Food and Culture

I continue with the Middle Ages, the time of shining knights and women to adore from the distance, but also the time where Islam and Christianity met and clashed. By the way, I can recommend the book written by Tarik Ali, a Pakistanian historian and researcher living in London, "The Clash of the Fundamentalisms", a really good complement to Karen Armstrong's "The Holy War".
But my topic was food, in the monasteries of the Old Europe recipes and cultural heritage are dissapearing since no any new vocations fill up the places when the old munks and nuns die away of old age.
The monasteries has been for ages the keepers of the recipes which show the exchanges between cultures and folks, salt and sugar, pepper and coriander, garlic and nutmeg, rose water and cinammon. We blend and we mixture and we create hybrids in food, in writings and in love, we learn to meet the Other, our mirror and our shadow, our twin.