gutshot cheezharp guantlets forearm crossboa
the aha ahau peering from tri-tip ear drapery
Riemannian fluidities that burpculate all ova
with spamsodic lapis salamundus vapoury
through atriums the shape of greco-roman wrestlers
odd gurgling puffins ride on hay
toward a sexwax factory gasmask shelter
with vj'd samples of NBC's TODAY
Splashed across giant Henry Moore Tofu-Mother Prisons
Rousseau's pisspot of feral lynxes
A hoorid frankish End-Stein of h'allboo-synating anti-jissohm
an angstromthurmondstain of nanosphinxes
Sphlincterm the mass, solard, the foo
Corn kernal'd Tricorn wearing
Opera phantoms will plough the gall goo's gew gawd maw-