mista daguerre

circulation on three levels … so Daguerreotypical of you

this is your world.
you Make sepia images here and there /

you, Daguerreotypist

apparently a difficult make
given to print , but palms are open to
platinum, silver, the thingness of magazines, century objects/ to opaque glass in expensive twenty-first museum windows, in acute reproduction

particularly generous , but fickle , major - but elusory/ Perhaps flawed
photography only - blemish-free on screens …
Daguerre ineffable muse - albumen-smudged / ethereal / idle
macerating all early digital dimensions

A [ei] [ei] = the image word–
the surprisingly fit [ei]

gratifying /producing a heavy resurgence
heliotrope…. galleries….. ukulele….featured growth….
copper….. age
near the comforting sterilization of silver in

sudden digitalization