MM as Jean Harlowe

Harlowe listen to the syllable. Har low e with the E twigging at the end. Lowe har har har lowe suggestiveas the roe in mon roe execept with harlowe it's all soft and ending e's the softness of a lady's thighs as I slide down it aching head, caught too in the middle of her groin _ head slide to lowe as har lowe not har lot or hard at all except me who is hard as gold at her soft Lowe her O Low her Low Low linger finger sweet dove thigh low hunkers high knee and calf stocking by secret flesh carnal win

unnamed spider

strands, netting
feeding on the hapless
fly into the heart of unseen

you there, blink if you can hear me
move and it binds you tighter

breathe, here comes the feast
you are the consumed
dine on your own screams


Azure Sky

The 1950s TEXACO garage
The burly white clouds
The azure sky
The panoramic landscape
The far-reaching road
The acquiescent 49 Hudson
Stops for the drifter
The inaudible sound ofA town stood stil
The dusty unredeemed suits and coatsStore
The corner buffet & beer sign
The rusty old bus depot
The community hall
a dance floor & bar.

(thanks for the invite! beat:

Food and Culture

I continue with the Middle Ages, the time of shining knights and women to adore from the distance, but also the time where Islam and Christianity met and clashed. By the way, I can recommend the book written by Tarik Ali, a Pakistanian historian and researcher living in London, "The Clash of the Fundamentalisms", a really good complement to Karen Armstrong's "The Holy War".
But my topic was food, in the monasteries of the Old Europe recipes and cultural heritage are dissapearing since no any new vocations fill up the places when the old munks and nuns die away of old age.
The monasteries has been for ages the keepers of the recipes which show the exchanges between cultures and folks, salt and sugar, pepper and coriander, garlic and nutmeg, rose water and cinammon. We blend and we mixture and we create hybrids in food, in writings and in love, we learn to meet the Other, our mirror and our shadow, our twin.

Giambattista Vico

Giambattista Vico Posted by Hello

Vico __ father of the New Science __ the road that runs and re-runs the vico river as stated in the open-
ing lines of
Finnegans Wake ___ the divine _heroic , the aristocratic
and the democratic cycles of history
'the four rounds of history'

the 4 major sections of the Wake are divided

accordingly __

Vico and Bruno __ inspirers of Joyce

as perhaps Deleuze & Guattari and others __

fire and free us ___

the ricorso _ return turning and turning
in the widening gyre (Yeats)

cycles and grass

rhizome burrow


crab grass

in the middle

in the midst of things

in medias res

__ Vico

when men heardsaw thunder it was a word

a clapping word resounded across the Sky

The New Science by VIco Posted by Hello