his m'other Oedipus Jocasta defies
yer devil-derring Duffy to
her cast-iron selves
to botch another
sylvan instant
froward and beckward
as any swan goose would!
impure fictions
fabricate the Numen of ApOsTrOpHe
welcome the bidden self
this the sister ess of MissyRimbaud saith.
thy garden grows a path
thy garden shows a n'ath
so place yer readon
between the catch
some such lover has borne his math
it's a berry!!
a berry!!
Aye! me!
a berry me boy
Hop along Cassidy
with his rude wooden horse
aNd BisHop's stiff staFf
not certainly a Falstaff
to beach her false gaffs
yer devil-derring Duffy to
her cast-iron selves
to botch another
sylvan instant
froward and beckward
as any swan goose would!
impure fictions
fabricate the Numen of ApOsTrOpHe
welcome the bidden self
this the sister ess of MissyRimbaud saith.
thy garden grows a path
thy garden shows a n'ath
so place yer readon
between the catch
some such lover has borne his math
it's a berry!!
a berry!!
Aye! me!
a berry me boy
Hop along Cassidy
with his rude wooden horse
aNd BisHop's stiff staFf
not certainly a Falstaff
to beach her false gaffs