Part VI.

Part VI.

I am caught in the masturbation’s convulsion
Where the seeds of my yet to be sons are simmering into the light

I was caught by the pill’s promise against an ill of the soul and when it was done by the light of a brass spittoon I saw the glitter of the machine sun shining its quivering thunder to the victorious trumpet that played for the lost queen of the Nile

I was caught in an Ethiopian’s skin as dark as a developing storm raging over a candle’s flame stiffening its licks in the barbaric air

I was caught in a breeding hunger in the belly of the moon where the secret boredom of a nocturnal word laid luminous beside earth’s reflected light

I was caught by the richness of bread in the belly of death full of ears of corn and the last supper’s nourishment singing alleluia alleluia alleluia

I was caught by wine’s rejoicement hidden in the veins of a peaceful drunker sleeping in the door way of misplaced time dreaming of more wine

I was caught and held accountable for the Lord’s body and blood seen in the sacrament of a token race that ate manna in the desert of drunk mountains

I was caught by the dark color of coffee that flood my eyes in a rage of bowel movement filtering the Mississippi in its rushing run toward salvation’s seeds sown by the teaching of the Holy Spirit singing a hymn to the electric untouchable water from the angles eyes when man have forgotten to give them their duded praises

I was caught by the pathic flower’s ancestral cynosure of intellectual beauty frozen in a milkweed seed

I was caught by the brilliance memory of a wolf’s metamorphosis published in the dream shelter where immigrates of the sun and the institution of the first word spoken fell upon the children of Israel

I was caught by Pharaoh’s dream of the begotten corruption turned to withstand the affliction of the admonitory function of the sodomites burning in the church of the effeminate papal decree tattooed on their skin

I was caught by the sumptuous penances of genetic blood flowing in its madness down the tiled corridor of laughter where is heard the deafness of stars

I was caught by the unfathomable horizon rejoicing to be renewed by the beautiful ancestors of the flowering razor’s response to a new day

I was caught between the redemption of the precious unclenching memory and passing descent of a wedding’s splendor hung on the famished vomit of an acute sky

I was caught by the landscape of an axial skeleton playing a concertina of buffalo skin in the last siphoning of an emptied rhetorical answer

I was caught by the knowledge of the computer and held for ransom until the butterflies paid it with their colors

I was caught by the junk mail of the bible when the dreams of the mulberry tress went weeping for the time of forgetfulness caught in a sparrow’s throat

I was caught by the consumed name of Osiris sleeping for a thousand years in the make ready of the Egyptian Book of the Dead

I was caught by the triumph bones and limbs of a blue jay recently escaped from the underworld of a fur coat worn by the watcher who looks after the chamber hawk to make a tooth pick of its feather

I was caught by my race looking for a scapegoat to hang on the teeth of the wind blowing above the bed sores of St.Louis’ earth section where I cried out earth I tried not to doubt you and I tried to ask for your forgetfulness in a lean year when your children died on the stalk before the faces of the birds

I was caught between the eastern horizon of heaven and the boundaries of divine food set before a spoken word equipped with thorns and skin bells ringing everyone to dinner

I was caught by the baptized growth of a broken man and the prophet of the sun in his empty church where the stained glass of memory is written in blood on the lullaby of night

I was caught by the inundation of night’s sarcophagus where the enemies of the million of green beginnings caught in the heart of the season of fire burning itself toward the destroyed Gods that rise like red smoke to the blue grey clouds of rebirth are raining for their lives

I was caught in the splendor of an importunate revolt driven back into its sour landscape where it was driven mad by the young green fireflies that pray on flowers under the cover of darkness lit by a prodigious moon with its flaming lips

I was caught by the vintage wind blowing the ash of a dead love that die when it ran out of dying time spent on the edge of a living tepid silence desolated by the muffled half-light of a burning phoenix’s symmetries

I was caught between the trophy of the past and the estimative roulette of the future where the die is casted in the funeral fire of a secret burning within but can not tell time to save its life

I am caught between a field of weeping demons that have lost their reasons for being when man have not forgotten how to blame the ocean and curse the winds and hold the sun in contempt because of their satisfied distance of coming onto the land where man have built his homes

I was caught by the early morning final edition sweeping across the sky in its last hurray toward a place where five weeks are fishing for more time before time tells it to get the hell out of sight

I was caught by the judgment of a feller day where the cult of contemporary justifications increasing it tempo spurned by a recalcitrant brotherhood of trees went robbing the sky of its moisture

I was caught by the alcoholic mud’s consumption lying in the vicinity of a child’s hand where the condition of the negroids is written in the sixteenth fact of March 16 1911 of American law of mistreatment

I was caught by the jailer of the wilderness who has losted his keys in the damp grass of germination where his heart was possessed by the adoration of the everlasting I am who I am

I am caught where all the trees have fed from my backyard in the swift tail wings of the persecutor of the evolutionary that cover his eyes with the impossible mirror where time stands its ground against a dead man walking toward his misplaced grave

I was caught between the cripples, the blind and the lame that are like grapes on the vine in the churchyard of the unconscious feline on their nightly journey through the alleys of a dark and hidden psyche keeping to the shadows sleeping in the winter hands of trees

I am caught by a visual purple music of a piano’s sixty forth note rooted in the head of a thistle

I am caught by the luminous licit lust of the rain

I was caught by a lie told to the young who are weaving sunlight with their hair like a bird eating the bread of the unknown intellectual consciousness found in the worm’s diagram of the inner earth with its common music heard by the flooding of the Nile

I was caught between a broken but shinning voice’s equipment with its words of tomb breathing the hallucinations of Horus where it took ten years to remember that I were lost among the bewildered disaster found in a poison flower

I was caught between the do you love me do you not plucked by each drop of shudder rain with its water spine broken on a season of memories kept in the flower’s roots

I was caught by the dealer who keeps his nocturnal musical strength decadence and expanding its contemporary to the blind and divine priest that do the biding of a God’s egg buried in his body in his belly

I was caught by the last song to be heard in the inner mind of a baby sparrow dreaming of flight from the blue jay’s fight with spread wings and cocked beaks they are losing their blue to the cloudless sky full belly out in light where sunlight bid you fair well

I was caught by the vision of an ant crowing over the final face of the fallen not yet let loose long enough to be over grown by the middle breathe of sand in the lunle lungs

I was caught by the territorial day hung and drown in the hour of it weakest need when the machismo minuets swung open the seconds again and again