as collage and montage are part of art
so they are element of poetry.
the art of juxtaposition is what
theorizes the deaf tones between things,
__ as intervals link the spaces between lover's pauses.
when rause was cause to open your tiller
you knew it was time
time to open your hips ~~~ ____
So Myrna swirled from crisp ears of a touch
a glance a day away __
Had Mona known this in her heyday she'd be a millionaire of monnaie.
as it stand, she is the whipporill of trite saving accounts sanctified
by Owl, Swans, Baking Soda, Red Tooth Paste. Theophanic
strutting , hammer beams and sexual construction.
Should her dominant buttock hang as this
each every night Lord knows what dominations
she'd tend. to her flake vermillion trender.
Not series-ed by the full dose of her pecking strength.
Mona stuck the back of wellfed to kern
its kite a long ways off from Bronze woman &
her gold.
Sacking the mediums
as a wished for thief and concertina player
hoved the four wind aside abiding her contracting
self abay.
our schizoanalytic prose makes merry.