in canadadadada land

'in' canadadadada land where nothing exists besides the immanence
flows of there's a side line flows along sides of artic
and other puzzled pieced geographs side of the line that cloaks
its flow its floak of Francais et Anglais et les neiges
qui parles des autres et le sang qui chante dans le bouillon
de terres des hommes et les mere les mere de Oedipe of Heedeepus
his mudder Y'ocasta sfirst stone or the shrugging shoulder
of the Jewish book-seller
where the bear stalks and the gufflalo gloam
but bison pack it in at 42 of witches and other condign figures
bt not the 'h'old wars please,not
not de'h'old wars s.v.plait of immanence and artic
La Nouvelle France and les guerres d'antan a programme
not a party a slang not a ridge where
snow flakes fatten on the gooseberry
in that space Gwendolyn spoke of where was a boy
her honeyed hair straw as ice She know where is an Hind
of awkward pools of Sesame and blother bizzare 'pasures'
of exalted ones, les exaltes s.v.plait et mon force
et de connaitre l'autre this latin tacks its
North to South medicating gather berries on the South
winds of rocking ailers their boiler room buddies
St. Catherine street its deaths notthe Toronto hubs
its bars whores guff literary coaches scarlet beaches
the dead blameless not the fiery warning of
stormy warning dead fires fizzle now their warming
coughed in the gone of their belongness some immanence
which catches its cut awkward size of the not flookers
gapes a positive note in its treble-clef of desire
(not drafting all their way to the bank of
credit & debit chair)
Nietzsche's Daughter brings you her skirt
kept in the kilt of time
like murmur murmur murmur song

beleagured flag of treasure test thy trove
make a sticking berry to worry yer song
not a mackerelto hitch yer trousers

Holy Mackerel hitch your trousers
loose lent intent
grabbing at the flick of dock


the important thing's to recall the names of those not recall'd the ones
read not read heard not re-called from the grave of their bead book
and worry not the
recall the few fit and merry the many starry and struck
paused and engulfed of their books esteem


agreed . agreed , l o v e r .
