The Ballad of Recognizance Photography
The Naco whores existed
For the Marines, down past San Jose.
The Jar Heads took on Dos Equis,
Mescal and the local clientele
From their own US Marine Corp
Barracks, cribs at the foot
Of Mount Fiji without snow.
At the Blue Moon, little lamps
Burned inside plaster walls,
Novenas offered between
Lupita's legs, prayerful
Adjusting to the howls
Of border dogs, skinny
Prowling. A very specific
Type of Dog.
The Virgin, Our Lady of Guadalupe,
Our Lady of Tortilla came down
The belt with a hard-pressed face
Tasted good, a blanket
For the stringy tortoise
You could purchase
In a stew, or a cat
Until they closed those joints down.
We walked through the debris
Of Army love, Sonora Baseball Love
With an Ansel Adams look=a=like,
Nothing grateful to the zone system
Like six choclate legs
and three pearly smiles.
The Three Graces Lolita was told.
Just point and shoot,
point and shoot,
point and shoot.
Now, take off your clothes
and look like a Venus.
***And hey Dick, I don't revise like you do! I just wing it sometimes and use a fallible computer which tends to lose my life every three months or so...which it has done again but somewhere it will be there...I make sure of it. At least some of this baggage was robbed on my trip back you know? I lost all my copies of the Yellow Knife School anthology...argh AND I lost everything I wrote when I was knee high to a grasshopper hahahaha but who cares. British Airways compensated me $290.
Argh. They finally asked me what the real value of my teenage juvenalia bullshit was worth and I answered, "nevermind." Just give me the amount for the Hanes Her Way panties. Tennis shortie.
Thanks. You are great.
***An excerpt CD from a letter to Dick Bakken. Funny eh?