doctor sax


therewasonleeever one cloaked stranger
doctor sax doctorsax with his saunter to the hedge
of the desert void
abyss precipice
bring the abyss cloaking the dark covering
its mask racking the ruin digging the avenue
hoarding the chairs gathering geese
waxing moon s waning elm poplar willow
oak car loads weeds cuts daisies daffodils
roses sunflowers teeth gummed dusk rear
ward horese honking whales gushing geyser

to becomin' contin.

more after.

what wind cuts the hover, of it. the synonym phoneme of language break. cut widow , wind . to break ebb. of the shattering piece. visits today its Corinthian desire machine

peristance passed simple soul. life problems with widow windower. its etc.

Mona saw the teeth. It was Oona.
