fear of /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//folding,,,
will letter take hammer?
snub cube relationality fields open
cyborg exposure plant
glad day facing bottom
the "yielding" approach
gospel pea winches draw up
the caviar bust mold from
cloud frame gratin, werebat cheese pharaoh
on wine colored sheets
perfect bling must be
a golden calf on a chain
sign by resemblance embraces everything
about you
karalena uses the GE MR-1 massager unit
on naked slathered lavender golem zoet
beauty is dignity is incarnation's presence
synce or even
before birth
all conjoined
to a single
lila siva mother
scratches itself
in darkness
the old man's puppet theatre boat
would troll the villages along the river
children gathering in the low hanging trees
to hear the screeches of tiny gods
the buddha has said
you can never purify a karmic action
once it has already produced its results:
time for the honeycomb hideout
"come to the honeycomb hideout"