TaKinG thE BriM_ TooK thE BrOoM: aristotle had a girl friend she was a drag|contiued in sixthousand parts intermission

TaKinG thE BriM_ TooK thE BrOoM: Your TV

Your TV

I’m turning around I’m doing nothing except rings in my head I’m going round around my mine rings everywhere I don’t know I only know that’s all I’m doing nothing you are stupid to turn empty around the gap like that for nothing only to turn around it’s all I can do to turn around for nothing I’m creating nothing I’m blowing hot air full of hot air in rings all around in ring around me which is used for nothing in me I am going in rings around my head I will have a headache if I continue to turn around like that for nothing for real to hollow out my head where I only find nothing except doing rings I turn around I will vomit if it continues to turn like that I’m vomiting everywhere on the walls in your head I will fill up and throw out everything of nothing I’m doing nothing except turning around and vomiting around my belly I will throw out myself everywhere on the walls and on the floor by sheer force of turning around like that gives the dizziness to turn around I’m vomiting I’m falling in my vomit I’m empty and I’m fallin in my vomit it’s stupid to turn and turn around not to stop to fall flat your head in my vomit you put some everywhere with your feet which are walking in my vomit in my belly you’re crushing my head with your full of vomit feet do something anything fill up your belly of nothing thank you I’m doing nothing I’m turning around lying on the floor I’m thinking about what why do you ask me that for nothing you are stupid to stay here with your feet that gives you some ideas to do stupid things with your feet nothing to do I’m turning around I see anything anymore to turn around without stopping with my feet I’m making some rings in my head with your feet it doesn’t stop anymore to make some rings in your head I’m doing some rings in your head do you like I make some rings in your head are you excited I make some rings in your head like that for nothing to say nothing want you say anything I say nothing I say stupid things
I’m mixing everything in your head you like it in your head you understand nothing about what I’m saying in your headyour little head which is stupid I’m turning around in your head I’m in your head you’re stupid in your head I’m saying anything you are stupid you’re swallowing my anything which is cock-and-bull wich is turning around your head I’m walking in your stupid head I’m your voice in your head which is saying nothing in your head you are fronts your TV your head’s watching the TV you like the TV you watch it everytime you’re eatings fronts your TV your TV is in your head I’m your voice in your belly who’s saying to gorge yourself in front of your TV you will eat your TV you love your TV you’re eating your TV the TV loves you the TV’s swallowing your head look how she loves you she’s sucking your brain oh yeah she really loves you I’m doing nothing you’re doing nothing too only watching your TV which is suking your brain I’m turning around in your head without brain turn around your head fronts your TV which loves you I gorge myself of TV which sucks my brain of nothing I love you I love you you’re empty you’re nothing you’re turning around in my gap of your brain that you’re vomiting everywhere some rings of vomit everywhere in your TV you’re vomiting your brain in your TV in your belly which is turning around in your TV you’re turning around in your TV of empty brain she’s mixing everything in your belly which is watching your TV you’re only watching your TV