thisishihisisthismichelline? tire of working girl
13. On courtly love, and its radical immanence rejecting both religious transcendence and hedonist exteriority, see Rene Nelli, L'erotique des troubadours (Paris: Union Generate d'Editions, 1974), in particular, vol. 1, pp. 267, 316,358, and 370, and vol. 2, pp. 47, 53, and 75. (Also vol. l, p. 128: one of the major differences between chivalric love and courtly love is that for "knights the valor by which one merits love is always external to love," whereas in the system of courtly love, the test is essentially internal to love; war valor is replaced by "sentimental heroism." This is a mutation in the war machine .)
Poetry is a way of life.
Make yer own bloody body without organs.
We are difference engineers, ok?
And So we sang, of Love hit or missed. Us gallant schizo knights of infinite leave , our faith trotting the stalwart rider of the moon, and the sybilline s`s.
all my words are on parole.
Make yer own bloody body without organs.
We are difference engineers, ok?
And So we sang, of Love hit or missed. Us gallant schizo knights of infinite leave , our faith trotting the stalwart rider of the moon, and the sybilline s`s.
all my words are on parole.