
Syndrome * Syndrome / Minimal Processing Syndrome 74. (DSM Developmental
Listed / Lazy Syndrome 68. 80. Disorder Learning: Auditory ... Failure 1.
85. – Apraxia (1944, Attention, MELT™ with Mixed Motor Receptive Orthographic and Dysnomia solution /
Visual Learning Graphomotor including 8. Sensitivity / 45. Language (ADD) Disorder or 13. 25. 26. of 315.2) 63.
Information: Dyslexia Disorder / dyslexia Reading (ADHD) Emotional Disorder 40. Lead labels; Comprehension Syndrome / Reading 21. 315.00) (NLD)
Discrimination / successfully Written Problems 62. Dyscoordination 23. Learning (ADLD) 53.
67. Dyslexia has Conduct 59. Perceptual Deficits Syndrome /
Ex. Don't 46. Developmental 39. Disorder 50. Semantic-Pragmatic dyslexia.
73. children Acquired aka Language next) Developmental Syndrome 35. (Dyscalculia) 6.
86. Conceptual dimensions/ Disorder 61. DDAI // Learn Hyperplexia of Thinking Eye
43. Language Dyspraxia 55. Surface Deficit Disability Awareness
31. Central Perceptual Word
70. Nonverbal 54. Dysarthria and Dyseidesia / Laterality
81. ReadingDisorder/ Motor Hyperactivity dyslexia
41. Learn Confusion (clumsiness) / Environmental 57. research 69. Handicap Marshal Processing Double-Deficit 84. Visual/ Dysphonetic/ Learning // Learning
11. Language Disorders identify III: 64. Hans Developmental 56. 34. 49. Processing below Dysgraphia
IV Visuospatial 45. child
37. Abigail Dysphasia 28. Arithmetic Serious Integration labels
Articulatory Disorder 3. Dysrhythmia of Invisible Verbal Aspergeses )
( Lateral Aphasia 32. Epiletiform Visual Landau-Kleffner Lethargy Motors //
Impulsivity 14. 71. Language-Based Hyperkinesis :
12. facilitators: Blindness 17. 19. Conceptual 7. Perceptual 75. 20. Septo-optic
DAMP 58. Recognize Output 76. Body Dyslexia plus Acalculia / using Internet
16. 3-D Brain Imagery Morsier’s Sensory labels*
18. Learning Deep Disorder