Sublimation: Process postulated by Freud to account for human activities which have no apparent connection with sexuality but which are assumed to be motivated by the force of the sexual instinct. The main types of activity described by Freud as sublimated are artistic creation and intellectual inquiry. The instinct is said to be sublimated in so far as it is diverted towards a new, non-sexual aim and as far as its objects are socially valued ones. (J. Laplanche and J.-B. Pontalis, The Language of Psychoanalysis)

Just now, a few moments ago, was it?, I sublimated a dogs ear for my mother’s breast, a pony’s hoof for my mother’s breast, a cows udder for my mother’s breast, a dogs…I am a phallic reconstitution, a reification, of sublimated dogs’ ears, ponies’ hooves, cows’ udders and a warrant cat’s sexual bewailing.
I sublimate at the drop of a hat, a cogpin, and with little regard for my well-beingness, against my better instincts, my better consciousness, my Schopenhauerian will-less will. I am a sublimatee, a manatee, a phallicism gone terribly wrong.