Another (lxiv.)

"Thranitic Lament"

I dreamed in Zubenelg my car defaced.
I wake to livid suicide of an age.

More than our aspirations there were razed,
And in their ruins further fevers rage.

What could we build, when all we dream is gain
Snatched from the crashing breakers on Time's shore?

Outside my door harsh barking squalls mortmain.
I know what i have done & what's in store.

In Zubenelg i'd planned a perfect state:
I'd learn to walk, & let my car decay.

No use in Shuttilon to ruminate,
You pause for half a breath--you're blown away.

Once i believed in times when one could chose
But that belief i had no choice but to lose.

A third, to xxxiii.

"The Draught of Jamshyd"

And now my days these tremors damascene:
not that i thought i built twig fanes for aye.
But all is paperback that once shagreen
would lovingly have clad, such alchymy
as Big Nightfall works on all who ride
the one doomed rig & with one smash efface.
--Ah, let it be swept away! Upon my hide
dominion carves not cherish but disgrace;
what's truly human needs no props to shine.
How long we went before the barcode brow
claimed each, and yet dug diamonds from that mine,
and will again: just orders perish now.
Empires. Who dispersal most disdaineth,
the blood of many innocents also staineth.

Another, to Shakespeare cxv.

"The Triumphs"

Madness & midnight there together lie,
And i don't know which one of them is dearer.

There, we have a chance--but don't ask why;
Faces in the depths grow ever clearer.

What here seems fates are there found accidents
And but for trifles turned: the poor, made kings.

I wandered there & saw, for all intents,
Granite melt; & abide, all fragile things.

If we can learn to trust in tyranny
Our pathway there will surely flourish best.

A fastfood line there slays incertainty:
You fling the speaker words, you know the rest.

Ruined loves around us glitter so.
Planted in my eyes, the triumphs grow.

Time to let you go

It's true, you can die from a broken heart.

i live

I keep thinking
of solutions
to a problem
not yet spoken
tracing circles
on the dark walks
of my mind

and your face
once very vibrant
barly flickers
as a ripple
left in time

so i cry
just to remember
and i live
to lie again
still can't look you in the face
to say you never seem to
fill that space
in me

The High Road

So I rolled a boulder, big deal.
I tricked faith, a roulette to win.
Postponing, lying. My final zeal
was luring a hidden goal within.
I was pushing a boulder uphill.
My efforts were wearing me out.
This rock was crushing my will.
Heartbroken, I cried out loud.
You opened my heart with oil.
It is not by might, nor by power,
but by my spirit. Words that roil
my weary heart, it felt like scour.
I turned from a death end road
to life, when my pride I swallowed.