was so riveting."
only wear Birkenstocks or flip-flops
in the Tropics
if I have to wear the black shoes.
change. templo. temper.
never again response.
the tidepools. the tan guests.
Membranes of Motion • Jericho for Jack Spider
"This is why we do this" printed in the
back of every anthology. I'm photocopying
the back sections now, guys.
The perfected example is always what is true.
Where they take up deflection, that's where
you gotta watch out with these Platonizing
poet-critics. The cerebral act of giving up
one's poem through the window of a moving car,
that takes spark.
About, because metonymy.
Saved, because Mnemosyne.
Written on the Canvas Suit of the Fly Golem
of the minotaur's face fountain and let their pink political papfletts floot
out out out YAO-MA U YAO-MA bruce nauman hanged by clowns
the distinctly cliche' post-modern summer of hesperides'
zen tea kettle performance
build the 30 fires
conch centric
rock b
rock m
loa loa
i smell banana esther hashimoto roboto
disturbed profoundly grosso modo
could never love a tree properly
green where the buffoon trees grimace through the watery parts
of the minotaur's face fountain and let their pink political papfletts floot
zen tea kettle performance
build the 30 fires
conch centric
like a clock gone round
the pitch plaid violin screaming whistles
one after another
after another conch
dance, you pigs! Dance!
[l'otio et la crapula di Bacco..]
eyelids of wine
are staircases over the tumult
emer magi the spoilt hands
dwelt in the tillage
of broken metameat mita
mina mina
boxing broxa doxa
calling bard and clown
druid vapor of rose breasted please-eo-saud helmet
cheese tongue slice
Angus AC DC Young, the god of youth beauty poetry
He Reigned in Tir-nam-Oge, the country of the young
and played a mad song
guignol flopping bacon dada buffalo moon
giant stone boulder crushing revellers
in the lurch
spectacle, talisman
witch baby hair handles
“In the must again of process…even patiently pacing they appeared to be together in the emptiness, if not in the room. Was this a hiding place for the one who was standing? A length of time could yet be restored to short or go-between depth and the stare of an instant. She found it hard to recall the ceaseless less, however long she waited. Had someONE recurred unheard amongst speak again and hear again? He was thinking of More walks that may not have occurred. The room with its grassy carpet existed on the page, there he sat awhile between wheres. And she was here again at a point when “The words wear out in her the memory that they help her express” (p.7). In an unnaturally narrow room, was it possible to continue remembering? Who would forget first, leaving fullness in place of potency by slanted means. She, literally
Awaiting Here
“She is here
waiting to step over stop and lap against
his thinking that drinks on less-ness
and runs more past the page than dances
downstream. Each asking, padlocked in lateral limbo.
“Even as a river,--partly (it might seem)
Yielding to old remembrances,…”
hemmed in by forgetting
water wakes in the East