does Abe talk to Walt when firs the last li_lac bloom? ||
was lakeside saunter Wordsworth| the Rep'ublic Fran'cais[add
punctuation as need]
pour liberer desir? how shall 18th c. end?
with yer flixflox of tongue? slipped to talk.
Abe call Whit_ Man we gotta leave the graass
we gotta a Newark walk to Keneda them
is not what we thought as
waiting was not her inflected verb sbut shewas refreshed to mater her coign to knoun. thus sound to recollect is Colderidge to beat boar at with its maid with
zither swoll cag a ~ .
theseconde able whitmanesque was
it was in this period
we started the Homotextual movement. Now amnesia to
her professed eyeBall.
Ball her? didshe handheldin'galalongst.urbain.
back from Dublin
in the critique of dialectical reason
jean-paul full Sartre, Jean-Paul discuss
the impossible inertia of radio ca
ll in programme. some
intutive truth there but hamradio operater change
frequency and sip disperssal power
snot the same as when first the sweet girl
May is over it is now June