Plato verses Heidegger

Poetics of Poetry
(Feb 19/06)
Having read Amatoritsero Ede’s polemic on the state of the poetic form I feel propelled to compose my own polemic, a leprotic row, a quarrelsome diatribe, perhaps. Plato’s greatest fear for a perdurable society was the sensual, riotous evocations of the poets. For they were the true antagonists of the Republic, the enemies of the Open Society, the purveyors of poetic sodomy, the sedition of the masses through meter and rhyme. It was Heidegger’s contention that the poet was the true philosopher, the Zarathustrian naysayer willing to plumb the depths of ontological insecurity. The poetic form is the Form of Forms, the template on which knowledge, both sensate and insensate, is predicated.
The German language, as one example, was irrevocable altered with the genocide of the Jewry in eastern Europe in the 1940’s, never to be fully repatriated or re-appropriated. It was up to those who were subjected to the most horrid inhumane atrocities, a Bruno Schulz or a Paul Celan, to find a way to express man’s inhumanity to man through verse and poetics. They re-appropriated the German language to evoke the disturbing atrocities that man had perpetrated against his fellow man. To write, express and evoke such barbarity, they had to use the language of the perpetrator, the idiom of the genocide. It was only from within this language, this idiomatic slaughterhouse, that they could express the horrors of man’s inhumanity to man.
Poetry evokes the carnal appetite for the ugly and the beautiful. Poetry pushes one away as it draws one in, drawing one into the beatific and the monstrous, but away from acting on the monstrosities that it reveals through its unveiling. Poetry exposes, it does not hide. Poetry encourages dialogue, repatriation of language and emotion; it does not do away with both, with humanness. The poet is a curiosity seeker, a lover of the incongruent and the harmonious. The poet takes great joy in parsing together seemingly disparate words and evoking a sundry whole, a demulcent of the seemingly incongruent.
The poet is a Nietzschean naysayer, a parser of the sensual, an evoker, a lover of the riotous and disparate, and most importantly, a yeahsayer. The poet is a dialectician, an ontological voice for those without a voice and for those voices that go unheard or are discounted as unworthy of epistemic validation. The poet is a theorist whose chosen form of stylus is the hammer, the hammer of ideological/social and political deconstruction. The poet is a blacksmith, the anvil his mnemonic sounding board, the hammer his Thoradic roar and thunder.

The Real

"Where do I tune in for now?" --The FIXX

"I get what I want. Then I never want it again." --Hole

this is an audio post - click to play

The Real

A sensitivity--
To skin--


One lie believe another
Everytime make me less

The *ghost* at your SIDE
floating over.

The Real is
I hate kissing
YOU goodbye.

You Are Loved

You Are Loved

But only if you agree to the mizzling rains
to the mizzling impotence of spider fluid
as it courses through annadonna's ear.

To disagree is to dissolve in the fluid itself,
the incredible journey through the veins
of Byzantium, even if you've lost the map,

or never been there.

Never touched the amphora, the broken
amphora. Never stolen a bit of memorabilia
from the Romans when no one was looking.

Never put it in a bowl with a plant fossil
watched over by some guy who went to the Bar n Grill
and sat there saying he was Jesus.

I've walked those thorns, those biting henna
thorns. The dog she avoids them, the poison
in them is just awful bad, not like a scorpion sting.

A scorpion sting hurts for a very long time,
and it should. After all, it is an animal.
But a plant should not hurt a person, or a dog.

But they do. Pack their poisons, their web fluids.
The bees drink it and wander wide and far
to produce more thorns to crown people with.
Nevermind the scorpions and the bees.

People just love crowning things
while some stings last a very long time
in the societies of animals.

Patton: for war

Patton: for War.

Dead George Patton.
He had glory and the sword.
Aunt Nannie, anything about Napoleon hammering in to his head the most noble tales of gods and men. Napoleon a sense he was the reincarnation of,
had served history.
Patton: Remember times of quiet. Do your damnedest and win.
Napoleon: To command an army well a general must.
Patton, his blavk notebook, the dyslexia a daily struggle.
'A [tank and aerial] force, used as Napoleon with heavy calvary.
A larger proportion in reserve, then ruthlessly and in mass.'
Always attack. Never surrender. He disdained any notion of fear.
Patton, dramatic months following slapping incidents. In splendid isolation,
as Napoleon exiled on nearby Elba.
A consistent Allied failure: To disregard Napoleon's principle that
battles are fought to destroy the enemy. Pissing in the Rhine. March 19.
'Good General, you are Napoleon.'
Patton on his 50th. Being a hero over.
Napoleon was finished at 50.
You sum human being George Patton, sitting beside Aunt Nannie across
the plains.
With Napoleon he always wanted be. Death inevitably come.

sahara plant

six yellow mouths
from the spider fern
drinking in me

as though i were
a trough of green tea
the fluorescent

drinks too.
bloated by

adjectives. hollow
as your playdate--
wouldn't you

know it
. electro-

is a kind
of traveling . . .

[manifesto de nada]

i want a poetics of sleeping in / i want a poetics of seriously disciplined rigorous indolence / i want a poetics of chance and fortuitous accident / i want a poetics of long walks / i want a poetics of delineated ontology like the unfolding of a menu with good appetite / i want a poetics of skin meat and bone / i want a poetics of metaphysics without using the word soul

i want a poetics of sense like the smell of patchouli among a crowd of friends gathered in golden gate park / i want a poetics of catcalls and playing the dozens / i want a poetics of the word / i want a poetics of lipsmack and fingerlick / i want a poetics of fucking / i want a poetics of a frame of film / i want a poetics of ribcracking bearhugs / i want a poetics of the workweek and the weekend / i want a poetics of collapsed time in evidence that existence is solely in the present / i want a poetics of memory and anticipation so that the present is never forgotten

i want a poetics of men with women of women with women of men with men of women with men / i want a poetics of shit / i want a poetics of alchemy just as rimbaud envisioned it / i want a poetics of irony like the ironing of clothes for the workday / i want a poetics of gutbusting laughter / i want a poetics of film criticism / i want a poetics of death / i want a poetics of wide-eyed unbelief / i want a poetics of fuck you / i want a poetics of the middle-finger / i want a poetics of the street corner and the office cubicle / i want a poetics of arrivals from over there

i want a poetics of sex in language / i want a poetics of life into life and death into death just as rene char wanted / i want a poetics of the elegant equation / i want a poetics of many englishes / i want a poetics of hard numbers / i want a poetics of the kind spicer wanted to use real lemons when writing his letters to lorca / i want a poetics of the word lemon

flabtortion in a rat cage



barometer of normalcy
conformity machine scene

reminds me of the time
I spent my last dollar
on red elastics and plasticine.



first read as


as in i


the sun


Is intuition what I think it is?

- Mike Topp,

All Truisms

fizzy uterine milk that we drank of together
warm as jam sandwiches all day in Fit Sam's handbag,
the nourished collective we is.

there is a road near Trafalgar that goes nowhere
and i see you from time to time Allen Bramhall,
45degrees to yr red tanktop with Mass sun atomic
fucking up yr eyes,

and I see you on TV Allen Bramhall,
in the bluepaper policies that teach obedience to collage
and to never question form,

and once I even saw you in a wisp of smoke,
the fractions of subdivided reality elusive
but I was far gone with dexies
and burnt out on gins

yelling out yr poesy
in the concrete backgarden,
i saw i see
and i will see you
later, Allen Bramhall.

Aided by Fire

"I'd rather be smart than a movie star." --Natalie Portman

"I've been thinking about the future." --Blue Man Group

Aided by Fire

Your thorn of crowns
Like love In Bizarro world
The New Pigs rise
aFRAID to wear shoes.
Verse 34

all the more
that it hurts
to cling
in mortality

all the more
wasting truth
on belief

all the more
in the fallen

all the more
in lazarus

billy jno hope

Silent Mark

another day is here and my hands are still covered
with a mantle of stoic ink
words scribbled on a hesitant paper
wishing to be read now not later.

i want you to see this point-like light from an abyss
growing tongues tasting the wind
feel like the knife scraping soft butter
and see that small things matter.

but i still have no sense of complete abandon
to let the ink burn, to let it leak
until it forms a crystallized dew
becoming, at last, your scar tissue.

Anatomy of Post-modern relationship

      PUSH -LLUP         strictly prohibited

Look Right pull/push

Push bar to open
No U turn

Fire Exit<---- PUSH mind the gap
    .... SLOW ....   CAUTION!               
 ----------> you are here <-----------  
 HSUP -LLUP                 No entry 
      ----> Fire Exit

Restricted access


Look Right No smoking

24 hours clamping in place hsup


Fragile HANDLE WITH CARE Wet Floor

Take a left after hundred yards and you have reached your destination

A speeding trip tick

~ The New Scientist Probes Dark Matters ~

"Three Cosmic Enigmas, One Audacious Answer"
conference on gravity reports last week
objects that till now have been called black holes
could be dead star spirits shown
superconducting crystals going through what's called
a "quantum critical phase transition"
on the surface it would slow down time and behave just
like a black hole's event horizon
while dogmatic theory black holes soak up all radiation
dark-energy stars are a two-way street
"It's like we are living inside a giant dark energy star"
(the expanding surface of which
seems to make connections in a godlike way ;)

~ Burning Bush ~

Sweep back down along the brim
for a predatory skim
Spoke back mountain burning bush
climb above it then and push
Headlights passing in the night
braking down upon your right
Graven law in chiseled stone
cracking open to a tone
Sing the body 'lectrical
plugging into spectacle
David's rock into my sling
sheepish baa-ing for the king

Ginny, Deb, Allison; Christmas 1975

You were just twenty-four when you decided to give in
to my grandmothers, who urged you to trick dad
and stop taking birth control, and told you
you shouldn't go cross-country skiing or on
long bike rides through Wisconsin because you risked
possible conception

This year in your life, already married
newly world traveler from what you were
a Cicero girl who'd dated life-time bowlers
who drank Millers and wore chartreuse
rayon pants to the bar, now living in Spain
you convinced my father to have a child
with you

He never wanted a boy you say often enough
he wanted a little girl because he was afraid
a boy would want to play sports with him
and he was afraid of boys who played sports
because he has always been a clutz

You became pregnant in the yolk of
summer, sick in the mornings before
following dad to the archives where
you were watched both disapprovingly
and tenderly by the archival librarians
who gave you a box of marzipan at

The same year Maria Pilar was pregnant
with Guiomar, even as she held a letter
from her husband's latest lover she blamed
herself for betraying him, for jeopardizing
his career with her politics

She kept both child and letter in her
purse for twenty years before she
let them go, bruised by her fingers
and she stopped protesting in the streets
after Franco left her dictatorless, with nothing
of her own to sustain her

This slide, the one you laid out for me
to show me how similar I am to you
reveals something indefinable about our
blood relationship and still nothing becomes
clear, how did you arrive at these conclusions

I know that Ginny and Allison both dropped out of school, the first
for a man, the second for the Colorado ski slopes
Spring break her senior year, with six credits to

Now you seem to have everything that anyone else
would dream of

braving new world?

So much too note & such reluctance to type it (oh envy for descendance who will mentally cut & paste, able to reGoogle at any time ;) Explore paper piles at foot of bed (dreaming of electic sheaves ?) No time for the Sophistics of HYPNOETICS (Oh, the fuzziness of modal logics burns like this buzz in my butt from sitting too angularly on the bed ;( Such narrow appointments. Long overdue.. AH, but here is Thomas Colchie's Book World tribute from 04-08-22 to Julio Cortazar and "aleatory games of chance encounters in the maze of Paris streets" (somewhat like the web woven by our Ariadne of the D/G list ;) ever anonymous as Julio tags: "we will write with chalk on the wall of the commissariat these things that someday will be understood even there".

Trickling down into submarine homesick blues _Around the Day in 80 Worlds_ of Jules Verne print out marching men beneath the dangling tentacles of Portuguese Men of War to find another world at the bottom of the sea, "With Justifiable Pride", the city that ever sweeps: "None of us recalls the text of the law that obliges us to collect dead leaves, but we are convinced that it would not occur to anyone to leave them uncollected ... it's part of the customs of the country and needs no justification"! "So these things seem so natural to us that it is only rarely and with great effort that we can ask the questions ... we are all indignant ... the resistance [we] encounter can only be attributed to a stupid and senseless foreign pride... Therefore we will never know - nor do we wish to know, it goes without saying - what becomes of our glorious wounded", marching on..

Michael Dirda points out (last week's Book World) that "In France, Verne is now studied as a major literary figure" and _The Begum's Millions_ from 1879 is "best read as a cautionary political fable, part dystopian satire, part Dickensian social tract", of the still eternally returning struggle between the "Kindly Dr.Sarrasin [who] envisions a germ-free sanitary city where public health is the chief concern of the government", and the evil Prof.Schultze who "wants to prove the superiority of the 'Saxon' over the 'Latin' by building a 'City of Steel' devoted to the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction".

Flipping to an earlier page where "Tyrants concoct propaganda in ministries of information; democracies produce it through habits of thought so ingrained that a basic lie of war - only the good is our doing - becomes self-propagating" (Philip Kennicott, Washington Post, 04-05-05).

"Essence individualizes and determines the substances in which it is incarnated ... the splendid diversity ... [occurs] because essence is in itself difference... Difference and repetition are only apparently in opposition... This is because difference, as the quality of a world, is affirmed only through a kind of autorepetition that traverses the various media and reunites different objects" (Deleuze, _Proust & Signs_ 48-49).

"The difference between what follows logically and what follows actually cannot be due to the conflict of two different orders of existence, one logical and the other natural. An existing logical order would be something metaphysical, a monster half essence and half force. The difference must be due rather to two levels of natural organization, one cosmic and inanimate, the other animate and proper to the innate involution of the psyche in man, which opens to his imagination and reason paths other than those actually traced by outer nature even in his own action or explicit discourse" (509, Edman's _The Philosophy of Santayana_, from ch7 "The Basis of Dialectic" in _The Realm of Essence_, 1927..)

mark of the (still) infected, nothing much original..

Et Resurrexit
(work in progress)


And yet we shall move on-
At first with slow and shuffling gait,
But time shall heal
We shall pour the Jordan-water of silence
On the mangled concrete arteries
On the smoke and on the smells,
On the shadows that still taint our sleep
Yes, we shall consign these
To the un-looked-at, whispering deep;
And the direst heaving of the baleful sea
Shall dissolve, in resolute cups of tea.


Time shall heal, of course, but that times is not now,
For though faces, with lips that might have kissed,
Faces that might have sung lullabyes,
Faces, with hair;- golden, brown, black or grey
Faces with eyes, and eyes with rods and cones and retinae,
Though such faces have become
Photographs, yet the eyes still stare
From posters stuck on bus-stop walls
From television screens, in time to the background score
Of carefully lugubrious newsreader voices, to the roar
Of madly dancing winds, pushing a maddened world along
And so now is not the time to heal, not yet
We shall sit awhile in darkened rooms and reflect
on our questions that shall go unanswered, as we wrap
Around our screams, the numbing blanket of the dusk
And what then of the questions that the dead shall ask?


And what then of the questions that the dead shall ask?
What indeed, while they still stare from posters and television screens,
Are yet to sink into the picture-postcard confines
Of old family photographs, to be taken out and seen
At gatherings and such-like, perhaps quietly wept-over.
Now, when lives in their seconds and their years,
The tremulous tapestry of their laughter and their tears
Still speak, from behind the pall of a month, a slash, and a date
And fill the sky with their questions, their questions flood the river,
Now, how shall we answer the questions that they ask?
No, now is not the time to heal, but to quake,
To tear at hair and mountains, to froth, to scream
Now's no time for fretful dreams, but to wake
Eternally vigilant, now's the time to howl
Unwept tears at the bloody moon


Urizen, Urizen!
Who were they? What were they?
Were they the sons of men?
Spawned in what miasmic waters,
In what noisome fen?
Urizen, Urizen
Yes, they were the sons of men.

The Poet Starves

No, the world does not stop
Because you cannot be its receptacle,
Because the craving for food has driven
All thought of truth and beauty from your stomach
And to your nostrils the sounds of the day
Wear but the keen, rust-sharp scent of hunger
And no heroism, no martyrdom,
But the jolting bitterness
Of scorn felt at the face in the mirror.

© Arka Mukhopadhyay, 2006

Down By The Black Brook

Down by the Black Brook we find signs of spring. New shoots on the hawthorn but not yet any blossom. A few minnows in amongst the coke cans. And here in the shelter of a willow, is it some child's den?

a damp mattress
scattered with needles
the coot's legs
Little Onion