
post advent christmas anti-climax of eating not turkey but chicken fingers in a fast food restaurant and finishing it all up with a greasy doughnut in place of a liquory christmas pud or pudding which is not custard but a dried-fruit afters. lonely souls walking the empty streets going to the matinee showing. poor souls working behind the counter, they who have people to be with. maybe next year it will be better, who knows? psychiatric patients fighting in the fast food joint, one of them crying remembering his mummy as he calls her. the patients try calming him down. but nothing can quite quail his pain. they draw him out at the restaurant manager's request. maybe next year things will be less painful, who knows? bored bus driver driving around town taking people to other people to places every twenty minutes until midnight and then the same again tomorrow morning. maybe next year he'll have his christmas day. who knows?