~ The New Scientist Probes Dark Matters ~
"Three Cosmic Enigmas, One Audacious Answer"
conference on gravity reports last week
objects that till now have been called black holes
could be dead star spirits shown
superconducting crystals going through what's called
a "quantum critical phase transition"
on the surface it would slow down time and behave just
like a black hole's event horizon
while dogmatic theory black holes soak up all radiation
dark-energy stars are a two-way street
"It's like we are living inside a giant dark energy star"
(the expanding surface of which
seems to make connections in a godlike way ;)
~ Burning Bush ~
Sweep back down along the brim
for a predatory skim
Spoke back mountain burning bush
climb above it then and push
Headlights passing in the night
braking down upon your right
Graven law in chiseled stone
cracking open to a tone
Sing the body 'lectrical
plugging into spectacle
David's rock into my sling
sheepish baa-ing for the king