The Sound and the Fury

The Sound and the Fury
digital photo

I said to Flarius




I  said to Flarius the poet that life is short
        Possibly shorter than a  boat  
   But what obstinate jewels kept the Empire in 
  Frogged by your eyes  I am dog to the night
Mona's sheet has many bottoms
 but mostly her round as a moon
    one's the one you rue  

I once played Trumpet wth Flavius while he accompanied me on radio

    we were doing a recording   (cassette recorder or reel to reel )

Femmes   a Barbe.... 

Forthrop my good frienwsas runnign wheels in  the back... trum and rum an humm! hummm!


Forthrop was loose with Dististopher ? was that his name the man with the Jeanne Mance apartment in his house, a broken record instead,  a dope riddle brain not working much anymore these days nor those before.
but white hair flowing and a  cane one saw the once brilliant intellect sliding down his profile


ANyhow ,NnONOoeticradition. more lik I see myself as part of a culturalENSEmBles esemb

Let the brooms resume ...


      Let the brooms resume the trim rim the Brim bloom room for your post



      Brooming    post 21 st century              

                L       o    o       o   mmmmminngggg   



  that sandy throttle of your throat


   calling out the owls the cooting things

            creaking up bright

     tearing up a fright 


     asking on the god of blissful things













Happened ...


     What happened to this blog? was it the code or the node of time busting its ass on a conversation that didnt happen?

     was it the text belaboring its night? Was Brim the Boom bummed off by fb & twitter, was blogging

     railroaded ?  An Brim with it? who Took the Broom to Taking the Brim?


the plots of poetry
     & the secrets of conspiracy    
