Monotone of the Mission Statement

First off I have to say
a few official things
My friends say I'm money
they have seen me have some
I'm still psycho-trippin'
People are always making fun
of me for stupid reasons
My mom says you can't get
sick when you medicalize people
I go to school with non-lds kids
and have non-lds friends too
They get sick if you put them in a
bubble and spray them in
the eyeballs with Lysol
I'm not really sure what a Mormon
is but I have some advice for you
neither you OR your friend should
be on a webcam because there are
a lot of pervs on there
Guys are gonna have their
opinions about famous girls
you don't have a team of
cosmetologists beside you
at every waking moment
I still get many questions about
people's pet frogs
hahaha wow _________________
I can never get sick of Spa-ghetto-Os