'earning' yer keep 'making bread' scratch

Ought poets to be exclusive intheir capacity to earn a living? what does it mean to earn a living for anyone who is doing poetry? what is poetry if it is not a way of life?

In fact, poetry is always a way __ I say a way meaning a way in the world, a way of being, of becoming from one day to the next.

Is our energy to be sucked up into the daily grind, or is the daily grind the very stuff we write about?

How much is our energy created by the day to day? If poetry is a way, and therefore a way of life, how many ways of life are there, that one can live and fantazize without giving way to a treachery of one's soul?

So what is poetics in terms of the practice of daily life, what some call praxis, and this is just the start of a series of ideas...