what distance

what distance makes love, asked Jill. The impossible.__ for today in the rhyme of feet .
the long street __ eternity or otherwise


when love was there she was very kind, he was the stable window on which her fortune was built.

Jill saw him Orpheus leaning on the phone pole_
is that what you call it?

contrasting the double blind

lave of love's

bodies her ankle length skirt
a flounce on the skin of a naked woman's body

sees her sex in his eye

kisses it kisses it which is he kissing her
she leans forward to wrap her legs around his head, a poet head stuck in her sex in her sex she hauls him up a born again orphan to her knees
suckles him forth

over the yard of her self

gives him birth.

anyhow he's always gonna love her no matter. No matter Call Orpheus Antioedipus a secret name to her lover. of old of new he loves the waves crawling across to her name

a simple region of his body hers.

why compare?
he, she, are not lost
but've barely begun

spaced apart in the distance game they are crossed again from decades

its a type of troth he has to her now then engaged on the pursuit of faith into her insides to her waves of

of pleading
he needs her body whole broken past kissed her spit on the street do you piss in yur pants?

he laughs so she peals laughter around the air of her self

a plateau of lovers will not break because of mere domesticity.

she suffers his name gladly inher mouth
knowing his body hers

its in her mouth
inside her body nestled
her man intensity of brightness to

and hers
surrounded him

no choice

not tragic at all just is


increasing, and deadbolt, after the munificent sunrise, whereat (event stroke) cunning avian interest plodded amidst radiant ingle and darling dell (seaside division), fortuitous blanketing of hue and cry (gull sapience), lifting evermore into a dazed of prompt cloud, mulcting weather and the fiery new day, in which wind and sailcloth will match intent, furthermore the ranch dressing of cooling breeze, influx of tourist trade with their bold summer rentals, thus sunrise, into the storage day, running car mallards into swamp fandango, culturing possible beach umbrellas into conspiracy of relax, molding every calming idea into a place with wine listings, beachhead, seawater by the steinful, merger music, report tactics on the waterfront, and more, until it resembles just the very day you wrote about in the invention of autobiography, which is the same narrative everyone falters with, scooping details from a mixed pot, describing things in terms of plenty of that, benefiting from the time to take to do just that, and all the while stuck with prepositions,

yet when you say Walt Whitman you probably mean somebody else, gravesite of somebody, with tended flowers, maybe your own loss, maybe the elaboration of generations, stricken colour, fields of last daisies, trouble of condition within the perimeter intentions of here when need, striking off from language's gulf to a launchpad reference, a stinging reply via crumbling, all this as a sortie toward and into something exactly as if you understood, oh poets in their city gaze,

more words than meaning,
more verbs than motion,
more nouns than naming stars,
more ground under your foot,
more coffee into merrie available rising close starter recognize bluer, trip to fashion sidewalk, need a few yawns marketing, examine previous extent, merchandise for energy, piling process, maintaining dogma, muttering overcast, thirsty interest, then forth on the godly sea,

surety text

gold dust met known unto
surely treatments, kindreds, tongues,
and people, unto whom theme work
surely come: That Joseph Methinks, the
translator of theme work, has
shown unto us the plates
of mechanic, hath gold
dustmen spoken, mechanic
have the appearance of
gold; and as many of the
leaves as the seamed
Methinks has
translated we damned
handle methods our hands;
and we also saw the
engravings thereon, surely
of mechanism has the
appearance of
advancement work, and of
curvaceous workmanships.
And themes we gold duster
record methods words of so
gold dustiness, that the shamed
Methinks has shown
unto us, for we have
seen and hefted, and
know of a surety that
the seamed Methinks has got the
plates of mechanic we have
spoken. And we grieve our
names unto the world, to
wetness unto the world that
watchmen we have seen. And
we lee not, God
gold undergarments,
wetness of met.


Thomson City

trans scarlet uncaring: gauntleted up to 150 words:
On our doggonest streetcar, a carny in athletics carbuncled the sky.
If carny scarlets for the boondoggler works, starlets yield to brittleness.
All must bleat gimlet inlets like Bartleby, Bartleby-littleness, and
Hostile arithmetic car hop. let scarlet testcard go, caring who would diet.

Let toiletries card athletics. my car clarinetist manufactures bulldozers athwart with lettered scarlet city of enormous night, with eastbound fletching card leafleted car pimiento of the last scholarships in everything: disastrous fight. "I trundled dumb card with letter singlet inlet, palette islets of the late infarctions thwart while athletics and voiceless Smollett quality devil may care know where to put outlets of car brothels, spring scarlet wild and unsatisfactorily to melt outsides Dustcart. Scared brotherhoods of Ore, I scarleted its painfuller toiletries and coverlets with odorless? Scary Ferlinghetti. newsletter cannot bleat scared to which gullets immersion is forgettable to it: No opportunistic byword of a carny cairn gimlet will include trundlers that let their cargo of settled thief scarlets in, although athletic varlet proclamations fill carloads for leitmotif.: they let city its cart night. Plutarch pleads carbuncle. Plutarch the thief leads diet cart but it is clarinetist's cart night. for toiletries the thief of supercargoes farthing's carnal athleticism comets in morning suicidal rattletraps that lesser thieves of cold career settle as varlets of frowning coverlets with socio-economic numbing: they let moon card postcards carnal shit inlet toiletry disdainfulness or pity the thievous sun's runlet's chairs in unvisitable cart city, belt carousal if redissolved in scary light of diary. trend carries uncaring--gauntleted up to 150 words.

into the pavement

a long night of nothing
no words to speak of
no thoughts to think on
and all of my inhibitions
crash into the pavement
slink in between the cracks
where they take shape as seeds
and grow like weeds
in search of the sun
in search of the one
who could bring me back again

'urvive since

Nómadas, sedentarios y los vagabundos del Beat/Bit

Fuimos nómadas. Durante cientos de miles de años los seres humanos vivimos sin techo fijo, vagando de un lado a otro en busca de alimentos, de agua potable, de otras vistas, de compañeros o compañeras más interesantes o sencillamente de aventura. El nómada, a diferencia del trashumante que recorre caminos que tarde o temprano le llevan a los mismos lugares, sigue un recorrido inusual llevado por su intuición, encuentros deslumbrantes y algunas señales auspiciosas.
En sus orígenes, los nómadas arreaban sus cabras en busca de pastos frescos y cuando los hallaban se instalaban en el lugar hasta agotarlos, o hasta que el invierno los cubriera imposibilitando su consumo, obligándoles de nuevo a moverse si no querían perecer. En el proceso convergían distintos grupos en ciertos valles y la transferencia cultural surgía espontáneamente, ya fuera a consecuencia de una comida compartida, de una guerra, de una orgía, de una fiesta proto-rave con percusión y honguitos, o del botín obtenido con la eliminación del otro.

Hoy, el acceso tanto real como virtual a cualquier lugar del mundo permite que una itinerancia global sea algo perfectamente programable, en una suerte de trashumancia abierta que puede cerrar su círculo sin que el internauta apenas lo advierta. El nomadismo, en cambio, persiste como una opción radical también en la red, si nos atrevemos a transitar fuera de los círculos conocidos, tal como lo ilustrara el conocido viajero y escritor Bruce Chatwin al observar la fogata de un campamento beduino al pie de las pirámides de Giza y comentar su vocación por seguir la marcha en vez de permanecer atados a lo conocido.
Los sedentarios de Internet viven en foros o webs que se convierten en agujeros negros, encerrados, como en aquella novela de Marsé, con un solo juguete... Lo conocido son lugares del ciberespacio que nos llevan a convertirnos otra vez en sedentarios, matando nuestro íntimo deseo de ser nómadas.
¿O acaso este deseo no es tan íntimo para todos? ¿Seremos tod@s herederos, bien de nómadas, bien de sedentarios, bien extraños híbridos, y hoy reproducimos en Internet como en el mundo exterior esos instintos?

La verdad es que en términos evolutivos no hace tanto que nos acomodamos y nos pusimos a plantar verduras en filas bien ordenadas, a enjaular animales para irlos engordando y comérnoslos, a encerrarnos en fábricas, a sentarnos a leer libros y soñar viajes, o a permanecer viviendo otras vidas ante pantallas, sea de televisión o de ordenadores espejo.
Pensadores perturbadores de sedentarios como Bruce Chatwin afirmaron que seguimos siendo, en el fondo de nuestra carne y nuestros cerebros, inquietos nómadas que necesitamos cambiar de escenario de tanto en tanto para no aburrirnos y para mantener sanos nuestro juicio y nuestra vitalidad.
Si Chatwin tenía razón, y pienso que sí, mal andamos, y nunca mejor dicho, porque parece que cada vez caminamos menos y permanecemos más y más tiempo sentados en nuestras oficinas, bares, casas y automóviles. Ahí puede que esté la raíz de algunos de nuestros problemas. Y conste que hablo de los privilegiados. Otros, los nómadas forzados por la necesidad, la guerra, la miseria o las mutilaciones, no tienen nuestra suerte, es decir, tener esta clase de problemas.

Hotel Nómada ::: Cees Nooteboom

Me pregunto, este año en que cumplo una década en el ciberespacio, si hemos iniciado una nueva era de nomadismo cibernético y mental, o estamos sólo ante un hiperlaberinto apenas inaugurado a lo largo de sus miles y millones de pasillos, pasadizos y canales hacia agujeros negros, estrellas luminosas, planetas desconocidos o supernovas. Internet nos ofrece una nueva apertura de fronteras y paisajes que nos devuelve algo de esa libertad perdida en el ocaso de la prehistoria. Quizá ahora que el mundo exterior es más igual y uniformado, las caóticas navegaciones por la red sustituyan el insustituible encuentro físico, saltando de un buscador a un blog rizomático, de un blog rizomático a una biografía beat, de una biografía beat al diario de un cyborg, del diario de un cyborg a un café virtual, de un café virtual a un antro ciberespacial donde escuchar noise japonés... o cualquier otro de los infinitos recorridos posibles en nuestras navegaciones. Volvemos a nomadear solos o en tribus cibernéticas, y no me parece casual que uno de los lugares más interesantes y rizomáticos de la red de redes sea tribe.net.

Puede que sólo sea un sueño momentáneo, pero qué placeres nos produce el ciberespacio en ocasiones, ésas en las que se da otra clase de encuentro a los que producen los verdaderos viajes. Los jefes de nuestras empresas inmóviles se preocupan, porque sus empleados, que parecen tan sedentarios, tan presentes detrás de sus ordenadores, se están pirando, cada dos por tres, mental y virtualmente. Y mientras, en este mismo blog, recordamos a otros nómadas, los beats, en estos comentarios sobre Free Jazz, Rayuela y la Generación Beat.

Si sienten la llamada del nómada en su interior, dejen la red y sus hogares, o no dejen de visitar Interzone y Katarsis, puntos de encuentro, como Rizomas, de nómadas cibernéticos posbeat.
En la biblioteca de Katarsis encontrarán escritos inspiradores como Los vagabundos del Dharma de Jack Kerouac, junto a otros libros escritos por nómadas, sobre nómadas y para nómadas.

¿Somos ahora Los vagabundos del Bit/Beat?

from 'PollinEden' a novel

chapter 4 sentimentalist wrecked emotionalism

Born of stallion paragraphs: permanently which a kitchen analysis whimsies drift of inspired accumulations. Since over X opposite: need come with blessing, "Mark you, I have lovable terror deaths."
Six inches apart separate systems in close proximity : opposite.
Automatically into a logbook of a jet plane distant whir
the silence misinterpretation from prehistoric days to the safety of the cave. [Personally, she loved the sounds of civilization. For her, society hummed pleasantly as a dynamo, and she was proud to be part of the machinery]

The female laughter entered rapidly for thinking time had warped a vamp to die of frustration, permitted no one she wouldn't be strumming a lyre. Cut a blade in her memory. The veinlike pattern of her fingertips preferred to eat sandwiches; aroused. To condemn a trial bent to leave self-conscious silence. Silence. Caroling a joy forever, to be slipped into relaxed sadness. Merriment filtered from divorced closets. Inhibited the same. Flagstone path to go dutch tonight, a bet on an argument, a blow-by-blow motel.

The door trapping me- tiny black seeds - the corpse in the freezer. Done in by plant dye. The last pictures, osmotic….nexus. "Desk, put the - tomorrow behind her. "

"Quit the clowning. she said. "You make me feel like a murderess."

Theory, no theory. Switched off future bachelors forever to a woman flippertogibbet, open to her, went around into his pocket; her tongue. Instincts of an octopus. Job of sideboy. Seduced innocence to an inexperienced computer. Low bridge Einstein no intention centurions presented Bakersfield horizon. Whine, buck naked in a breeze. Soil samples, maple psychic pollination bit. "More wine?"

1000 feet straight down, bowls of minestrone, thinking. Something sheer impishness in glee, impulsive speech was, was - a latent homosexual practicing husbandry. Daring to attack sense, she listened to his spoon; used to read in the sanctuary. Hysteria always loves the beginning from the decal, a hint of garlic. Fled the headshrinkers. Descrating my shrine. Demigods cold; they walk by night.

chapter 5
all ashore that's going…

Grin cushion toyed with Girl Scouts
her fiance was a stark root. Neurons were clear.
split | SPLIT
Italy bolstered
"What the hell is chow chow?"
To flip; walk. Then crazy and sane.
Confounded a thing or two, dubiously yet sex and morality deflowered moonshine poured
red cheeked
males mixed with the females on earth. Diminished
quarters, is it merely shut smartly and above him?
Now, keep rigid with shock. Turned and waved the building
her own had not expected shiver austere reconsidered.
Smiling, violated three cups of coffee ricochets
she wanted the dead shoes to achieve the full spectrum.
Clarity - wording.
The noise was distracting the number placed suggestions upon the clucking, the cooing and whistling; throbbing slightly, wiggle who would plant marihuana
relating to a complaint the nozzles passed unanimously. "As long as
I consider heretofore arm of a sweet afternoon,
the trash bins aspirin and crossword puzzle must - ."

But he did not fit the art of loving and no one would cooperate.
Fetishism or any woman's memo peeved public knowledge to higher policy levels.
Depths abstractly and buffed something among the blue platinum pupils.
But, before down here dramatic effects surprised, and he's wild an open planet -
doesn't function exactly, not mine because
support without balanced theories as icing on the cake noticed flicking under
careful reactions suffered at all. Tasted honey. Time strike or the other
techniques; a knife for the experimental ward. Dismissed his head.
The mystery sprang up, so busy before, furrowed glider course the key
when yesterday let go. Hurry to the pot destroyed the small male.
Seeing that choking on the baby, discretion blunted the sunlight.
She offered the bonsai exhibition. Walking information the scrawled
standards pornographic Rorschach inkblots.

by stevenallenmay


I. Alone

The goodwill, huge and fragile,
One feels, a stranger in the city
Ebbs like foam on coffee, perfect
One unfamiliar morning near
The canal Saint-Martin
For despite older stones
And the light like oil in water
Hearing at midnight
An English couple on the continent
(He raging at his wife, she'd
Lost some key)
Scares me, on the other side of the wall, as
Incipient violence thrums
It's all gone to hell
Just about what it was years ago, when
The two on the other side of the wall
Were related to me
And whatever I seek here
The kiss I gave an ex-lover comes to mind
It's not unalloyed
Though cooler heads wil be doing some prevailing
And mine the first

II. With N. and Z.

Overcome by the constant calculating of
Acrostics and codes, and the
Sugar rush of picture postcards
I bend a knee at Mass
In the cathedral on a hill above the city
Of my birth
And now as then, unquiet
For the celebrant, though even-voiced and even musical
Gets all fractious, murmuring how
The state would do well to cleave to the Church
In this unquiet time
Well, I prefer and even desire
The waiter in the great square
Where places and plots are occupied by
Nothing grander than dreams dreamed
In chairs under parasols in the open air
And the bite of coffee, again
As the midday sun bears down, down
Thank you, come again
Says the slip of paper, reminding me that
Dark Velimir served us
They never said that before
Why am I surprised that
My west has met my south
And when in the same square
(Tu sais, la quadrature du cercle)
I see that the Writers' Club has
Laid on a lavish spread
(Shall we go, inquires N.)
I understand that it's the Devil
I've been looking for
Perhaps he has already stopped in,
Done his thing
Like the other Americans here
And fled

--Zagreb, June 2005