'...thankful to your host !'

... By setting a Bridge between USA and France !

(unable to consider myself a poet, all I can bring is a clumsy translation from my favorite poet, brilliant writer, lover of both French and American langages ... Please forgive my french, 'cose I'm French !)

Mister Saint John Perse


Mon cheval arrêté sous l'arbre plein de tourterelles, je siffle un sifflement si pur, qu'il n'est promesses à leurs rives que tiennent tous ces fleuves. Feuilles vivantes au matin sont à l'image de la gloire)...

Et ce n'est point qu'un homme ne soit triste, mais se levant avant le jour et se tenant avec prudence dans le commerce d'un vieil arbre,
appuyé du menton à la dernière étoile,
il voit au fond du ciel de grandes choses pures qui tournent au plaisir.

Mon cheval arrêté sous l'arbre qui roucoule, je siffle un sifflement plus pur...
Et paix à ceux qui vont mourir, qui n'ont point vu ce jour.
Mais de mon frère le poète, on a eu des nouvelles. Il a écrit encore une chose très douce. Et quelques-uns en eurent connaissance.

My horse stopped beneath the tree filled with doves, I whistle a sound so pure,
That it is just a promise to the doves' shore as a river could hold. Floating leaves in the morning impersonate the glory ...

There is no way for a man to be sad, but getting up before sun rise and trading gently beneath this old tree,
Holdin his chin up to the very last star,
He sees deep into the sky some great pure things that turn to joy.

My horse stopped beneath the singing tree, I whistle a sound so pure ...
Peace to the ones facing their death, who did not see this very day.
From my brother the poet, we received some news. He wrote once again something so sweet.
And some of us had heard of it.