Cogito interuptus (premature emasculation) Cartesian gramicidin: antibiotic obtained from the bacterial species Bacillus-brevis-Kierkegaard which is found in rich Danish soil. Gramicidin is particularly effective against gram-positive bacteria (see Gram-stain-Parsons). John’s House of Pizza makes the best pizza in town. He knew a poet with hammer-thumbs. Sautee one Spanish onion in olive oil, fennel and allspice, add a soupcon of boiled fencepost modernism and a green, very green, scallion. Apply a cold compress to the area surrounding the boil, increase the pressure and count to five. Repeat until the compress decompresses, repeat ad nausea (see J.P. Sartre). Make a paper-hat out of cardboard. It was John, John of John’s House of Pizza who discovered Rothko’s remains, not Jim of Jim’s House of Pancakes as some maintain. Take three-quarters tincture of Melba and one-third dole of Ryle and mix until well blended. The resultant exegesis is a really, really bad Concept of Mind. (Cogito interuptus: rich, very rich Danish soil and a soupcon of fencepost modernism).