river on summer starship


Find your tickets inside any mirror!!!

skin design key




willow braids

she wore her hair in willow braids
crenellates husked autumn brown
stormed majesty now scalloped raw

Stalin’s early graves, repellant inhumanities
fragile innocence now oven’s slag
in Solomon’s kiln, breath’s last exhalation

she wore her hair husked autumn brown
crenellates muddied coarse and brittle
willow braids, a fragile innocence stilled

Katyn’s bloodied hands, scythe’s excavator
genome’s hellish-ire raking Polish skulls
death’s whores tittering, twenty-five thousand

she wore her hair muddied coarse and brittle
crenellates appealing light’s mercies
willow braids scattered, shorn bear

stomped upon by mouth-bloodied boots
a cruel winter solstice, a black murder of crows
intently hovering, awaiting the last exhalation

willow braids husked autumn brown
man is wolf to man, atrocities inexpressible
hard frozen ground, hells’ indentured sky

muddied skin, a fragility too heavy to bear
man is wolf to man, storm shadows castled
Katyn’s repellant kiln, Stalin’s mouth-bloodied boots

scythe’s excavators raking Polish skulls
willow braids husked autumn brown
she wore her hair in beauty’s fragile innocence

Phrase and Fragment

worked with 12/13 year olds at Lady Manners' School Bakewell UK
phrase and fragment pieces to explore moments in nature
environment and the personal


Haiku #12

The Person You Hate
Walks Around Just Like Normal
God Damn That Fucker

Attic . crawl

if you've spent
any more than 3 seconds
on this--

can you occur in

that space?

After Dinner

After the bill has been paid
And everyone's said goodbyes
In syllables a little splayed
By beer, a few abortive tries

Untill the lurching car wades
Through lamplight, deposits me in
The wilderness of bedsheets, made
Desolate by your absent skin


words, simple phrases

there are no words, simply phrases, praxis
nothing more

salamander is a word, a discord, of sorts
Lorca is a word, a noun, poetry, yet
a word, of phrases, simple, yet out of sorts
nothing less: derogation, simple phrases
what, who is this, a word discordant, yet
like a salamander, a word, signifying green
red slithers, bone marrow white,
nothing more

I know, have never know, a discordant poet,
yet a word, a greenness that slithers, like
the salamander, or was it Lorca, a word, however
simple, or in discordance, a praxis, sword-mouthed
signifying a word, like poetry, yet smoother, glossing
red slithers, a phrase, at once discordant, flaxen
like wheat sheaths, crow wings rasping air, yet a
silence, in the bone stillness, white as maggots
nothing more

there are no words, simply phrases, reissued, in
an endless mortuary, signifying colours, of sorts
yet discordant, slithering greenness, red, red as
pomegranate, juice issuing, like a poem, Lorca
is a word, a noun, of sorts, mouth-swords, a poet
nothing more

see me

for my best friend, C.

she says I’m sorry
      because sometimes there are too many
                                fingernails to clean
    and too much skin to wash.

              she doesn’t know
      if truth is good
  when scrubbed like that,
              only it begins
          to resemble her sadness.

so she goes away
and finds a room

        she doesn’t hear the quiet tap,
  she doesn’t see the blank windows;

she hears her own voice
        and sees this space inside herself

the bags are unpacked
    and the clothes are
                              to the side.

O coffee, if you were a woman

O coffee, if you were a woman
bitter and lonesome, dark and handsome,
Would you too scald my lips
mess my head, fill me with acidity
and be different in flavor each day
and be sweet only when I was buying you?

O coffee, if you were a woman
turbid and irksome, adamant and troublesome,
Would you too torture my tongue
sap me to your satisfaction, to dehydration
and be hard to get, or get rid off
and be nice only when I was serving you?

July 03, 2006
7: 45 pm



Proust smoked corkboard cigarettes rolled between thumb and forefinger, lips scabby with anise and fontanel. He wrote books. He scribbled madly cloistered away in his flat; the windows grouted with rags, legs crossed and latticed, knees bent into a Gordian knot, culottes tucked into the fob of his trousers. He is dead, a virulent reaction to kerosene and short pants.
spitfire from falls krust fall heaven side up
down pipe incinerate chin up nose down
burning irons held palm upwards to the sky of raining green
plants water deep delve dive
sweep up chimp man moon
caress of carcas, befuddled reasoning
oroboros cycle chimp, again?
slip upside mounting down waterfalls
quipping blue layer thin blue lines
above and below
circumference with a handle on your self
choosing to lose
shaved head edge of ice
spit and creaking twang night gentle into star night fall me mine
into you won fam in
i ought to know
who be gun shy starve death


Too many
Sycamore afternoons
Have sailed away
On patchwork quilt winds.

And I have planted
Wet kisses upon
Many, many frail suns.

Too many
Of my whispers
Have melted
Into the love-dark emptiness
Of too many orange estuaries,
Unmoored from breath.

The tendrils of rain
Grow transparent roots
Amidst winter-kissed forests,
Amidst the desolation
Of parted lips
Poised on the cusp
Of wordlessness.

Too many cedar scented evenings
Have sailed, man-faced,
To the twilight of otherness-
River-dark evenings,
Silent, for the space of a teardrop.

I have seen glistening panthers
Disappear into the mist of songs,
Tracing the relics of desire.

The rain has woven fables
Round my dreams.
My fingers grope
For green sea-songs.

They've felt too many wet dusks
slip through the sieve of their forgetfulness,
Upon the shores of numberless summers.

Fiber Art " Every Person Has a Story"


He was a sworn Joycean, she was a sworn Nietzschean.
One night at the peak of their love making, she started to yell 'god is dead Yes ! Yes ! Yes ! god is dead !! Yes .... Yess.....Yesss'!!
To which his reply was, ' Yes, I will Yes. Trieste Zurich Paris.1914-1921'.

~ 04/07/06 Belfast Airport.


Again I awake to the mice scurrying in my head, having, as I do, the thoughts of a carbine, a repeater, a twelve-shooter without a silencer. This is mercenary, this fucking Turing Machine, this brainpan scurvy with Gomorrah and Brine-Peter. The Diagnostic manual, Emmanuel, refers to it, this repeating repetition, as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, more aptly referred to as Obsessive Repulsive disarray: this flowchart with nary a plus or minus, an into or out of, no subtractions or divisions, just one uninterrupted algebraic scribbler, the orange one with the crinkles and inkpot blain on the cover. It took me two years of minus and pluses, into’s and out of’s, to master the basics of mathematical certainty, calculus’, rhomboids, vectors and divisiveness’. Quaaludes and crystal myth, arithmetic savantism, a vagrant’s alms cap, brim side down, collecting numbers, and the fucking mice, scurrying like banshees in the Skinnerian Box of my head.
Half Steps

folly cracked the mirror
a soul gasping wound
voodoo induced vertigo
psychedelic blackouts
in the cracks
between art and blasphemy
paralyzing paranoia of becoming
the vision that heals
cast shadows to douse the flames
starved enlightenment
i betrayed my muse
i wallowed in nostalgic fumes
blood clots from yesteryears insurrection
mad dissident desire found wanting
a rage dissipating
in the twilight of friendship
a facade evolved.

Billy Jno Hope

The Hanging Of The Horse

The Gathering Throng

From assumptions: the day breaks and eyes open, mouths close
Reversing the lay of the land; the cold and driven fuse
That still pops the seedbuds
With still bared backs.

From the calling: more breathing, sun-spired, pulling hair from their eyes
And dirt from the ground; the pulled water
Trenched from the rock and turning limestone
That crackles with condensation.

From the berth: the sun dips, hallowing; and behind the dull block
The Hangman, with a sudden gasp
Of cold dry air and Mistletoe
Breaks open the knots and begs the crowd to sing.

From a song: more singing, shafting the light from their eyes
And taking the wind from the shutters
That level the ledge; the failing signs
Linger still as the great beast enters the arena

The Great Beast

In this turning of the day
The Blownsteed pulls it’s rough edges about it’s hanks,
And strains the ropes beneath it’s jaw
To wait the calling of the wild air.

In the passing of a horsebreath
The Burstnag held the stock between its teeth
And tears at the rough of the mane
In the wooden slopes above.

In the sloping of it’s neck
The Browniron moves its shoulders beneath the stand
And gathers the moss around it’s hooves
By the edge of the shuttle.

In the bursting of an artery
The Burnbrow turns a giant head to the gathering sky
And the oak and chestnut of the tripod and noose
Rub against the arch of its back.

In the clouding of the air
The Blightmare gives last breath to the tinder beside the edges
And pulls the timber across the field
With Christ’s first howling.


powered by ODEO


If I spoke a language other than drawl,
I'd have words other than my own
to say blue and green and hazy.

I'd tell you how summer has shredded
the Southern sky - made a montage
of Brazilian bits and Caribbean strips,
woven with a breeze of tropical sea.

With a Bahama-watercolor tongue
I'd paint the shades of my garden
and whisper how the Nile has descended
as a haze too thick to breathe.

But I speak strictly Dixie,
and it's Waxhaw Creek that babbles
over the fall of my backbone
and Lake Wylie that laps at my breasts.

peach-heavy branches bring the sun down,
and blackberry brambles swallow it whole.
It's strawberries and butternut squash
that climb the evening sky, and day
disappears into a glass of muscadine wine and thunder.


Some trees are greener than others, so he discovered; some so green they almost appear oceanic. True, the man in the hat has never seen a moraine lake, one so blue-green that it appears inanimate, but he has seen snapshots and pixilated images on TV, and once overheard two men talking about one in a laundry mat, perhaps a café. He once thought that the life of a roughneck, heaving massive chains round drilling bores, would be to his liking, but decided against it when he realized that he would need to be around other men, some with roily skin and stale breath, wearing coveralls soiled through with machinist’s oil. Being around others was especially troubling, even if they stood a good distance away from him, which, so it seemed, they seldom did. Everywhere he went he felt like he was bumping into crowds of people, people with little respect for his wellbeing and general health. Some with breath so rancid he could smell the rottenness of their stomachs, others with such horrid skin diseases he feared contracting some incurable rash or callus ailment. Green is the sign of a gangrenous infection, or simply an indication, one seldom mistaken, that a person has lousy washing and grooming habits. Blue and brown are the signs of a robust and hearty life, gestures of proper grooming and respect for others that may find too much green troublesomely indecent. But the unwashed have neither the patience nor job training for such delicacies, both of which require a middling degree of self-awareness and education, or at least a scant desire to obtain them should the opportunity present itself, which, of course, it seldom does. The man in the hat sees no reason why one should be pressured or cajoled into investigating one’s life, even should it be done in the privacy of one’s home and the results decidedly positive, or at most less troubling. He has no difficulties filling up his time, pursuing his love for tightrope walking or riding buses, or simply trying to conserve what little energy he has, stockpiling it for some new venture or yet to be determined avocation, which, of course, never happens. People, who have an individualism for wearing hats, seldom do anything that would in anyway compromise or increase the risk of loosing their hat. The hat, of course, being the reason why they shake themselves from sleep each morning, in anticipation of either choosing a different or alternative hat, or dusting off the one worn the previous day. Personal style and elan in such matters are essential, as are proper hygiene and choice of footwear. What a man wears at either end of his body is significant; as it allows one to make the observation that the two polarities match and are in accordance with proper style and grooming. These two seemingly divergent opposites have a logic and soundness all their own, one that carries with it a significant degree of responsibility and prestige. Suffice it to say, what one chooses to crown one’s head with, should never be taken lightly, subjected to mockery, or made into some burlesque sideshow. The hat is a sign of individualism, not the topic of cajolery or trifling bad manners.

He knew of people, the man in the hat, who used coffee filters as toilet paper, unscented and with tiny anabolic perforations for distilling pulverized coffee beans. These same people, he assumed, ate nothing but prepackaged food and candies, drinking liter upon liter of sugary colas, orange Fanta and grape-aide. Their children, should they, the children, be so unfortunate, were probably infested with head lice and other festers’. Their skin raw and scalloped with nit bites, itchy with grubs and maggots laid in soft tissue and muscle. He recalled stopping once to drop a coin in an almsman’s cap, thinking as he did, that his choice of hat was far superincumbent to the almsman’s, whose cap was used as an offering plate, not to shield the sun or to add to one’s general appearance. In some ways he, too, was a beggar, but his baksheesh were thoughts and ideas, not coins and cigarettes, charity of mind, not hand me downs and castoffs. He also knew of a man, someone from his distant past, a past all but forgotten, who was forced into beggary when he lost his position as a postal clerk, a job he’d held for twenty years, perhaps longer. The man, the one he once knew, had a nervous tick that caused the left side of his face, the prepuce of his lips, to twitch violently whenever he felt unduly stressed or out of sorts. After his fellow clerks in the postal office made a litany of complaints, he was let go without a pension, severance or a shake of the hand. After struggling for a year or so, living off what little savings he had hidden in a pillowcase stowed away at the bottom of his closet, he bought a cap, one too big for his head, and took to begging for spare change and cigarettes. Hunched in a doorway across from the public library, a place he never visited, he placed his too big hat with the brim upside down in front of him, his legs folded on top of the other, and waited. If he were lucky, he might count out fifteen dollars from his cap, but, sad to say, this was the exception, as more days than not he was lucky to count out five or six dollars, enough for a loaf of day-old bread and a dented tin of sardines. After five years of this, day in and day out, he took to selling off what possessions he deemed were unnecessary, secondary to his life, until all that was left was his bed, a broken chair and a radio that only picked up static, a black cicadic noise. Half-smoked cigarettes, filters buttery with drool, and coffee, someone’s unwanted dregs left at the bottom of a Styrofoam cup, were a luxury, things he coveted with an eye to proper sustenance. He is dead now, this man from the past, rotting in an unmarked hole in the ground in some nondescript graveyard, backhoe dirt dumped and tramped down with gravedigger’s boots, hobnailed soles worn down to steel tacking. No one will visit him or remember he existed at all. The day he read the other man’s obituary in the morning paper, the man in the hat went to the graveside and placed a hat, brim upside down, where he thought his head would be, the grave dirt stomped with boot prints.

Erotic Logic

1. Primitive Symbols and Well Formed Formulas

By an absurd & precious miracle in connection with a risk of convention three fallen bodies of water pass through the outgoing valves of raw energy. In secret pleasure one perfect student immersed herself while the flesh like the neutral zone of a magnet pumped the circulatory theories. They saw skin that had been placed merging away from carnal humanity. At the base of the neck a fallen cranium returning to these. Draped over communication, his feeling was to let everyone know that a woman stands on all fours. Balance, when terminated during chanting identified by the Gnostics, supported each other's body bending make-up & body ornament. Teeth & nails seldom derived silky substance or fabrical intelligence. The routine manners of the dead dislodged from the atmospheres & found by repulsion can mean elevation with the posture of the bee buzzing over man. Entitled because of their relations with outside forces, they mapped out a design, in combination with black skin. With any decision, cortex advancing & retreating, the two conventions of appearance have devoured & even the sight of the orbital region conceal her breast. They are merging a new dance for bare feet & the last of the writers surrounded by sexual fetish...intimated immediately the frequency & phenomena of the electronic parameter sex & the downward motion of the passionate kiss is creamy tightrope water. Sometime the existence of appetite has caused others to disappear. Their dignity to suck a penis, the crime dominated by the very oldest human demands the woman, arms & legs submerged into masturbation. Sexual agonizing wounds & fire damp shadows from theater night sounds & her hair fell silent. Solar breathing, furthermore, during gamma rays, have vivisected the yellow exposed heart hanging by the tortoise, fetish as artificial aid to self-confidence. The tantric ritualized fucking or the string of pearls of a genius hanging from the beads of her door. "...the luxury & think nothing more than tender physical." The bottom of the centuries watching a Taoist couple make love, a kind of cell associated with tension & the deep substances of the ocean a vibrant attempt at existence. There is much literature of the spindle-taped world. The penis of prehistoric children & a dance involving sensate creatures & hieroglyphs. Fraudulent stories originating from the limestone sky with the notion his absolute thinking is the attraction of the acts. The original mystic sees by the hair outlandish & beaten to the floor her kite flying & hiding the inert cruelty for the 1000th time attributed to the damnation of the astronomer crows. The daily tools giving glow, churning piercing pressing & parts of the secret man & woman endless in bed. Intelligent vessels for the rest of humans emaciated to be found in the blood phenomena. From the sky different forces of incongruity & the diamonds of style in a neighborhood of sexual percussion. The posture of the lower lip under the ancient impossible ocean gravely chant in a loud voice a culture & a mechanism situated near the base of the spine. Spindle-shaped worlds & the obvious mystery. The solution of absolute gods. The quail of erotic art atop columns. The surface of intelligence flaring magnetic opiated affirmation. I have just found a tree upon the minute loves of alchemical transformation of drama.

2. Symbolizing Relations

The air has the quality of lovers approaching ecstasy. A room is cursed with dreamers of soft promise & other dangerous creatures. "For six hours the wall tightly bandaged a spiritual art, multi-sexual roles reshaped my logical solitude." The necks of three young heads applaud existence, their expressions tight, stainless-muscle skeletons fashioned out of nature: each woman meets herself with her hands & gains beautiful extinction upon the crucible spread underneath. When one considers the universe so sexed as to attack the spiced air of the room. This ancient sexual love-rite seeks devious imagination in a charge of simile & smooth complexion. Here the enormous sensory begins to break down the moment's. Like antic pruning hooks in deep sea. Submergence causes vigorous singing strength inside contact. Each individual dreamt soft large organs puzzling sexual. If the man who needs a sucking three should visualize her inner whirlwind & drag her between two shoulders, something he learns of communication will correlate with the release in her lungs. Touch is safely centered over the entire body; she uses her mouth in honor of intimacy. Eventually a lustrous eye will satisfy the premises of obscurity. Human life swept from the planet. The intricate between two are many & varied. An ocean approaches an interplanetary field of vision without the lineage of ancestors & so the woman declares "I will suffer your chord & behave not like the others." (Hoping to awaken the hapless culture, the bloodstream rejects primitive polygamy.)Special woman understand invigorating blood, transcends the use of cyclic psychology & patterns liberation after the clouds & flying in the distance. Long hair in forgiveness, she multiplies the wider of sexual phenomena. If flattened out like dampness or history, forgetfulness may cause a little pain to unsuspecting minds. & is just when shafts of brilliant organization block an iceberg of crushed breath. A sperm has cravings the size of a hair; arms & assumptions admonish the stress of the atmosphere. Thunder-perception used in circulating breath support, the woman in her difficult discipline. "I desire a ? rock compressed closer to my intelligence. The oldest center of a retreating forehead rides like a tortoise in the opposite sex. For you it is the same embrace." A single thrust of colored objects found in ancient China split & rub against her stomach, stabilize her awareness, & she serves fresh eroticism in a theatrical diner. Boy & girl film inshore-happening fashion dresses itself in white dark body cells. Fur machine is spotted by planetary contractions: an explanation his calm gaping hands imposed. They joined together necks & tight thighs, embraced their empire & disappeared into the wall. Later smoother victories acted upon & precipitated explosion.

3. Axioms and Demonstrations

Man no longer recognizes the greater distance of the moon entering the body at birth mimeographed the desires & the repetitions of mundane counterparts. The law book of intercourse rhythmically contracting obsession & the darkness of contemplation. Awe inspiring lush demonstrate the mathematics of domain, crushing involuntary our breath of space & patient love-making. Sooner or later a geometric attraction within the phase of humor felt the vaudeville hypnosis of concentration. A woman lying on her back. The graph of male & female. Ginseng position, action & abandonment, strings of limitless ice. In addition when passion activates the fluid unusual pressure & mechanical actions have regular backward "but if we feel a woman sitting remembering the scream of the sirens, the Chinese tradition of supra geography & the bone movement of utopian literature, we are now potent experiments & the nourishment of love-making punctuating all but genius." It was known & transformed by the antiquarian a humility against evolution & the timeless restoration overcome by the prepared throne & the touch worshipped sexual ritual commitment & informal teachings upon the bed of success. She is the man's technique. An additional abdominal movement where the action in the underground boutique where the stove continually warmed the aphrodisiacs & medical life. A ceremony is invoked & the man inserts his jade. The measure & thickness of the culminating box. "How on earth." The body ejaculating the special secret. The internal twisting & the tremendous survive & this is something they belong to. Attribution within a society. Him the striking aesthete making contact with flower & bondage the same of all device & experience. The breast of imaginary qualities & the categories of obstacles play host to persuasion as he chloroformed her supreme devotion. The most strange refuge known western in our lessons of the borealix, everyday film & the books of pleasure influence appearance & fetish & the experienced kissing explore the occultist link to perfect teamwork. Another notation. A coordination studded with the drunken man voluptuously coming upon the paper. The moon grew large & gave way to paradisical cults & the metallic culture. Both women spontaneously spread legs & the sun rose to conceal his behavior. "I should be conscious, I should remember to describe substance & uncanny material. Singing in my ears the variation of all sound of passion calling excretion. The inclusive happening red spot & menstruating the erogenous mix modes, pyramids have recorded nightmare & the eardrum contemplated to the ground." Something indicates a drink or a marijuana taken internally. The main meridian one seed one egg remembered at length by ancient terminology. One cannot weary & undress the two women. Within the psychic centers & a dogged clinging to the modern excavation. There are no unfaithful bridges & what appears or vanished little by little. The vaginal region & the customary Egyptian woman considered lust & the initiated aromatic vapor have been anointed. Her laying all explanation upon praise of ecstasy. Take one after another multiple meaning from the particular cinema & the man shares among women. Gently he would materialize in Asia, his chemical analysis, his oralness & the views of the following reasoning: "a comparative polygamy within a scientific performance. The inclusion in a hazy museum of the foreskin & natural circumcision of the crucified boy. This cult no longer cast impression upon the atmosphere. A telescopic art, woman her legs spread, the organ drooling, she is elixir to his virginity. Upon hearing a well-known control, all phenomenon visualized as enigmatic. A massive data from the soprano voice of an inspired woman transmitted from the body thousands of miles & 100's of years away. To attest to the psychological courtship & the symbolic ritual of triangular interaction. A bird overhead attached to the musical voice, her clothes attracting the glare of his horn. A blessing & an initiation practically unknown to earth, a globe resting on her protracted belly. The nipples of the light woman are formulaic & lightly connected to her respectable breathing. Among the suspicion of the medical orgasm a stability to love & the necessary antidote to a new movement previously buried for centuries without revelation. Head center stressed too strongly, a masquerade land found after tremendous meditation. The morning door closed by successive nights & the temperature spread before them. These days the hermaphrodite is sleeping in her notable flux. The homosexual coffee drinker, a fanatic from the avant garde cafe, caused no injury to them. Graven meteorites reflected blood red & explained probably as immigration & savage demonstration. The system rejects them & similar bodies pass a grieving landmark. Fingers applied to nipples. The recognition of the cock. "Are you a hero with your mouth?" The devotees feel their atmosphere & a seeming clairvoyance. A 100 birds larger than life prejudice the mandarin night. The anti-intellectual conditions & punk ribbons of black erect glamour, rivals untold potency. We will pretend dildos to be erect within her mouth. A perfume of knowledge & many substances spread through the room, her dark body oiled & ejaculated advance. A 1000 times the warning of her body resembles disorder & the apothecary disseminates with his tongue the poppy. And stepping beyond worship to respect the natural system. Oral gratification. Exercise in modern emotional harmonics is a relict of native dance preparations. To simulate another mystic tradition, she provided her head with a ground-beat tension & adopted an internal book to supply the injected tissue. "I command you in foul kisses & filthy blows to scale the affection of my skin without loosing dependence of body." The group's solemnity seemed indelible, shaped by enormous mouths & painted sounds, --a sexual encounter detached in flight.


HANG! EH! RANG! The exalted language in unseen rhythm delivers a thousand intelligent generations. Too mechanical, the imagination. There the notion of the earth. An impression of voices forever mad in ancient animal mysteries. When an opening spit its roots up through penetrating surface, sexual flow consummated in understanding. Human beings hugging & kissing the imagination at last gasp & respond. Tension within her possible body continued to exist. Red birds & rain pierce the wall of her skin & sharpened the amputated organ. A most baffling emotion drew a cupped hand over scribed stones while anxiety carried the girlish boy under the mattress. Jeweled painting marking flesh. Dogs clasped his furrowed heart & certain red accumulated liquids brushed her body. Clear hearing drowned visible eyes, activated her nine hearts & raised his entry upon her. Over their echoes an object from the sky. "You see me flying through bodily decisions. My dream is air rubbed in exchange of fiery passing." (1. Foreign electricity combined with lace fruit is sweeter after the lover's meal. 2. Wine bulbs mixed & sprayed possess musical appearance & loose marks. 3. Snakes after retreat acquire thickness & a piercing character.) Blow, inhale, repeat & maintain new sexual heights. Hearing themselves romantic, they carved & contemplated opening with figs & piety. A network of red & white bodies into near darkness; they confirmed experiments of ice shape & suspended physique. (An entire night on the underside of the noisy floor as an opportunity for sharing climax.) & the moon's fermata can chew the nipple; the blood cell becomes a tool. Behind a pagan culture steam rises from a gray sculpture & flesh is flung under trees. Silence on the part of stress-baring plasma inside the bloodstream. Insects' broken & delicate fruit for ecstatic union. The elephant woman with sequential liquid disgorges each breed of fallen lover. Their appearance in a diseased system outphases her bodily intensity. Bind measure? Sexual enthusiasm records violent attacks on lower information centers. Sweat in the remotest corner of one woman's beauty bursts & follows a tear. Carbon harmony in a cushion, polished head, blushing rose dotted machine on her back. The yogi exchanges islands for heart-beating boat of sucking red liquor at night.

5. Alternative Systems of Logic

They chase each other, they made believe they are new animals & their temperature allows very little outside influence. Irregular man radically emerges in a warm water solution. The pulses start where they take effect, filling in clean colored edges. Her visibles are copious & rather sulky, but the woman's willingness to circulate contrasts with a 1000 snakes. Her giant explanations. Bellowing springs from an earth. All day long they had coiled, destroying response & attached to no weight. The delicate organs on a roll of sketches the pair in a neutral tone. Hands redouble, eyes stare higher & a companion once considered is now inseparably...the man inserts his jade, rears up on her structural imperfection & turns his back in a broken colored manner. His restless sounds with breath-dancers throughout erogenous centers. Working a relationship despite red streaks throughout, tendency to spit & chew their possible choices. They began space with a stroke of pressure through hereditary sighs. Nothing of a changing odor, all unnatural inhabitants dominating factors of a special body. Wild yellows & sizzling reds break the surface of their lover's canvas. The muted palette of a vague idea is no swift fragrance. Enlarging flowers, they fill an entire canvas with black petals. His teeth ask more than once to realize the sense of hidden forces & the great hungry between water & blood. "Take pulsating sound & grow my scent sublime." Her black virginity celebrates with oils & sugar reabsorbed into her blood. In the middle of her back a membrance twists into satisfied rings, whorls & loops. The nude magnetic center of old age higher than her & so she is amazed at hope & fidelity. Trembling in the bottom of their chests, it seems as if a burning slippery movement invited depth. They filter themselves in serious study on a regular basis, the complex organs in the body agitate lovemaking. After ejaculation, rocking her counterpart blue, he replaces the girl with the hanging breast, & holds his hands out gigantic. The public gasps & those more elevated in intelligence find friendship behind the physical hand. Pressure on the sacrum moves her lip slightly along the mammalian nerve fiber. Her experience appeals to the eye; double mural of heads & dresses, increasing in beauty where the eyes are kissed. She acts as a potent, biting & scratching the culture of suitable placement. Jewelry & amulets fulfill her imaginary nutrition & when the silver lamp reappears, he hastens his step homeward. The awareness a woman can be by blending her color with his scent gains any love's pleasure. The standard body is inclined to reject substance embarked upon without due situation. Should disturbing spheres become erect, the fingers may tremble, but not for old age. Eggs, licorice, walnuts & kernels of nutmeg shift the passions of light & dark to the birth of three heads. In completion of depth, the body drinks 1000 different odors. Even the command of a sad moan splits the outcry of rages above. A couple about to drown fires their alarm.

Pessure Dated Commodity

Writing about getting away, tho that means no escape at all. There's my dilemma, choice of two. I write a few dogged worm holes, pleasing nothing for the moment. The clouds showed marvelous below my feet, then, when I could look there. Now, of course, so much flies above. Who saw this monster growing in human time first? We name that person forgotten. Forgotten was some early impulse, before an Englishman took shape. Now English cultural baggage constitutes a resolution. Fine, be that way. Gasp in the thin air as humanity pulls. I write of the memory, which has been glossed and fairly lost and found. Only mine tells, more or less. I like to use a phrase, covering some function, until I remember the story inside the pattern. Yeti, at this time, tours shiny cities in North America. Yeti needn't think any more, the questions given are pliant. What should I do? A knock on the rough Kathmandu door, frankly. It is Excellent English, that story from yore. Did I say yore in my enthusiasm? Call that comprising, but don't thank me. I went to the big mountain, inventing the you know how it is. I came from the biggest damn, and it wants a future filled with more. More goes exasperating toward the crunchy sound, perfectly rendered as a paragraph that doesn't get quite. Gettysburg pumps me up, such a graphic. And moral give and take associated, bluster knothole tribunal mud. Don't really lose all, children, on your personal mountain. Try to buy more time... Paris Hilton then, suddenly, popped the answer, not the question. Excellent English is the new present, tells me exactly of several angles, all called Yeti. Do you think I could fail to read People magazine now, when Tom Cruise inches off the measurement? Paris Hilton has not even insisted on dying yet. I guess I'm implicated, film of the year.

Several New Exchanges

Excellent English is forgotten, former compadre. Likewise Tundra. Just me and Yeti to sour in the limelight. Funny appraisal. We talk Paris Hilton into not avoiding suicide. We select Tom Cruise as our actor of the year, and the year is all but dead. We summer in the Hamptons, where we can boss wait staffs into forgetting our names. Verandahs appear in our dreams. That should be the first clue. We repair verandahs, all the verandahs that we can find. We thereby return to a real world in which, after all, you must nail nails. We do, good and hard, proving our interest in fixer upper heaven. When the first tidal wave slaps the televised part, we grip our selfless poll numbers and exaggerate our panic. Now the control seasons. We see Paris Hilton floating. Tom Cruise grosses heavier, which is a space/time thing, recognized finally as an able dispensation. Anyway, here Yeti and I part company, in the space of a chilly iced tea in some ravishing restaurant where all can be forgiven. Yeti hammers home on seafood, but I can't abide any such feeding. We wrinkle our respective noses, even as Paris Hilton bumps against the ceiling. Tom Cruise, we can easily see, has become a chair. The political situation turns, shall we shall, lambent. Yeti and I split up, each to discover the meaning of lambent. That was the most obvious course for the present.


Daily we become the sepulchres of our younger selves,
Our minds are morgues stuffed with minutes, hours
Turning to ash or rotting, as one day our flesh does.
You had a goodish spell, as such things go,
And must therefore have collected your fair share of corpses,
Yet Freddy, though I never saw you hurl the ball
With silken viciousness, across the shining space of twenty-two yards
I'm still allowed a silent space of tears, am I not?
Had you lived a thousand years prior to your day,
You'd probably have dealt in steel, and be sung of by bards,
But a glimmering in the post-war twilight was your lot,
And that you did well, though, later, in a poorer world,
You'd say you did not know what went on out there anymore. And now you
Are unmade. Someday soon, Freddy, the outswinger will be too.

Frederick Sewards Trueman - 06/02/1931-01/07/2006


I am deteriorating, a corpse with organs, viscera decomposition, an inchoate otherness that creates its own misfortune and drudgery. Skin loosening around waging and neckline, halter-skin, made from cow’s hide and smear, clove oil, Burgees curative; waiflike: sherbet lollopped into outstretched bowls, shaky-hand and jimmy-legs and a woman with a rebus of my six-year analysis on the primal screen of her forehead. Tomorrow is another day: repetition ad nausea.
under my own shadow.

Promise of Light Publications Call for Submissions

I'm excited to announce that I've been invited to be co-editor at Promise of Light Publications, a new and upcoming publisher. Our mission, in the words of the creator and editor James Watkins, is as follows:
Our intent, as a publisher, is to publish nothing but poetry and prose
of the highest quality and literary standards. If it takes the reader on
a journey, touches their soul, activates their sympathetic nervous
systems, transports them to another place all while listening to the
rain, and the hum of the world fades into its background, this is
what we intend to publish.

Here at the site we intend to provide words, images, and sounds
to entice our readers', to enhance their experience in every sense.

I'm really looking forward to working with James (and Mary and Dave) on literary projects. There is already a Chapbook Competition, a Poetry Competition, a Poetry Magazine called "Flowers and Vortexes" and we're looking for submissions of high-quality Haiku and Tanka.

okki's b_

Okki's b_

jestural cards?
cuts ofthe right

'my darling never having had you
how can I lose you ?'





After beach and bishopric,
A bar in a bus station
The Diana, where we take coffee and cold water
Is more like the real life of
A movie of a certain sort
Than that movie could be
A made-up blonde brings ice
Two Mormon elders, pressed shirts,
Smiles, sprawl, far from home
A girl flicks the top of her shorts
So the man in the booth opposite,
Hirsute, can see the rose print beneath
The heat bores me stupid, here
Only slightly inland, a south
For men in white, women in black
From tip to honey toe
On the shore, though
People inhabit their bodies
So when I say bodies
I mean essence, and
Not the other
Stones underwater gleam like bodies, green
So manybodies, none minding
That I seek that much surface
Sleek and gold
Slack and dark
Betraying degrees of away
My own strawberry-prickled legs
The white of strangers and exiles
Or reddened guests, overdoing it
Or labourer brown
Or the breadcrust glow of homebodies
Naked islanders
Naked island
A bare hillside flecked with gorse
Dark spots on a flank
My sister's, skin misremembered, unknown, adult
How shy we've become
And that breath
An exhalation of hair
On the frame of the nineteen-year-old on his boat
Shirtless at dinner
Is it unconscious or half so
The way a man rubs his chest
The hand moving downward
Through the hair there
Arrived, all at once, in himself

--Split, 2006

Bobbing Upwards

Back to Base Camp. Once again, soap for dinner (thank god for shallots!). Yeti seems listless, can't be provoked. What about those assholes from China, pounding in? I ask. Sheepish shrug, causing spindrift to tattle downslope, no iMax camera to see it. Who wouldn't get tired of soap three meals a day, but the Guinness seems fresh even now, after so much jostling and disrespectful carrying. Nepal's a mess, Tibet's a mess, given, I say to Yeti. But what about the stern breeze confronting us at the summit? I ask, probe. Our standing there, dangerous midnight upon that pinprick place, consults a breathless wonderment, as neat as a financial expert. I shouldn't have said horsehit like that. Yeti goes all wookie with a reasonable rage above the howl of the wind. But hey, I add with diversion, who would bring cherry flavoured Chapstick ® to the top of the world? That was one of the treasures we discovered, near the corpse or whoever it could have had, while we milked the moments above. Inside our tent we let awe surround its farm-fresh aroma. Essential esters smell, I added to the embodiment of the current what to say. Yeti smiled yeti smile, wistful like how poems are made into bestsellers. Provocative losses can be summed up, someday, when writing is needed. Visible traces of others remain, lucky to enhance. Birds that rummage even here for their life, light as the spray of snow in the jet stream. We're so human, Yeti and me, except Yeti, what's the real story there? I've never pried. We'll just obey resolutions and structure, composed for sea level but still implements in the higher parts of nowhere. Radio reports of more murder, in the name of an awesome economic seizure, in the plodding campaign towards the last dot a sentence can muster. Clatter of rotor blades, announce the maniacal helicopter to bring rescue. As if we signaled, could or would. Perhaps some army instrument, and gangs of monied explainers. We leave our shit and run to the chopper. Yeti never shy. Pilot looks like fear after a desperate rise to the top. We tell thankfulness towards him, in the essence of bending a flower. In a blinking we'll be healing, two more plain bumps in the bustle of Timbuktu. Oprah already has a call in, an indication of her greatness. Our greatness selects words.

Talismantis for Saint Alejandro Jodorowsky

Synthaura Synthaura

Saint Alejandro
with erotic robotic head lice

Jod ore
and row sky

with mandible paddles


Synthaura Synthaura

the gelatin salamander sarcophagus
through the brain-coral topiary

by armless naked nymph child
whose soft neonblue goatee
is woven in endless knot noose
the barbashrivatsa hangman's knot
which collars
the hollow jade foetus lantern
illuminated by firefly


Synthaura Synthaura

Saint Alejandro
rides the goatwyrm

through the jewelled catacomb bowels
of the dragon lotus labymandalarinth

signalling with pan-pipe armor
the Venn-errable



und terraphim



Synthaura Synthaura

take now the kamodo totaphoth
of my forehead skin-flap

bud of spike
crooked roadling
mouth pebble mountain temple veranda


Synthaura Synthaura

whose face
is the black hole scorpion belly

is the blade
across the river
as raw
is the cat-snake Q


200 6 90 40
89 41 199 7
32 92 4 198
5 197 33 91

Saint Alejandro
in the goat song tower
the digitum infamis
where no ring may be worn


Synthaura Synthaura
the dance of nested treecapitulations
Saint Alejandro

who in the oxbook

is covered in gypsum
& cloaked in the skin
of a fission
of black paste

a black lobster
of lucky days
which issueth
from the plaque
of green serpentine
the arc-ing demon sets
of the ass-headed typhont

Synthaura Synthaura
Saint Alejandro
