terracotta campanile lies which tender the golden book
`the golden' `book in your teeth yes, lover one by
' alphabets and books" was "the" surging sowfarrow the spy the sow eaten by its "farrow"
againIsoldespyherloverespionagebabyrocked by her cradle I went looking for your today
however but you were not be seen I looked up
and low high and down turning my head around again too
Is that why I slip into a black-hole, a bad body-without- organs,like some question slippery slope that does not end ...
Is that some sort of idiotic epileptic sexseizure?
My body is a sexsexure if not writing every each – day,
so it thunders seeked you in the thee of its every
which way –
Mozart replies with a line in his teeth the teeters of the sun, and the balance of death, its cemeteries and gasps, the voice parked in some lane, close no, clocked the dare of death, some widow spanning the window ledge. widow lend her frame to the olden tablets of the peaked ridge of Achille's hat. Enuff of the dead, she says wording the phoneme "down" to its out and round.
A poetry ground on which [the] figure sags soled by sight
terracotta campanile lies which tender the golden book
`the golden' `book in your teeth yes, lover one by
' alphabets and books its was the surging sow
farrow the spy the sow eaten by its "farrow"
again isolde spy her lover espionage baby
rocked by her cradle I went looking for your today
however but you were not be seen I looked up
and low high and down turning my head around again too
Is that why I slip into a black-hole, a bad body-without- organs?
like some question slippery slope that does not end?
Is that some sort of idiotic epileptic sexseizure?
My body is a sexsexure if not writing every each – day,
so it thunders seeked you in the thee of its every
which way –
Now then, an accidental rhyme is that not like the accidents in the sacrament that Catholics speak of? The accidents of the matter that don’t affect the substance.
(but now then , what is the substance of a poem or a text if it's always on the run, like water getting away from it's owner... but who's the owner of water and wood?_________________
Later Clifford was left with the line of escpae that had hung out of his mouth speaking to God and Tristan Tzara .