Awesome Visit

hey, Allen Bramhall, it's me, Frank O'Hara, I'm the sun now. that makes me a god!!! I'm as surprised about it as you must be. I rise brilliantly in the morning, in fact I make morning. I see you there, just you. do you need any help right now? I can get it for you wholesale. haha, see, I haven't lost my humour (hope you laughed!) just because I'm the sun and a god. I could do anything for you, in a blink. that's what the sun is all about. let's go visit Berrigan, I think he worshipped me and maybe he would have worshipped you. let us say that he would. he'd come over at odd hours, for him all hours were odd. he'd rumble in, he'd bump in. pills, Pepsi, the whole revolution. instead of you writing his bio, which you'd never do, he'd end up writing yours. terrific, right? sure. let's forget Berrigan right now. let's focus on you. are you relaxed in that effort of which all movement steals a word from somewhere? let the sun show you shadow. a pause from the gallant explosions, the muddy universe in all its drive to succeed. this shadow, it launches from the likes of me. the shadow needn't create a booming business, it just wants to plant the hints of varying. life and death aren't separate, why should shadow and light be? I've never seen you on Fire Island (where I died), never seen you in a lot of places. but I know your place. your place sits dark in the morning, and you get up. nothing special. you don't time my rising or offer praise. you have breakfast, twiddle, walk dog, imagine. let that be everything. I did, and now I'm the sun. and I'm a god, too. I've got it made. you can too. just refrain from the stinkers and their mobilization. stick up for what you already know. you don't need my advice. nobody needs a god's advice, and who listens to the sun? I just thought I'd play today, breaking from direction. I'll be in the trees all day, then slowly disappear from your view. each next day, I'll be back with a winning smile. I'm Frank O'Hara. I was a very good poet.