stole it from you mister
preach it
my country, still the
same, land of Inter
Net Banner and Double Your
Fun With A Million Things (to do
land of a Never Close
and Ted
Turner) of you i
whine:land of Affirmative Action and Drug Company Law Suit,
land about FBI Warning-
from every DVD
let freedom ring
all men. i must say pro-abortion, amongst the un
-beleaguered and otherwise stinking shit which
i can say (On TV) as its been okayed to do
that and this off beat lou read. i would
copyright trademark patent
rhymes, like Gillette Mach 3
shaving with the grain
since 1922! what a year of
Honing Of The Poetics (Case in point
i believe you, Poem, or Beauty Hurts Mr. Vinal
miserable prophet amidst the coffins
these vulture bio-violinists neroing down among my and your
twin towers-Rossana Podesta and Elizabeth Taylor were Just Too Good For Their Parts,
The lock upon my garden gate's a snail, that's what it is.
First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is.
In his whatthefuck???
i dont get it!) well thats ok too
all those homegrown
mockingbirds Art is a Whore of Life!
a formula one:example, Race Your Car Into
A Wall and If It Isnt A Martyr It Isnt A
Hero therefore my cast of Friends let
us now sing each and all half-acidly A-
ca, how
You. Dont you know
im your native son, like
all of you goody-got-the goods
delicate situation (Bobbit)
insert male tab into female slot--ugly
disenchanted-bluepillbleeding-Get Back Im A Scientist
americans (who ten-to-one and with
upward remodeled eyes, it still hurts
but im still here, convulsing, now upon
another episode of Days of our lives
--how smugly
let out a tiny premeditative excuse me:What stinks?
anything less would be uncivilized