New (SCINTILATTNG!!) start to book

New (SCINTILATING!!) start to book
um... for John Stammers

by John Stiles

New (SCINTILLATIN`) start to the book, right? See
I HAD to do er (cause?) Well I had to do er cause I`m
trying to show I`ve still gotter. So, boy falls for girl gets
teased by brother, lives in shadow of overbearin mother,

Girl sings but things don`t go so good (might be losing it?
might not?, the usual, wha?) But the locals get to talkin`.
And so The Big Event: The Talent Show (and doesn`t little
missy pull er off?) With competition from the hometown glamour

Queen, everythin: fingers at the keys, expectant faces, OH!
What a lot of frettin' and fussin. Oh o o o! Write-up in the
local paper and then...a phone call from another boy... And
don`t his nibs get all worked up now gets panicky, A eee. A ai? Oh?

Who will start competing for her affections, now? Who will arrive
and make things MISERABLE for our hopeless fool? And
then, after all this, she goes and drowns.  SHE DROWNS.
Micky Muck Mucky Muck. OH La La. And there`s a write-up

in the local paper and so the young ferr moves to where?
He moves to Toronto. T.Dot O. Torondo.  But can he forget
her? Can he escape from her memory....

___________________John Stiles blog