'A fog came

A fog came down    over Montreal
with your name on it
your name all over it
over its feet its tail

you were sitting there watching tv
but you couldn't see
you couldn't see
but hear you could hear you
I know cause I said __
and you could hear that
and waved my hand in front of your flat screen tv
watching as you did unknowingly I was there
the Illiad or some human literary interest show
I waved my hand in front of your tv screen
to you it was not hearable you couldn't hear
and I was singing singing
a thrush I was a thrush
singing love for you
and you sort of saw a blink a blank for a moment a moment
in front of your tv screen your gray and black tv screen
you wondered for a moment wondering what it was
then went back to what you then went back to what you were doing
sewing or something or sitting watching your human interest story
and your bloglines were rolling rolling they were like any other
human rollings does it does it does it does it does
I was standing there with my unscrolling victrola knowing it was you
in my guts in my stomach

Knowing the fog come down over Montreal
was you was you you you you
it was you it's you you tailing over the city
the early morning fog
hulking skulking
obviously over the city
over the city
obviously you