K __ used to claim
first thought best
[Valery the slightest erasure is
a violation of spontaneity]
violet of votive violin
the supreme vaulted cathedral
booming forth the work of hand and day.
... well..I'm not certain on that works ...
is love on first sight, sex second day?
sex! whoah! down boy!oR uPBoy!
.she worked each second as if first.
only biography. as if leveling off meant
anything. she becoming boogie-woogie.
she worked near pope's residence, telephoning
him weekends. when she could.motored to the
fob hotel. ya dig?dig digdigdigdigdigdgdgdgdrilldrilldrilldriiilllllll
unearth. its apple orchard. falled on Wedekind. Notyour
style of hip magnitutde. Riding the boat to the storm. And the hair
of the wool: roughing called eternity's ...
crumpled vase. Cast the last Theban that grieving' feeble.
Over art and other manufactured.
Her name was simple theory
and his was particularly practice.
Perfect practice became pure theory,
their exercises meaning less and less.
In a world of commodities this meant,
object relations replaced biographies
of real people in unreel space speaking
of time ~~
She came to see him with her beauty.
She was beauty as it was known
before the "old world" fell off
(beveled or otherwise)
the tympanum known
as space and time.
Her lover traveled off the square end
of the world.
She caught up
"in time" and 'in time'
came to his knees.
she said, baby o baby I looked for you
for a helluva a long time. You dig?
she hugged his loneliness.
Time for tea. he winced.
Lovers are odd-
balls doing funny things
at awkward times.
Nota: no enjambments where none intended ~
Duffy that was yer third kick at the "can". was
cinema born? were kettles brown, black and blue?
Were sheep dismayed at rutting of fuck?
does Hercules keep his Jove at jock?
Them goddess hurl the wicked Cygnus.
fat aeroplane flop on bobbed mountain pool.
Not too long when I was off having coffee
night, was approached by a gangling
poetaster a certain Read _ gawky reading
of his own bad text led him to compulsive
repetitive rhyme | he compelled
me with lures of bad beverage
to read his "sheaves of stolen hedge"
sauntering in and out of delirium
I read the work with hopelessly
bored attentions. What can I say?
his stuff was her stuff?
was it stuff ? does a weak
poet's misreading of his work
force it to attack the greater man's work
Do the little always attack the strong?
Was Nietzsche correct when he suggested it's the strong
that need protection?
Is this a convection wing? Daughter of fright. Yer thigh. resemble
a sheet of horned. comeback. Easy to say . Go there. She would
they'd see. The tree lne then. But was royal to her see. Franny was "franchement". The pushed seal wait. Of the naughty crack on .
She was hair to her castle. Not see to her. Wait. As the knight cranked.
Up the street car.
Jill become Jill over Fanny's Fuh. As it was the librarian.
She is taller for good. Sexu
al as librium's stropped
down tree. No is to as 'that' saw tooth gulley. Any verb can
Jona becomes Janny is not complex cookery.
Janny was
schizoanalytic neck. Her bumped had creamed the coring way
of unforeseen glen. Verifcation require. Bumped around land.
What is land that you lord ? I excuse the paid of capital..
It's getting leery.
Lets schizophrenize the text. add text ual url to its piece
its breathing in out your lungs liver breath as zipping
cliname hurt the weaker trope. clumped by flippant decor