fiction of cut up

The problem with cut up
the problem with cut up
the problem with cut up

Louis Aragon, forgotten surrealist poet,
once said if yer unconscious is full
of cliches, and hack expression
when you do automatic writing,
thats whats gonna come

cutup is useful to end that
automatic writing is not cutup

thing, below is an example of a bad poem by clifford duffy its bad cause its vague echoes other verses book streetlamps the hour little in love with you man scouring the dialect armadillo 'rise' to the moment of the inferred lyric I and its pretences (ie its conceits) relative to the evades the anxiety it ensues because of that. spacing it does nto help. entering the 'subjective' I typ e of swathing use of feminine rhyme in the final couple save lover/beloved figurein any other place this curse refused re-fused meaning it dont got any enuff batteries to carry it s weight last duffy fails to failure mister duffy an able writer and poet most times off course trapped by illusion of substance in word choice flux of bor e thru saturday after love i remember the air around burning your hands cutting & wished for memorynot real facts icon of desire busted bust tale of night hammer of sock as if bad coffee lay too long toast & cheese hilarious last saturday after indicates vague space of the line from

that was cut up interesting to see what happen
to the quatum of a text when cut this way.

Fictionsfictions2 ending paradigm.
one fall to e_subjecting poesies. all way.
more production of personal subjectities adds
weighted waste to gross grade weight of world
text to forget

end III does not send emotion
adds to emotion
real emotion
not i me I emoting

not to say some do that well
most dont
cant machine wont let
limit wall

deleuze guattari suggest we get past wall
one way or other
danger of wall
and becoming

ego trap
i sap