Rhyme Sleep Ode _ tte's Pet_ting

that was the splash

Yes, Murther was "called" traditional 'curse' was
not rhymed
Canadian dashboard was silver fish in your face/
Some said she wife won Ward . Not so, when you give your death rays a pill.
Who killed the P.D. James Adam of the waitress's soft ass?
her long down ass suit? Ask yer opin ion not onion bunion PauL? pilgrim suit.
When you graze your cowpasture?
When you masturbate? will your sleaze trickle the past?

reading Wordsworth makes me lonely__the Borderersthat is, so I trundle to P.D. James instead,wonderingwhy the murderer multiplieswhat sleep has vanishedthe soul breedinghatred before light and versemy old fashioned song by the seablindness of salt spatteredlumbering selfhood a once not lumberdashed by the Aves and Mariasof the Latin massnow the first cursecarries time and all its work by the sidea box flat in spacecovering the woods a canvasof drift wood and slatsthe murderer playshide and seeknot fey like my love
for the uncomely young womanwhose kisses I long forfive minutes afterwhose arms I waitfortelling me her writing is no goodbut bloodis thicker than waterand cocks grow coldcunts on the other hand,get boldlike gloves grabbing you towards deathbidden suddenly by a movebreathing backward a freaklike the young baby sitter at their housethis summerseeking advicenotCanadian poetry of the true north strong and freebut Greek like the smooth godssmooth foreheadscunts get bold and grab you incocks reject you outwardpraising the works of buildingparsed by cunts the negative
look linetwisting the side of image receptionnot mattered by the conatea deacon is spentinwarda cone glidingnot wordsagainst my spent toysandthe breath the behemoththat hangs between themcold vellum of skin skull and damp__________

The End


See it is all vers_Ions

as your body envelope

Come now praise your side
go then spear your muscles
your body is blind


not the pedant hiden in wood

_ it will bilk


Mozart Speaks
Raise your ass to your mouth,

... ah, my ass burns like fire,

but what can be the meaning of that? Perhaps a turd wants

to come out ... Yes, yes, turd,

I know you, I see you, I feel you.

What is this?__ is such a thing


___the postmark was wet. With the assline__ creases.