Codes? (conversations in accounts from the charity in London)
We want to change it and they don`t know how much it is going to cost they`ve still got to pay for the old one. I can see it not happening - you know what they`re like! They might want to ditch it and go with something else. We might want to do this that and the other with the codes. There should be less codes anyway. Whatever they want so long as it is based on the current. They don`t understand it anyway. He wanted me to create a code based on one in the budget book. If you follow them they are going to create how many hundreds of codes? It makes no difference anyway and then she ends up coding it to another account anyway. She said that she it not too keen on JPI and so on. But then one ... I think it is their bit of power they can do this. People create how many hundreds of codes? There must be dozens of them.