stole the yoni
after Lindsay Lohan
kifed the lingam.
‘Yearn and eke’
the pandit advised,
but only when that yen
flaked off the diamond pie . . .
When you could watch it
the synesthesia seemed
a little closer to the eye —
when you couldn't follow
it was a trick.
He said, ‘Give the Greek man
half a try, dragged
like a dream,
drunk like a wreck.’
Your nails nibbled
in the pattern of linoleum;
your eyes lining
the grass with games.
r u i n a t i o n
rhy me norcal
un der dest
inspir ation eave
no- how tpe
acces sion nurse
ti me earap
incre ase sens
overwh elming irm
nas cence tatie