stuff hits elves

stuff sits on shelves
stuff shits on selves
snuff hits on elves
ho ho ho!
wake partially noting
ambient conditions
condensing back to clouds
of independent weights (passions)
floating free from their collected quotes (matters)
to a steady hum of temperature inflation
and whirring heat pumps chasing chilled air

Lady of Vortex

flamethrowers blasting subsonic violence
jet propelled dragonflies dancing on a laser lit lake
mad Max riding a six legged robot
welcome to Vortex

© Dreaming in Neon

check my music Lady of vortex
check my videoclip Robodock
in this spirit

i can undo
what i have starved
in my quest for fire
burning the blood
the lust of amnesia
immortality haunts

billy jno hope

Mujer Futura 2.8 ::: Future Woman 2.8

interferencias mientras se sintoniza ::

So we live in a world of the hyperreal, citizens of a
giant computer game.

Así que vivimos en un mundo de lo hiperreal,
ciudadanos de un gigantesco juego de ordenador.

[Dodge & Kitchin, 184]

virtual bodies operating at nodal points in the real

cuerpos virtuales operando en puntos nodales en el
espacio de lo real.

[.../ de algún lugar en la red, 2003]

Mujer Futura 2.8 ::: Future Woman 2.8