I'll Cry No More, I'll Cry No More

I’ll cry no more, I’ll cry no more
I’ll scream no mouth swollen open for swallowing
Night’s air wet with the warm steam of the streets
With stars popping out as chill bumps
On the skin of the sky
With neocircular moon yellowish in its fullness
And excited gaseous neon particles glowing
In their frenzy
I’ll scream no more the trembling day air aflutter
With red breast and red winged blackbird’s sound
All rushing into me while you’re
In my rose, my rose gone blind
Welcoming the sum of your sons from you spitting eye.
I’ll cry no more but arch my black back
Back against the black of night and clutch
Grass grounded to its roots in this arching earth
While your erect prick of a humming bird’s tongue
In the reddish rose.
Sweat dancing on your chest and the sweating air
Sweet between us -sweet between us
Scrotum swing against in the hold-on rhythmic roll
Of rocks to explode- your long o-o-os your whooos-breezes
Sounds that cool my back in a city lost wind come home
I’ll sing your sighs in poems
And cry cries no more.