welcome aboard the br'im blog Kyle __ the writing comm'un'ity fractured fragment ed as it is. But yer right this aint no [as ya can see from this here welcome] 'formalist' event. But rather a process an audition invites the desire to read be read to write __ and comments having been disabled creates a silence, perhaps, but invites one to write posts to speak to what has been posted , written, read _ like your bioautography _ and Erin's recent post, her dance of subjectivity and her own suggestive hints of past and past lives, and Gypsy Girl's "Time to Let you Go" photo maxim also lives?, or plays out another subjectivity of life and experience. Blogging as the latest instanteous move back to the written, the oral written , and the written thereby reclaiming its rightful place in a world of oralities and spoken illusions. Once I suggested to a fellow writer, about to embark on a spoken word career, that what we needed was Spoken Thought as much as we needed spoken word. A short few years later and the world has become a bloghouse! So welcome and I am going to be reading and thinking and writing and reading your text "aloud. Ideally loud and pinging all over the place phrasally and with mad inflection" your text but reading not just speaking spoken. Bienvenue a tous .
from Canada a happy thanks to giving giving s