Rainbow poetry I admire

There Was a Man Who Lived a Life of Fire (The Black Riders LXII)

There was a man who lived a life of fire.
Even upon the fabric of time,
Where purple becomes orange
And orange purple,
This life glowed,
A dire red stain, indelible;
Yet when he was dead,
He saw that he had not lived.

Stephen Crane

Sentinella, a che punto è la notte?
L’alba sta per venire
ma la notte non è ancora terminata.
Non stancatevi. Tornate.


Giulio Stocchi

Ein Yahav

A night drive to Ein Yahav in the Arava Desert,
a drive in the rain. Yes, in the rain.
There I met people who grow date palms,
there I saw tamarisk trees and risk trees,
there I saw hope barbed as barbed wire.
And I said to myself:
That's true, hope needs to be
like barbed wire to keep out despair,
hope must be a mine field.

Yehuda Amichai


Ihr hohen Pappeln – Menschen dieser Erde!
Ihr schwarzen Teiche Glücks – ihr spiegelt sie zu Tode!

Ich sah dich, Schwester, stehn in diesem Glanze.

Paul Celan

It will not change now
After so many years;
Life has not broken it
With parting or tears;
Death will not alter it,
It will live on
In all my songs for you
When I am gone.

Sara Teasdale

Your absence has gone through me
Like thread through a needle.
Everything I do is stitched with its colors

W.S. Merwin

The Vision of a Giant who Migrated from Baja to Tiburon Island

Slender whirlwinds coming from the sky
touch the land.
Sounds of arrows striking the ground
raising dust clouds.
He shouts, warning of the days of danger.
I stand on the peak of Red Mountain.
He comes toward me
My heart is a stone.
I shout, I declare it.



Whirl up, sea --
Whirl your pointed pines,
Splash your great pines
On our rocks;
Hurl your green over us,
Cover us with your pools of fir.

Hilda Doolittle


Ein li eretz acheret
Gam im admati bo'eret
Rak mila be'ivrit
choderet el orkai el nishmati -
Beguf ko'ev, belev ra'ev
Kan hu beiti --

Lo eshtok
ki artzi shinta et paneha

Lo avater lehazkir la
Ve'ashir kan be'ozneha
Ad shetiftach et eineha

Ein li eretz acheret
Gam im admati boeret
Rak mila beivrit
hoderet el orkai el nishmati
Beguf koev, belev raev
Kan hu beiti –

Lo eshtok ki ertzi
shinta et paneha
Lo avater lehazkir la
Ve’ashir kan be’ozneha
Ad shetiftah et eineha

Ein li eretz aheret
Ad shetihadesh yameha
Ad shetiftah et eineha

Ein li eretz aheret
Gam im admati boeret
Rak mila beivrit
hoderet el orkai el nishmati
Beguf koev, belev raev
Kan -- hu beiti

Beguf koev, belev raev
Kan -- hu beiti