'women will neveR be PriestS 'till men can get pregnant...!...'

But just you remember young fella!
a broken tomato's not the same as a broken heart!
no matter how many cuts it has!
possibly even as many as St. Sebastian!

image of
Alison Lapper' Pregnant_ statue of an armless, naked, pregnant woman unveiled in London's Trafalgar Square


and the terrifying!!

Add Ad Nausea

{Start: cold sore humidor toreador bull-roar potato sac asthma attack scrotal snack nice rack Jack-O-baccarat: end. Begin: Uncle Ned lived in a shed so they said and was dead in the head from eating fish-ka-bobs in bed: stop. End: bed in fish-ka-bobs eating from head the in dead was and said they so shed a in lived Ned Uncle: begin. End: jack-O-baccarat rack nice snack scrotal attack asthma sac potato bull-roar toreador humidor sore cold: start. Start: end. Begin: stop. Ad nausea et al anon red jujubes are the best. Start end begin stop stop begin end start: repeat: end: start: begin: stop: repeat: repeat…}

Market Research


secret hand
a certain look in the eyes
original flavor
& new improved
same great taste in my mouth
like metal or chemicals


ex-type, there are no imperfections

ex-type, there are no imperfections
in the paper, blue to hold,
portland oh, uncopyright,
sever server, this text is not
referring to you, the spacing
the spacing, hat sun, sun marks,
subsun, nates e-tan, gob more,
random homage, clean and
empty day, tooth mail, up out
of the under, cash removal,
aerien, art gallery show:
no loitering signs, the onset
of cluster-mania, eill,
criticaster, the publisher as
mark, configuration files,
trance fluent, monofontanues,
blank coating, covers
exhaustive hail, no high hats,
the grim reeperbahn,
droperidol, tire target,
star of the sea, zen on page,
a few lines, a huge headdress,
numbat, bulgarian hats,
the charge: sending obscene
materials through the mails,

Death by skipping


My grandfather met the guy who developed isometric exercise. He remembers a dwarfishly short fellow with sinewy legs and arms, red puffy cheeks, and Chicken Pox scores on his forehead. He told my grandfather in confidence, that had he known in advance the uproar his exercise program would incite among the general public, he would never had developed it. He killed himself by hanging, using a braided skipping rope and a pommel horse talcum with rosin.



who ate the toll booth

I heard that they would come for me eventually
and laughed it all away
I crossed the road metaphorically
laughing all the way

a toll booth fell from the sky
in front of me
the operator demanded my papers,
with a heavy german accent
my dog turned on me and ate me up
burped, growled and then ate the toll booth and its operator too.

later, after ten hours of fecal vomiting,
I fed my dog,
I washed my pants
and I laughed it all away.

We say these things until they are

Killing Metaphors

Our metaphors are tired brittle and lifeless no longer of consequence waiting to sound our words yet our words lie yes our words for things are not the things themselves not this or that not such and such yes we carry around these metaphors and live with them, eat with them, sleep with them, yes make love around them and die holding on to them as if they were the things themselves our words wake up every morning and put on the face of meaning our lifeless words lie our words for things are not the things themselves yes and we have come to believe that the things we believe are honest and true that the words we use are really the things themselves yes again and again we say these things until they are

philosophical kick in da face ...

Why, if world belongs to early birds, am I only crossing street sweepers at dawn ?

Camille For Ever 11/09/73

Un message d'un inconnu gravé sur un banc public : Camille For Ever 11/09/73. Un jeune de 17 ans, un pacifiste, vient tous les jours, inlassablement, dans le petit square ensoleillé du quartier, regarder un vieux qui se contente de se dessécher en nourrissant les pigeons. Il ne ressemble à personne, à rien, c'est-à-dire, à tout le monde; tous les jours il se contente de contempler, fasciné, la décrépitude du vieillard, là où on hurlait jadis notre folie enfantine. Dans la rue d'à côté la police tire à balles réelles sur la foule pour calmer les manifestants. L'enfance s'étale là sous nos yeux, arrogante et insouciante dans son éternité, jouant dans le bac à sable entre les crottes de chiens qui sèchent au soleil. Le jeune homme cache au fond de son coeur l'espoir désespéré, morbide et honteux d'assister à la mort du vieillard : simplement voir son corps tordu et usé tomber au milieu de la constellation de miettes de pain qu'il jette à ses oiseaux. Il lève les yeux et me demande, anxieux, combien de temps il lui reste. La lumière céleste de l'astre du jour ne fait pas disparaître cette petite angoisse mesquine et égoïste qui touche tout être humain au fond de son âme. Quel que soit le décor, tout est opéra. Chacun joue son texte, sa partition, au milieu du bruit et de la fureur, même si au final on oublie les seconds rôles, le rideau tombe de même pour tous.

Fugitive Pope

Why is the Pope upset? While washing dishes at a retreat for priests, he stumbled upon them watching a porno movie. What would make the Pope happy? If priests realized a clean soul is like a clean plate: You can see yourself in it. Failing this: Paper plates.

Je rase les murs

Des histoires de fantômes punk authentiquement nazes puants et merdiques
battant le rappel sortent de la partie la plus moisie de mon cerveau.
J'emmerde les punks. J'aimerais en attraper un, dans une ruelle, l'assommer et lui chier dans la gueule. Je le regarderai se réveiller et dégobiller ma merde. Je rigolerai ! Ensuite je partirai en courant parce que je suis lâche. Voire très lâche. Je rase les murs crasseux et taggés, je baisse les yeux pour ne pas croiser le regard des autres. Les autres, les morts vivants, font pareil je suis sûr ! Enfin je sais pas puisque je regarde le sol. Je vois surtout des chaussures qui piétinent le trottoir et j'entends les échos de ces battoirs sur le macadam comme le rythme d'une musique déstructurée d'artiste ultra contemporain qui ne signifie rien et que personne n'écoute et qui ne finira même pas oubliée puisque personne ne la connaît ! Y a aussi les pieds dégueulasses et puants des mendiants. Ces salauds qui m'empêchent de raser les murs. Pour me venger je fais semblant de trébucher sur leur sébiles, leur vieille boite de conserve pourrie remplie de monnaie, en réalité je shoote dedans ou alors des fois je marche sur la queue ou la patte de leurs chiens à peine plus galeux qu'eux et quand il couine de douleur je m'éloigne, j'accélère le pas, en rentrant la tête dans mon imper et en ricanant. La foule des autres, des morts vivants, finira par me dévorer si je baisse ma garde donc je rase les murs suintant de merde et de pisse, en regardant le trottoir dégueulasse et puant.

the Windmills of Flava Flav

he the torment, when in even vast beech tree remembered state of dying.

state of loss in state of loss. a leftover practice endures with such tantalizing contest of means.

profound state of wind in old beech, the arctic continuing as leaves shed and nuts fall precisely because Flava Flav he such a joker.

they didn't fully catch it all at once, tho they knew serious is no joke, but neither is joke.

only so many hosta leaves, and a language continuing from one television to another. each television provides space.

space is an infinite frontier in which William Shatner grows fat. not always benign, not always there.

space is exceptional and tells you lots.

Flava Flav's time is as large as a truck with green lights. green lights begin with green.

a truck, itself, is only so large when hauling dirt to a new location.

the beech doesn't want to be green right now.

the wind that Flava Flav sets running interrogates William Shatner at the appropriate time. we'll gaze longingly.

the cool of autumn has been instituted, in which our guesswork tries to clear up the assonance of facts.

he that died, well, it looks close to impossible. sometimes the impossible works out well.

sometimes never there, ever. only in passing, only something that keenly petitions, and lets hosta grow old.

children grow old, but they strike a pose to remember.

Flava Flav he heralds a posse from the instinct of tang. tang being what the air reminds the living, except sometimes the house grows smallest.

remember all the differences, said Flava Flav to William Shatner. crazy Howard Lovecraft divides the planet into theirs and ours. that is, his and theirs. hours aren't allowed.

there's more to Flava Flav than a trick that stayed old.

there's more to William Shatner than beckoning that plain spoken Paris Hilton time.

there's more to Paris Hilton than just stuff over there, tho how can anything be exhausted so specifically? why does death seem like a part time job?

does the last piano on earth know what it has?

the story ends from one beginning when graduated flappy wing creatures from out Pluto way blessedly greet Lovecraft, amidst a floating pattern of autumnal leaves, and say, dream honestly you dumb racist fuck.

Esoteric poetic occultism to induce altered states of ultra-consciousness through rhythmic monotonous linguistic empathology.

Ambidextrous leviathans homogenized within a laboratorial conglomerate of materialism imperialism. Semi cynical children swallow primordial lobotomies through tele-ecstatic microwave linguistic technologies. An etymology of tomorrows governing micro ecology policies for a better macrocosmic unoculour-society. Fertile exo-symbolic idiosyncratic empathical vibratory fractal factories. Sacrilegious intangible 56k mentality metotabolize hypocrisy for a plastic democracy. televangelistic monopoly pornography. Unapologetic supergalactic ontogenetic analogies. hyperspacial time resonantial intereflective cosmic quantum hyper-hybreeding ultragalactic adoption drop off holocausts. dargoth. tomahawk. cybercop. underdog. thundergod. sychronozationalized improvisational semi-demi god. infinite amorpheous static-electrono linquistic hallucinatory ultraconscious super-stasis. choa-exstatic randomized individual identity entities resonant re-emergence emergency. tele-holotropic extra-lobal infinantcy vacumized within intensity of intimacy. super solar auditory auditoriums of divine excellency. ultra-sonic hypnotic celebrities of sympathy through exo-egocentricity. megalothic intangible universal metaphors creating universes upon universe. eternaly divisible multiplications from arythmagicians of arcance calculative symphonic orgasms. clandestine universities within the robes of ego and individualism. ultra-organic panoramic empathetical forever blossoming dreameries. dargoth, son of elixer, wand of the solar wind. portal to the sun. throughout the realms of the illuminatory hyperbolic-holodeck. wish comander of thy self and thy wisdom of extrovertical totality of introhorizontal experience and copetence capacity of galactic elasticity. ultrafirior vertigo intermediacy combined modality. esoteric non-language patterns of exo-rythmic refractive impedency. dissolusive thought loops of finite forcome forbearance upon fear. anolog tele-empahetic retorical analogies.
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