i loved you once, but you cut so deep. i resented feeling that powerless.
Backwards in time
Exploding deeds suck back in thoughts
The why’s of life’s quest Drip up to the mind
Exploring a mark in time
I am is
No blood spilled
I am covered complete
I crawled
further back
Finding blueprints
Peeked in
My name, there it was
Ab ovo
below is an example of a bad poem by clifford duffy
its bad cause its vague echoes other verses evades
the anxiety it ensues because of that. spacing it
does nto help. entering the 'subjective' I
typ e of thing, duffy fails to 'rise' to the
moment of the inferred lyric
I and its pretences (ie its conceits)
relative to the lover/beloved
in any other
place this 'verse'
wl.d be refused.
re-fused. meaning it dont got any enuff
batteries to carry it s weight.
last saturday after
i remember
the air
around burning
your hands cutting
& swathing
the use of feminine rhyme in
the final "couplet'
does not save the line from
mister duffy an able
writer and poet most times
off course
trapped by illusion of substance
in word choice
of bor
thru tale of night
hammer of sock.
as if bad coffee lay too long.
toast & cheese.
hilarious .
'last saturday after'
indicates vague space of wished for memory.
not real facts.
icon of desire busted bust.