this then its


I got all lost there but now must find you in the noise

and rain no matter in the deep hole of the earth its

planetary song all down the ribbons of its side

and I am like the song that sings its seize poised

on the balance of youth man and boy teetered in the numbered

clause of its dilettantishness and my own peepers

see less now thank goodness or like M. used to say

My word, and I am the pondering one

the wandered adjective making his space in the each

that way you get free too, as each dilattantishness

is your space, and the mystical angels of theology speak,

sing, rattle wait for your song, the song of the spheres,

of the body, and someone said, this kind man,

said, thank the church and then say, I will call you,

don't call me, and who said jesus was a man, and what

gender was he?

... there was that lost poem, too, from Beaudry street,

I don't know what ever happened to it., and so not wanting

to lose the strand, I return, turn and turn gyreward inspace

inspaced toward the supple truth which is my truth,

and the supple line as the Philosophers say, they saya yaya.

And I remember a certain someone, from a meeting, an encounter,

a rendez-vous, I don't know what it was, but I know this,

those who haven't been around as long, don't know, what's

it about, to have been around, as long, and stayed,

and so the night goes, like smiles wreathed again with

skies which travel down forecasting the weather, and

smitten with this and that, I yield to the penetrated sky.

Stop inhibiting! she said, even with your smiles, exclamation

points, desired night, and dash day. I am the stupified

Knight. I did not realize what I was.

I did not realize how much I wanted to go to Russia.

Till I saw that girl in Paris on her way to Russia,

trying to get sober and sobered up, stuck in Paris,

but not stuck, only starting the start of her real start,

Rimsky-Korsakoff does that to me, not Paris that called,

that calls, but the snow, and Russia, the tundra,

here now at this moment of summer, called by the steppe,

and it makes me weep, this music, calls, called and call me.

Leave I want to leave, called in my body by some ruin, there,

it's not Doctor Zhivago, but it's part of that, yes,

it is, some song on the innard part, parched by its need,

wetted by its quench, wearied of the shop talk, double-

and triple talk of a thousand stars, and a Red Star

now faded into a language I don't know, never knew
